
Unruly Pet

Humans and werewolves are often nothing more than slaves to the vampires, "pets". Hybrid Fall is far from a perfect pet. Unwilling to give in she becomes violent, not anywhere close to the docile little thing she should be. She seems to be the only one fighting the injustice of the world, but one person, especially a slave, could never overthrow the government on their own... After years of anger and pain she meets her new owner, Derik, who has ideas suprisingly simmilar to her own. But can she overcome everything that happened to her with support, could that ever be enough? Would Derik even be willing to help her, or will he treat her how almost every vampire ever has? HUGE TRIGGER WARNINGS: this story deals with repeated and sometimes detailed elements of violence/assult, death and murder, slavery, fantasy racism, torture, gore, mental health issues, undetailed offscreen suicide, undetailed sexual assult and mentions of rape

Mythelia_Witrea · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


<p>Despite my many protests Derik had gotten me a phone. He said it would help me keep in touch with everything going on and as much as I hate to admit it, he was right.<br/>It had let me know when the website was official via Zach's fancy announcement. It looked very professional.<br/>Of course, the laws weren't in effect yet, but what they would be and when they needed to make accommodations by were public.<br/>Everything seemed good, the wording was clear but without loopholes, pictures helped show our point, and we all had our contact information down for any questions.<br/>The clinics had their own part of the website with anything you could ever need to know. It told you where the clinics were, how you could make an appointment, or that you could just walk in, and the low pricing was very clear. Ninety percent of the costs are covered by the Regional, Derik, or Adam and the doctors pay was unaccounted for so they only payed for the physical part of the service.<br/>We'd even received some generous donations that made it easier to keep prices low and start construction early.<br/>It was emphasized that it was necessary to take pets there at certain intervals but also that an appointment could be made any time for any reason by not only the master but also the patient.<br/>It also showed the numbers you could call if you had any medical questions or wanted to make an appointment.<br/>And because humans and werewolves rarely had access to the internet or phonelines we had made several places with flyers about the most important pieces of information.<br/>I had answered tons of angry rants, sassy comments, and a few thank you letters. I'm sure the guys were doing their best to keep up with everything but since they had a lot more work than me I ended up answering, or at least helping to answer, two thirds of the emails/texts/calls. Blake helped me with starting some of the emails while I fixed them to a professional standard as well as helped Adam realize where loopholes might be found.<br/>We had less to do than the guys because of our standing but we both filled in the time to work hard on what we could.<br/>I felt a little guilty about not helping more but I also knew I didn't have the connections to help Derik build the clinic, set interviews, and make a whole new punishment system. *But at least I'm helping someone, maybe not Derik but still someone.*<br/>Somehow the regional had made a few of the clinics mostly built and furbished in less than a week; all they needed were staff. Zach had a lot more weight in things than I'd thought. None of the clinics were completely done but they did have enough done in them to make them operational if not comfortable.<br/>Derik was busy before and now he spends at least ten hours a day jumping between paperwork, emails, and his phone. I help wherever I can, and as tired as we both are, I know he feels as excited as me.<br/>*Thank god neither of us needs as much sleep as humans though. There never seems to be enough time in the day.*<br/>Today was the first interview and I'm nervous. The cold sweat, shaky hands, heavy breathing kind of nervous you wouldn't associate with interviewing employees.<br/>But it wasn't about me, I needed to make sure someone would be the right fit for taking care of all the scared people. In thirty-five territories. And multiple of these very rare people for each clinic. *God this is going to be a lot of work.*<br/>Finding one or two to help out wasn't a big deal but there might not even be that many people gentle enough to take care of scared PTSD riddled slaves.<br/>Finally caught up on my emails I laid back on the bed and tried to reason out that there must be enough people who think like us to help out.<br/>*It's not like they won't get paid, the whole project is being funded by the Regional and two Lords. The budget is through the roof so people must be able to fake kindness for that kind of paycheck.