
Showing some moves(2/2)

--All Might POV---

" Don't worry let me handle this, " Lux said as All might look at him and stopped thinking about the nearby problem.

' First out of nowhere we met up and you exposed me, disturbing me completely even ruined my day. Then I by mistake-free the villain I caught and now this!! ' He was busy fighting up in his psyche as everything which could go wrong indeed gone wrong. ' Whose face I saw when I woke up? '

He was frustrated from his today faults but calm down as he had learned that being a hero anger can be dangerous plus nothing good will happen if he continues up like this.

" {Void pull} ' What? He is that quirkless kid, from before ' He saw nothing happen out of ordinary but a kid rushes in fast speed throw his bag and desperately tried to help explosion boi.

" I don't know my leg starts running automatically!! " From far the kid shouted giving back some kind of reason and many heard it as it was quite loud.

' HUH?? ' Hearing such words All might be moved as the kid was quirkless but his desire to save others despite being powerless reminds him of his past when he was also naive and know nothing.

In such realization, his body was lit with desire and power to protect both of them but stop by lux.

" See! " Lux grab his shoulder so he can look without being covered by his emotions.

The kid with green hair holds the hand of the spike boy and starts moving back. " What is happening!! You herooo!!! " The slime was struggling to have a better hold on the kid as both he and kids were slowly separating.

' Is it you kid!! ' All might be asked to himself and stop getting into all might form seeing children were coming out of the slime body and few swearing from a villain.

' His quirk is pulling them out so he can use force or something! ' He thought and was surprised that there was no fatigue or tiredness on his face there was no sign that he was using his quirk. ' He has a powerful quirk '

Both the kids were caught by the wooden pro hero and were saved, everyone starts cheering up, the villain rages at it, and suddenly.

" {All mighty Push 25%} " ' Wait 25%? ' Hearing him muttering 25% he just looks in front.

An invincible force of the wind was released from the front of the crowd and Mt lady standing to the next end feels it using her gigantic body to hold them.

The unstoppable gust of pressure smash the villain into the ground creating cracks on-road and bend toward the sky like an L from bottom to top forming up a big tornado, for some seconds and changing up the entire climate.

' WHAT WAS THAT! 'puking up some blood

in wonder he, even everyone from the crowd was silent either in awe or fear of power unknown.

" Who was that? " Who did that!! " " That was super cool! " " I love you whoever did that!!! "

The public start just chating, crowds were going crazy all about the phenomenon. Many start taking pictures and post on social websites.

Soon in minutes, Pro hero takes care of all crowd and the villain, police even the ambulance arrived at the scene way the media to cover up a case about climate change and all.

Both rescue child and victim one were scolded and praised for their effort either big or small but one certain hero who was busy with her popularity saw Lux with a skeleton-like guy and waves her hand getting CAMRA crew attention.

All might eye were on Lux as his power were almost on an equal level with him but he didn't know the limit of his power yet.

With the crowds, Lux was in everyone's wave for her back but he just winks at her.

" What the hell do you know her? 'Did she just waves at him ' " He asked in fright as he knows a pro which could be beneficial for him as he could ask her questions about him.

' Finally, I could get some answers ' With a relive sigh he thought.

All might he some faith or trust in Lux but it is " some " not completely as he had such information on him which even fright him, and 2 more things which he fears are his quirk and motive which are strong and unknown.

" Hey, dude Deku left and I also have to go my girlfriend needs some banging...." Ignoring his later comments he remembers that he needs to apologize to the kid and talk to him.

' Shit, I was so busy thinking about this that I forgot about him ' " Where did he go? " He asked in stress while shaking Lux off back and forth.

--End pov --

" Wooh! Calm down dude world is not going to end now, take first left then go straight to the main residential area he isn't too far you can catch him " Lux encouraged him to go fast.

All might leave without saying anything lux then go to his apartment checking up his girl's group chat which was either filled with their nudes or sex clips for teasing each other and embarrassing others.

Takeyama: Hey, it was you right there!

Lux: yup, I tried to hold back a lot. You look hot in your tight suit.

Takeyama: Someone needs a horny jail.

Me: Cosplay should I assume ;)

RyuRyu069: Hey, stop there or I will hit you with a horny bat!!

Me: :") He-he.

He was on the way chating with girls nothing unusual happened, he bought some drinks and remember.

" Fuck!! he didn't buy me a drink!!! " He shouted in the middle of the street and women narrow their eyes and people looked at him like he was crazy.

" Rose, don't be like him in the future" A mother warned her child.