
Man or Monster?

Taking the enemy from behind will give better shock impact and will make this fight end quickly. The quickest plan Fallen Cloud can think of as he gets in position behind Thunder Mountain.

Moving in slowly and closer to Thunder Mountain's back Fallen Cloud decide to use a simple skill Clone cloak. Fallen Cloud chose a raid member in front of Thunder Mountain's frontal view to use it on. By doing so this will make Thunder Mountain react and attack first and Fallen Cloud will have the surprise attack advantage.

One of the raid member gets cloaked and looks exactly like Fallen Cloud. Thunder Mountain however doesn't budge a single centimeter of movement or shows any sign of wanting to attack. Fallen Cloud is now in a dilemma should he attack now or wait for Thunder Mountain to fall for the clone? 30 seconds has passed the Clone cloak effect has wore off and still no movement from Thunder Mountain. Was he waiting for Fallen Cloud to strike first or did he know that it was a Clone? Fallen Cloud can't come up with the answer, but he knows one thing for sure Thunder Mountain is still in the same spot.

Fallen Cloud as much of a front that he puts in front of others he can't deny that this is one of the toughest opponent he's ever faced against. Losing isn't an option the result will cause a big loss in morale and numbers of troops if some decides to leave the raid. Moving up slowly to get a sneak attack in before he gets hit Fallen Cloud chooses to use Quad stab a skill that lets 1 stab become the damage of 4 stabs instead. This should give enough shock to the back of Thunder Mountain and he'll know the power of Fallen Cloud.

With a dagger in each hand Fallen Cloud is close enough to use Quad stab and takes the opportunity while he still has it. First stab lashes out towards Thunder Mountain's lower back hoping this will send enough shock to slow him down. Thunder Mountain however parries the 4 hit combo while turning around to face Fallen Cloud. "Impossible how did he know i was behind and what's with this crazy behind the back parrying?" Fallen Cloud was sure he was going to get more than 2 hits in, but was taken by surprised at Thunder Mountain being able to parry his attack and is now facing him. Was this a bad choice of positioning? no it was not this was the best position for anyone who plays an assassin class. "I don't think this is going to work for you so called Leader." with these words Thunder Mountain counters with his own attacks.

On the defense Fallen Cloud parries and dodges what he can. "Fallen Cloud don't give up we're all here for you." Swift Wind gives a private message. "Well it's easy for you to say because you're not the one out here fighting ha ha." Fallen cloud gives a sarcastic laugh with his reply to not worry Swift Wind. Back to focusing on defending the many attacks from Thunder Mountain, Fallen Cloud noticed that the attacks are gradually coming in faster. "Hey if you're just standing there mind giving me some help? does he seem faster to you?" Fallen Cloud asked Swift wind for help to make sure his eyes are correct and not deceiving him. "Give me a few seconds so i can see if it is or not." That was not the answer Fallen Cloud wanted to hear from his friend right now.

Swift Wind starts watching for any sign of skills used to see if she can help out Fallen Cloud, but doesn't notice anything being used at all. There are skills that are used to help enhance a player's fighting abilities and what she sees in front of her is none being used. "Doesn't seem like he's using anything, but you're correct his speed of attacks increasing." Swift Wind confirms for Fallen Cloud that there are no skills used, but rather this Thunder Mountain is increasing his pace. This was not something Fallen Cloud wanted to hear either.

"Why do i keep getting these tough opponents?" Fallen Cloud thinking he's cursed now. "There is nothing wrong with strong opponents right? you're improving every fight that comes your way." Swift Wind trying to give an optimistic response, but of the many strong opponents in the past how many did Fallen Cloud actually won? No time to think about the past, but to help support her ally now is what Swift Wind needs to do. If Thunder Mountain isn't using skills to enhance himself then that only means one thing. This player not the character in-game, but the player in the real world is more skilled and showing it right now. Does Fallen Cloud have a chance if someone of this caliber is able to fight skills in-game using real world skills?

"Fallen i don't think you should continue to fight this man 1 on 1." Swift Wind afraid of what might happen now that she's figured how much of a difference is between them and this Thunder Mountain. "Nonsense i can handle this; Ehhh that was close i almost got hit in the face with that round bladed tip ha ha." Fallen Cloud talking barely escaped a head bash and laughs it off. "This is not a laughing matter pay attention!" Swift Wind seeing that the talking is making Fallen Cloud slower to response she stops engaging in this combat conversation.

