
Chapter 7

Time passed by very fast with no sign of Hiran nor the guy who had offered to get him. Raine had decided to take a nap while my naughty stomach decided to growl. I woke up Raine and we had our meal that mother had packed for us even though she knew she could trust in taking care of ourselves.The sun was already setting and I felt all my hopes shattering." Naserian what do we do now? It seems Hiran won't make it today" I sighed sadly. " Should just accept my fate" " You idiot we can't risk all this and say such nonsense! Even if we'll spend the night here it will be the best thing to do!" Raine flared up and I could tell she was getting irritated by me. Just then we had thuds as if there were people approaching. We held each others hands and hid behind a big tree. The footsteps became louder and we couldn't help but shiver." Where are they? " a deep mascular voice was heard. I couldn't recognize the voice though it sounded more familiar. I peeped from where we are and I could see around ten morans and in the middle I saw that one person I wanted to see. I didn't think twice and ran from my hiding place and jumped on the figure" Hiran!" I hugged him tightly as my eyes did their work properly. " What are you doing here pretty girl" " Brother" I didn't want to let go of him as his mere presence gave me a sense of safety. " I'm going nowhere just tell me what happened" " I don't want to get married" I said in my already cracked voice. He raised my chin so that I'd look him in the eyes then he wiped my tears which were like a waterfall. He waited till I calmed down. " I'd never let that happen little sister" his voice was calm and I could tell that my twin brother had already informed him. " Nothing should ever scare you when I'm here" I nodded like a rattle and he patted my hair like a little girl that I was. I guess it's nice being the only girl in the family and you got big brothers who'll always spoil you and be there for you. I smiled at my thoughts and Hiran flicked my forehead. "Ouch!" "What are you even thinking smiling like a fool" " I'm just happy and grateful to have a brother like you" He pulled me to his chest and gave me a tight hug.