
The Neutral Lands.

A week passed just like that, and the group neared a barren area.

The terrain suddenly changed, and there were no trees or any sort of greenery for that matter anywhere in sight.

"What is this?" Ozul asked. One second they were surrounded by vegetation, and the next second, there was just rocky ground.

Although Cyril and Mark were surprised that he was not aware of it, Mark was quick in his reply, "These are the desolate borders of the Neutral Lands."

'Desolate borders? Is it the outline of the Neutral Lands on the map?' Ozul thought. From the name and the map he had seen, it seemed to be the case.

"It would take at most a few hours with our current speed," Mark added before Ozul nodded his head in understanding.

From what he understood, this barren land acted as the natural border that separated the Neutral Lands from the rest. In the map, Ozul figured that this was the line stretched around to form a circular land.