*<br/>"Hey, babe, it's almost three." I jumped out of bed and rushed to the closet having lost track of time. I'm not sure when we started calling eachother that but I love it, I'd always wanted someone to call me something like that, I just thought it wasn't possible being a pet.<br/>I threw on the white tattered dress that I'd come to Derik's house in. It was covered in blood stains even after cleaning and ripped in more than a few places, it was actually a challenge just to wear it.<br/>When I came out Derik was dressed nicely, slacks and a red button-down shirt with a convincing ginger wig to make him less recognizable. He also had an annoyed angry expression on his face, well until he saw me.<br/>When he saw me he just looked sad. Probably because of what I'm wearing, or rather attempting to wear.<br/>I grabbed his hands and smiled at him.<br/>"You remember everything?" I asked.<br/>"Yes," he grumbled.<br/>"Then what do you have to do?"<br/>"I have to be an asshole. I'm not allowed to try to help you or even look anything other than annoyed. No reacting to anything you do unless it's negative."<br/>"And?"<br/>"I have to trust you to handle everything so we can learn as much about her as possible before she knows how she handles us is important."<br/>"Perfect." I smiled at him so he remembered that I wasn't really as bad as it was about to seem. "I'm going to show you what I'll look like when we meet her, remember I'm not feeling any of my injuries."<br/>Taking a step back from him I gently melted my appearance into a brown-haired girl with big features and clear curves. Sometimes if they were attractive or not made a difference; I made it so she would be attractive just to make sure.<br/>I wouldn't let and doctors or staff who would look inappropriately at a patient pass.<br/>I knew this was the part he wouldn't like though. I gave her deep bags and made her hair oily, made her skin covered in little bruises and nicks. Made sure she was too skinny. Deep scars etched into her back and one under her cheek and chest bones made it clear she'd never been treated the best.<br/>Not enough to hide her beauty but enough to make it clear she was a pet.<br/>Then I broke her arm. It was uncomfortable, okay that's an understatement, but it didn't hurt. Derik physically flinched towards my arm and I knew he wanted to help.<br/>"I need you to remember that no matter what I do I'm not in any pain. We're making sure none of the doctors or nurses will do anything wrong to pets so we need to see this." I cupped his face with my hand and he gave me a dejected nod.<br/>I carefully kissed his cheek and went to find my old collar. I changed my scent and looped the collar, my old uncomfortable one, around my slightly less delicate neck. I clipped the leash to it since it would be bad for anyone to see me without it while pretending to be a pet.<br/>He drove to the clinic with a white knuckled grip. I kept one hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him or at least calm him down a little. Taking a deep breath I put a terrified nervous look on my face.<br/>I made my eyes dart around quickly and held my arms close to my torso. I let my eyes glaze over with tears and looked over to make sure Derik was ready.<br/>For a second his hard glare broke into shear panic before he set his jaw and covered it up. For a split second I broke the scared pained look to smile warmly at him.<br/>When he got to my side of the car he held my leash like I needed it and I trailed a foot behind him staring at his shoes and jumping at every slight noise.<br/>We headed into the building and when we got to the point where the doctor would be able to hear us I started whimpering quietly like I was trying to hide how much pain I was in.<br/>Derik flinched heavily but recovered before we got to where Adam would be interviewing the lady.<br/>"Adam, can you do something to shut the fucking thing up!" Derik yelled loudly before throwing the door open. I made a show of flinching away from him and shaking.<br/>"Forgive my friend, he has no sense of manners," Adam stated while giving me a mildly worried look.<br/>A bright blond was sitting across from Adam at his desk. I saw her sneak me a pitiful look but she quickly covered it with a kind of cool indifference.<br/>I didn't react because I needed to be a sad scared mess but I wanted to smile. She seemed perfect, indifferent in front of bad owners and merciful to the pets. But I needed to know she was like that all the time.<br/>"Actually this is a great opportunity, if you can quiet the pitiful thing it would be a great show of your skills," Adam claimed calmly though I saw him trying not to show how bad he really felt on his face.<br/>"There is a room down the hall on the right, you should find anything you may need there." Adam gave the blond a small nod.