
Chapter 13 {Aim}

The town started to quiet down after the twins came back. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't bother with the gossip around the village he pretty much just worked each every single day on his weapons, he worked on his Rin Magi elements, he learned many spells, and not just that he tried to summon his own magic weapon but that no luck he didn't really care he just had to create his own weapon which he made a powerful weapon. He self taught himself blacksmith when he went to a blacksmith around there he straight told him he won't take someone like him because he would ruin his business he made Xu Yuto Shuto Hong upset but it didn't matter to him it just meant he had to work harder by himself.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong noticed he had made good progress during this month, so he decided it was time to check if his talent increased.

After entering the chaos space, he walked towards the stone slowly. He stood there feeling apprehensive for some time.

He slowly breathed out, before placing his hands on the stone. Once again, the unknown energy went into his body from the stone. After going a circle in his body, it went back to the stone.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong nervously waited for the result he didn't know what to do or say but he was extremely nervous.

After trying for so long, he finally made some progress. His talent has increased from Pink grade to Orange grade. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong felt like he was in a dream, if it wasn't happening to him, he would never have believed it even if he was beaten close to death, okay not really, he wouldn't allow himself to get beaten up that badly just because he didn't believe it, at least if he said he believed he would be free to go right!

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was initially already beginning to have some doubts. Although he could see it all happening, nothing seemed to change. If not for the fact that he awakened an element, he would have thought this was just a sham.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong looked around for his mother but he didn't find anyone. He sat down on the couch and wondered where his mother would he then thought about something else maybe he should just make dinner for his mother.

He held out his wrist and QRU device wrist bracelet showed it was white the moment he touched it a holographic screen appeared he touched the screen and searched for some simple food to make he followed the video and set up the table.

"Mom are you alright!?"

When she saw him, she tried to hide her weariness but just couldn't.

"I'm fine dear, give me a sec. I'll go prepare dinner" She smiled to him.

"Don't worry mom I made dinner so just go and wash up dinner would ready in ten minutes," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said from the kitchen he didn't know what was up with his mother but he wasn't about to as what was going not at all.

Skylar was slightly taken aback when she heard this, a sweet smile bloomed on her face. "How thoughtful of you young man" She said in a praising tone.

"Taking care of you is my duty. Now, go freshen up before you come back down for dinner" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said gentlemanly.

"What a great yet handsome and beautiful son you."

Skylar heard this and she found herself shaking her head can't he be normal for once but she was happy the way her son was no matter what her heart would always try to help her son take the right path his two older siblings are always studying under their father well his studying under him but it took him longer then his own siblings yet his has made huge prograss honestly as a mother I am extremely proud of my son.

Ten minutes went by within a blink of an eye. When Skylar sat down at the table he saw dilirours food staring at her. She then looked at her son who sat down and he grinned happily.

"Aren't such a great cook."

"Stop and eat."

"Yes mom, oh by the way I have great news."

"What is it."

"Well, I managed to advance to an Orange talent today," Xu Yuto Shuto said.

"Really?" Skylar said she was shocked but she covered it within a second and touched her son head she was so proud of him she knows how hard he has been working for the past month well done son this world will be worth it in the long run for you.

"Mom, I'm aiming for a Purple talent before the test" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said to his mother and explaining his plan.

"Don't over work yourself rest it part of the human body as well you must remember that got it?"

"Mom don't worry I will make sure I don't harm my body if I don't make it then, then I will make sure I make it the next time my plan is to move to the next test for Shrank Fang Academy no matter what."

"Okay baby, remember your health comes first. Don't overwork yourself" Skylar said with care. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong has always been her pride and joy. She still remembered how happy she was the day of his adaptation She can never forget that no matter what. 'What a rascal' She said in her heart when she remembered just how troublesome he was as a child.