
Unspoken Longings

My undying devotion was my only hope to my unspoken feeling for him

Sugarpie1 · Teen
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6 Chs

All over again

Inside a lavish room, standing in front of the mirror was a slim brunette, eyes sparkling as she brushed her hair.

"This is the the third time you are brushing your hair, Ava! How much more do you want to look in the mirror? I'm sure you won't grow two horns by the time you look away!", A raven haired girl exclaimed, placing her hands on her soft yet curvy hips. Dressed in a simple top and low riding-jeans, she was quite the pretty looker.

"Just one more time, Maya", Ava, the brunette replied, chuckling.

Focusing her eyes back to the mirror, a serious look flickered across her face. She could not believe it. She was back again in a teenage body. Her teenage body.

She tried to remember what had happened and how she got back here immediately after her rebirth.

She got the answer. She remembered her best friend and her childhood crush being the reason for her death. And, this place appeared to be the beginning of her destruction through love.

"Earth to Miss Ava? Or do you still want to ogle at yourself more?" Maya, her friend, softly poked her shoulder.

This quickly brought Ava back to reality.

She wanted to tell Maya everything about her rebirth.

Maya was not the one that betrayed her. In her past life, Maya was a friend that she had never noticed. A true friend.

Without wanting to delay again, Ava swept those thoughts aside and left with Maya to school.

******* In School *******

"Hey besties", her disgustingly sweet best friend, Amelia welcomed her.

Blonde hair tied in a lazy bun, red lipstick slightly smudged on her chin, she was the perfect definition of the high school queen.

Suppressing the urge to slap her, Ava had to praise how good Amelia's acting was. Or was she just too dumb to see right through her act back then?

Amelia had really been a good friend but changed because of one person- Liam.

Ava shook her head to come back to reality.

She couldn't help but look at Amelia with hidden disgust and yet, she could not do anything. She might suspect and hint her stupid boyfriend, Liam.

"Were you also talking to me?", Amelia asked as she noticed that Ava was referring to both of them.

"Of course. A friend of my bestie is also my bestie", she spoke in a sickly sweet tone, her fake smile giving Ava chills.

"Hey babe", a deep voice rang in the room.

Liam, a gorgeous brown-haired guy with a handsome face, perfect physique and height comparable to basketball players, popped in.

Ava was speechless.

This was the guy she wanted to hate so much but his looks made it tough.

"Liam, how are you?"

Ava still had to pretend like she was a loving girlfriend. She forced a smile onto her face, nails piercing into her hands as she tried her best not to cringe when he leaned down for a kiss.

The atmosphere around them became very tough as she almost backed away.

Maya immediately sensed that and tugged on Ava's T-shirt,saying, "Hey, won't we be late?"

"Let's go to class then", Liam, a bit put off, suggested.

'At least, he still has some common sense', Ava thanked inwardly.

She slid a grateful look to Maya and picked up her books.

Ava now found it weird to act normal since these two monsters were responsible for her death.

Then again, her rebirth was thanks to them.

The next moment, she heard a few classmates talking about the school examinations, and now she really wanted to die all over again.

'Why am I supposed to suffer more?, Ahhh'

She silently cried