"Now now, don't slow down Leader." Thunder Mountain seeing that he almost got Fallen Cloud in the face noticed the response was just tad enough to dodge his hit. "This is nothing i can do more why don't i pick up the new pace shall we?" Fallen Cloud not wanting to fall behind in terms of speed as his class is one of the fastest melee class in Realm of Gods. Fallen Cloud speeds up the pace by using Blade pass an ability that let's one use a blade from 1 hand to parry the enemies blade into their other. This ability let's the user control where the enemies blade will land which gave Fallen Cloud the chance to go on the attack now.

The pace of attack is now on Fallen Cloud's side he's taken the advantage. "Fallen watch out! he's matching your pace!" Swift Wind not wanting to see Fallen Cloud think he's winning the pace o war warns him. Hearing this Fallen Cloud watches closely without losing speed in his pace can see that Thunder Mountain isn't on the defense, but rather he's just a millisecond behind Fallen Cloud making it look like he's on the defense. How can someone who wields such a heavy weapon keep up such a pace? Fallen Cloud can't comprehend this in his head. There is only one thing to do speed up more than he already is doing.

At this point the pace is much higher than before even for Swift Wind who has a good eye for catching the smallest detail can barely keep up. Fallen Cloud not only raised the pace, but now even using skills to put as much pressure as he can. Quad stab with his speed and the skill's ability for the next 10 second each of his attack will have 4 strikes coming out. To Fallen Cloud's surprise Thunder Mountain's not phased at all instead he's able to parry everything Fallen Cloud is giving.

"Let me show you how its done." Thunder Mountain now see's the full speed Fallen Cloud was able to produce, but not surprised and responds with his even higher pace against Fallen Cloud. Anyone whose watching this can only describe it as 2 monsters going toe to toe. The pace that these 2 warrior is showing is beyond anyone here's capabilities. "Fallen are you ok? do you need back up?" Swift Wind worried of how much stress this is causing the body outside of the game asked if she should step in. No answer from Fallen Cloud it seems everything he has mentally and physically is on defending against Thunder Mountain's insane pace.

"Do you yield? if you do ill let you and your raid members leave here without a scratch." Thunder Mountain still in his insane pace assault questions Fallen Cloud to yield with an option to go with. Under such heavy pressure Fallen Cloud was able to give a response "Never!" This was just the answer Thunder Cloud wanted to hear his question earlier was more of a taunt than an option. However hearing this response he raised his pace higher which he's able to land a few hits in on Fallen Cloud.

Dodging and parrying what he can while taking some blows from this heavy glaive is not the situation Fallen Cloud wanted to be in. This monster in front of him is not using any skills to enhance his pace yet Fallen Cloud whose using Quad stab can't even keep up. Is this the extent of his own skills? how can he defeat such a monster with this crazy pace? Fallen Cloud not sure what to do now besides doing what he can only do now is to take some hits where its not fatal. Everyone is watching him fight and losing is this how he wants to be remembered as? the leader who failed to lead against 1 opponent? Fallen Cloud not wanting to lose face gives everything he has left whether it breaks him or not in the real world.

"Fallen! no! don't do this! we can still help support you!" Swift Wind now sees the choice Fallen Cloud has chosen and does not agree with it. The real world body on Fallen Cloud's end looks like he's swinging around for his life taking a breath where he has time to. Impact after impact of shock gets sent throughout his body from the hits he's taking. No pain no gain right? that old saying Fallen Cloud can't forget from his previous guild leader Rising Sun.

All the fast moving Fallen Cloud is doing is putting strains on his muscles. Sweating and panting while taking pain to fight this monster before him. The injury he's taking is causing him to slow down which will soon take major effect in the outcome of this duel. Thinking back now when was the last time he took a beating this bad? ah yes back in the guild battle royale for the guild leadership role. Fallen Cloud haven't felt pain like this for a few months now, but this pain he's feeling now is worst than back then.

Is this all that Fallen Cloud can do? is there anything more? is his tank emptied? all these thoughts goes through his mind. "hahahahaha" Fallen Cloud starts to laugh hysterically. Everyone whose watching thinks Fallen Cloud has lost it at this point. The pace of this fight is insane including how this monster Thunder Mountain is able to even get hits in is beyond explanations. Did this man break Fallen Cloud mentally?

"Fallen..." Swift Wind with a low voice can't find the word to describe what's going on before her. Her best friend her guild leader is taking a beating of a life time and he's laughing.

"LETS TAKE THIS UP ONE MORE TIME!" This voice is not that deep voice of Thunder Mountain, but Fallen Cloud's voice which shook everyone around that is within vicinity watching this duel.

