
Beginning of facing reality

Like every other day, my mom would prepare breakfast for me and help me get ready for school. I was just 15 yrs old and was 2 years away from writing my NCEE (national college entrance exam). Normally my mom cook and put in my lunchbox but today it was different. She left the food in the pot and told me to get it myself. I wanted to ask her why but that question drowned with me and I got used to putting my food in for myself. I guess it's all part of the growth. My dad was a very high profile guy in the society but he cared less for his family. It was a long distance relationship between him and my mom. Definitely, my mom was in great pain so sometimes she releases it out on me. I tried to avoid her every time so she doesn't get reminded that I'm the consequence of her mistake. Unfortunately you can't hid from the mother you live with. She's a very busy woman since she's a single mother and 95% of the time I'm always alone. The good and bad thought had flowed through my head but my mother's life reminds me that I should stay focused. Pleasures lasts for a while not forever. After getting used to putting food myself, she also made me normalize making breakfast myself too. The joy in this is that any amount I want is mine and she provides everything excessively. We were having our normal school exam this particular day and everything seemed good at the beginning except this disturbing leg and head pain. I didn't take it serious and went to the exam hall. I got to my chair and found out that water has been poured on it. I cleaned it up hurriedly and sat on the chair I felt damped in a way but my main concern was to finish the exam. I'm not so smart but whenever we have an exam I finish first cuz I don't care to know what I didn't read. I just skipped question I have zero idea about and don't ask anyone. I stood up,summited my paper, left the hall and went back to class. Sat for a while and thought about my whole life. Gradually more and more students came in and my best friend Anna came in too. Anna is like a light in my dark life. She always encouraged me but the fact that she also encourages every other person the same way bothers me. Sometimes I'll ask myself I'm i best friends with my best friend? I planned to ask her in a straight way one day but not today. School closed I packed my bag going downstairs with Anna but one of her friends Amaya called her over so she left. I was a little sad because I'll be going home alone again. I headed towards the gate. I felt like all eyes were on me like they were saying something about me. I tried approaching someone so I could see if everything was okay but every single person I went to meet acted normal. I left the gate and decided to ride on a bike to my house. When I got to my destination I got down the bike and was trying to pay the bike man when I found huge blood stains on the passenger's spot.