

Well this is one of the usual stories you know of. About a hero who will save the world but well I'm not that guy instead I'm what you'd call a side character the hero doesn't even care about but I have my own story to tell away from his perfect world

Heroic_Pent · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The last chapter

Angus said he had a plan that would prevent everything. Like some plot armour an author with mind block would write it promised a happy ending with peace throughout the land and all that crap.

I was naturally skeptical and like any normal person would but somehow Angus was so sure that Euphilia wouldn't attack with their dragons and that war would be stuck in a stablemate for a day or two.

With that he gave some time before he reveals this 'perfect plan' so I used the time to meet with Alister in the middle of the night where everyone was locked inside their houses terrified that some Euphilian soldiers would arrive any minute.

"Red what happened? Viollette and Pent were so confused when you suddenly took the corrupted bandits of Freya's army and left"

Wow Alister you know Freya now?

"Yeah that was a mistake but listen there's something I need you to do"

"Would you listen? Viollette is fighting my Master now."

She did? Hm maybe she really did care about me.

"So who's side are you on?"

"I will always be Master Barron's student"

As he said that I could feel wate flow from below, I then brace myself.

"But I am also your friend and I don't want you to die"

He said that as he walked away.

"Alister stop!"

"I don't know what is happening but I do know that my master is a good person and every second I spend with you I am betraying him, the only man who treated me like an equal and gave me another chance to life, you might hate him but I know the pain he has went through"

"I don't hate Barron, I think he is a person who thinks he is right but is fine with acting wrong and that made him dangerous"

"Goodbye Red"

"Alister I just ask one thing, if we really are friends then you would listen"

He stopped walking.

"I will die after 2 days and before that happens I want you to destroy my name, and if possible be the one to deal the killing blow and become a hero"

He turned around only to see he was alone as I hid myself not wanting to know his reaction. Would he be fine with killing me? Would he stop me? These were question I did not want to know the answers to for both our sake.

For the rest of the day I scheduled a meet with both Pent and Viollette.

First was Pent hiding in their family mansion.

"Pent I'm sorry for earlier"

"No, me too"

"How's your father?"

"Unconscious but still breathing. Look Red it's time for me to face the responsibilities I've been avoiding all my life so I'm sorry but I cannot see your story through"

"No it's alright, I'm just happy you were part of it. Farewell my friend it had been a good journey"

We left it at that, everything we've went through cannot be described by words but everything we've felt can be shown through a simple goodbye.

Next was Viollette and we met in a crossroad, similar to where we first met.

"I heard you defended me from your father, thanks"

"It's my fault for helping father put you through all that, I'm sorry"

"You had no choice, I forgive you"

"What happens now?"

"Now I save the world without any psychic telling me what to do"

"Red I-"

"You said you'll give me the answer when it's over right? Well we'll have to wait a little longer"

Sorry Viollette but when this is all over I won't be there anymore.

Now I have until half the day and tomorrow to live and I've thought about what I'll do before I say goodbye to this world but I'm really blank.

I just followed my feet to where it would take me avoiding the soldiers fighting everywhere and it led me to a gravestone that said "Here lies a man who had lived for the abused, and died because of it. May you rest in peace Winchester Braun"

I never did apologise to you huh. Well we'll meet again in the next life you can beat me up again then. I've really failed a lot of people haven't I.

"How noble of you to pay your respects to your enemies Red"

It was Prince who approached me as I looked at the gravestone.

"It should be me here you know"

"Don't be absurd, you'd be in a forest thrown off somewhere if you had died"

"Haha, fitting for me who simply watched as you almost died once isn't it"

"That time you were just an annoying brat"

"And now?"

"Your an annoying man"

"Haha, that's about right"

"But you never were insignificant you know, I shouldn't have said that"

"Well you were right and also manipulated by your father to do so haha"

"Kind of sucks to live because of some crazy old man isn't it haha"

"Well now we live for a crazy old country there is no escape"

"That's true"

"So where did you go when you left the village?"

"You have better things to do than listen to some teenager's boring stories Red"

"That's true, maybe we can trade battle stories the next time we meet"

"That's a promise"

And with that we separated ways and I spent the next day reflecting about my life and everything that led to this point, I have faced death so many times but its only now that I know that I would really be dying but I have made peace with myself and I'm ready.

I had met again with Angus and he told me his plan that was going to get the both of us killed along with a large army from both countries.

Apparently Angus has a spell so powerful that it creates an explosion that could destroy a whole city and the plan is as simple as luring both coutires near us and blowing everything up.

Barron told me one thing that was of relevance to our plans, that the countries were greedy for power and I could use the thing about dragons that Euphilia was supposed to have a few years from now and the demonic curse that Sandeith can activate and lure both of them out with a letter saying that one has the other's triumph card.

Ofcourse a bluff like that wouldn't be as believable so we put "dragon scales" that Angus has from his smuggling of illegal goods and that should be enough to threaten both Kings enough seeing as they are the only ones who were supposed to know it.

If all goes to plan I would not be able to continue this story any further and it would end with this chapter so to those who have reached this far, thankyou for going through this with me.