
Untamed: Forbidden Mates

What happens when you are a werewolf and you are mated to another from a race known to be your natural-born enemy, a vampire? This was what happened between Auriana, a Werewolf Princess and Lyrus, the Vampire King. They never thought that fate would play such a game on them after centuries of their races being rivals, yet here they were, mated and none could reject the other despite knowing the odds against them. Despite knowing that the likeliness of their bond being accepted by either side was less than slim, they indulged themselves in this forbidden love. Will their bond be strong enough to rival the opinions of their people and win? Or will their duties and responsibilities as leaders keep them apart? ***** Note, This novel Will be divided into two volumes, the first volume will tell the tales of Auriana Woods and Lyrus Donovan while the Second volume will tell tales of Astrid and Roman Blackburn. I do hope you all like it.

Precious_1 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

What if you lose...then what?

"Uncle Seb," Auriana called when the voice became clear, and her mind was clear enough to distinguish his scent along with something else…cookies. She stopped hugging her legs and leaned against the headrest of the bed. "Does Father know that I am here?" Sebastian was her father's beta after all. He might have already told Edgar about it.

"No, I came here alone. Although I told him I will go and search for you too," he said and offered a sheepish grin.

Auriana sighed, relieved that they didn't know.

"Care for some snacks?" Sebastian asked. He walked further in and made sure that the door was locked so that anyone else wouldn't know they were there.

"Thanks," Auriana said and drew closer to the edge of the bed. She picked a cookie and took a bite. "How did you find me?" She asked because she made sure her aura and presence were hidden. Had she not, then Dahlia and Edgar would have found her as well.