"Ohhh? you're going to hurt yourself if you choose this." Before Thunder Mountain can finish his words the pace has gone up. Not only that, but Thunder Mountain has taken a few hits by Fallen Cloud. To everyone's surprise was this possible? noone's ever seen Fallen Cloud at this attack speed ever until now.

Swift Wind doesn't want to to watch this fight anymore she know's how much pain and the injury Fallen Cloud has already taken outside of the game. He could've just yield and the raid team could've just helped him fight this monster. Why did he have to go with this option that can injure him?

"I see you're not just a nobody challenging me." Thunder Mountain acknowledges Fallen Cloud's warrior spirit. He never thought Fallen Cloud would ever lay a single blow on him. Not many players can keep up with his pace, but that never stopped Thunder Mountain to find opponents that can keep up with him. This Fallen Cloud is a diamond that has not been shined by the right jeweler is what Thunder Mountain thinks.

"Ive been waiting for this moment however!" Thunder Mountain feeling excited now raises the pace up not just by a little. This time he brings it above such a pace that Fallen Cloud couldn't comprehend where any of the movement is coming from. Fallen Cloud takes 4 times the hits he was originally taking and can't block or dodge 90% of the attacks from Thunder Mountain. This is the situation Fallen Cloud definitely did not want to be in.

Before anyone can say anything the battle between Fallen Cloud and Thunder Mountain has ended. Thunder Mountain standing and Fallen Cloud laying on the ground facing up.

"This was a fight that i will not disrespect you're the first one I've come across that kept up til the end." Thunder Mountain giving respectful words to his opponent who he just beat to a pulp.

"You're a monster even greater than i am that has yet to waken from its slumber; may we never meet if you ever wake up." With these last words Thunder Mountain turns to look at Swift Wind. "If you live close i recommend tending to his wounds the beating i gave him is nothing compared to what he did to himself." Showing compassion to Fallen Cloud was a surprise to Swift Wind. This monster Thunder Mountain called Fallen Cloud a sleeping monster was he trying to be funny? He also knew about how strenuous this fight would be for Fallen Cloud's body in reality yet he kept on fighting.

Swift Wind logs out of the game ignore her mercenary work she hurriedly heads over to Fallen Cloud's apartment.

"Now then for those who just witness this duel does anyone want to stop me?" Thunder Mountain not tired or hurt at all challenges everyone. Another shot to demoralize his enemies while he has the chance to do so with his just recent performance.

The raid team disbanded themselves and heads out of the rear gate not wanting any of the action they just seen unfold before their eyes. If this is the monster that the enemies sent and he's just the advance team do they really want to meet the full force?

Fallen Cloud laying where he's at unable to say anything to try and stop his raid members from disbanding. His action showed more than what words can do in this situation. If only he would've won then maybe he could've stopped the raid from leaving. Mercenary work was not something Fallen Cloud liked to do as it's mostly recruiting random players to join for pay. However in this situation he might not be able to get another mercenary job after this crap show he just did.

"Did you hear? that monster called him a monster too i guess we shouldn't be around these kind of players we'll lose face or worst get hunted." These were the words Fallen Cloud heard before the last few members left the raid. Was he a monster? what deemed him this bad title of being a monster? was it such a bad thing to be one? Fallen Cloud thinking to much forgotten he can't move his arms or legs or rather his entire body hurts.

Fallen Cloud logs out of the game and just lays in there in the middle of the platform. "I guess ill just lay here until i can move again; yes that sounds like a good plan better than no plan." Fallen Cloud speaks to himself in the real world reassuring himself everything will be fine once he's able to move. Another 10 minute goes by he still can't move at all. Fallen Cloud wonder's if what he did was the right thing? surpassing his limit, but losing the battle to this Thunder Mountain who appeared out of nowhere. "Oh well, no one else seemed to had challenged him so i guess I'm the only idiot here." Talking to himself again Fallen Cloud lays quietly thinking how the heck he's going to move if he is this badly injured.

As Fallen Cloud ponder's over his bad decision he hears rapid footsteps up the flight of stair leading to the 2nd floor of the apartment. "Now what idiot would be making so much noise around this time of night?" Fallen Cloud knew that it was already late in the evening probably closing in on the AM, but this person is running too loud at this time. Even for him who cant move is annoyed by this disturbance around this time.

"Johnny! are you ok? I'm coming in!" A female voice can be heard on the other side of Fallen Cloud's front door.

Pace o War similar to tug o war where one will pull then the other pulls. In this concept its who can bring the pace higher than the other.

Happy New Year everyone. \O/

Jinnosukecreators' thoughts