
Chapter 121: The Upper Limit of Fosterage_1

That night, outside the already closed door of the Starfire Foster Care Shop, a figure appeared. Standing about two meters tall, it was built like a small giant. Its head, arms and legs were vastly different from any human's. While covered in fur, it also had two cat ears.


So, this is the place where Little Grey was washed and cared for...?

The big cat calmly stared at the tightly closed door of the Starfire Foster Shop, recalling scenes of past warmth.

There was a glimmer of nostalgia and reminiscence in its eyes, but it quickly vanished, replaced by a sense of calmness and dignity.

Those days are long gone. Now, it simply leads the stray beasts, guiding the homeless creatures to the right path.

Reflecting on the details mentioned during Little Grey's explanation, a sense of helplessness appeared on the big cat's face.

Once, a human had taught it that words and actions match, leading to inevitable consequences.