<br/>"Of course, come with me, pet." She gently rose and I looked her over. She wore a simple black dress and red heels. Her face was kind but folded over with fake indifference. There were light bags under her eyes which were slightly glazed over.<br/>*I didn't know vampires could get bags under their eyes.*<br/>Derik reluctantly handed her the leash and I trailed after with my eyes down and my arms held close to me.<br/>I sent Derik a wink when she wasn't looking and quickly looked at the floor again.<br/>Her heels clacked loudly on the tile floor. Gentle music played throughout the building in an almost calming effect. Multiple signs throughout the lobby said 'pets, slaves, servants, and other humans and werewolves are allowed on the furniture' as well as other things.<br/>Some said they were allowed to drink from the water fountain or look at the magazines while they wait. There were pamphlets about how you deserved to be treated and how you could be protected if your owner was breaking any laws. There were also some about the new donating blood program.<br/>I didn't get to read any of them obviously since I was being led somewhere to fix my 'broken' arm. It looked good, there wasn't any atmosphere that would make a pet feel safe, but this was probably closer than most.<br/>Finally getting to the room where we were supposed to fix my arm I looked nervously at the doctor and then the door. Taking the hint she backed up a few steps and smiled at me no longer holding my leash.<br/>Her smile was kind and her eyes showed she was nervous, probably of scaring me.<br/>I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room considering a pet wouldn't have the confidence to sit on the little bed.<br/>"You're safe here, I know you probably don't believe me but this is a good place." I looked at her a little doubtful but she took it in stride. "I know you're scared but I'm just going to help fix you up."<br/>She took a careful step forward and I looked down obediently.<br/>"Are you in pain?" I gave her a little nod. "I hate to give you a command but considering you wouldn't take any pills from me at your own free will I'm going to need you to take some."<br/>She held out two red little pills that looked like ibuprofen, probably in case my owner got mad at her if she gave me real pain killers. I reluctantly took the pills.<br/>"Your arm's the problem, right?" I gave her a shaky nod. *She's perfect.* Every word and movement was slow and gentle. Her voice was soft and her movements were all gradual putting doubt into even the most distrustful person that she might be angry.<br/>"Alright, I saw the x-ray room nearby, will you come with me?" She prompted.<br/>I nodded and she walked away from the room without holding my leash. When she took the x-ray I followed all the instructions she gave me nervously and she just smiled encouragingly at me.<br/>She led me back to the room and even trying to keep up the act I smiled a little. I tried to reproduce the fear of actually being a pet but I still ended up smiling, she was doing really well.<br/>"Did you hear about the new laws they're going to start?" She asked holding my wrist. I knew she was trying to distract me from what she was about to do but I reacted to it the way I should.<br/>I gave her a worried look.<br/>New laws were new rules, new rules are dangerous.<br/>"Rights, for pets, isn't that incredible?" She looked at my confused face and then decided to elaborate. "It's not much..."<br/>Halfway through the sentence she pulled the bone just right so it snapped back into place. I let out a pained whimper and let my eyes water accordingly. Jerking my arm towards myself I made sure I looked the way I should.<br/>"I'm sorry, I know that hurt." She pulled casting material out of a drawer and smiled at me apologetically. "These things hurt worse before they get better."<br/>*At least she's honest.*<br/>"But hopefully things will get better at home." She started gently wrapping my arm. "There are new laws going in place about pets getting medical attention. It's not much, but anything to help you poor girls, right?"<br/>I smiled and her a little. I mouthed the words 'thank you' since a pet wouldn't talk without permission.<br/>"Alright dear, let's get finished up, there's unfortunately not much I can do past this to help you. Is there anything I can get you that you haven't had in a while, water, food?" She waited for me to say something while I stared quietly at my lap. "Oh! Of course, you have permission to speak freely here."<br/>"Master treats me very well, Madam. I am allowed to drink water whenever I would like, and I get fed twice a day," I said in a small voice.<br/>I hated putting Derik in a bad light but I couldn't let her know what was actually happening just yet.<br/>"Well, I am relieved you can drink whenever you want. But dear I doubt you know what being treated well is like, what do you get to eat every day?"<br/>"Bread, Madam," I mumbled.<br/>"I guess besides the beatings you are treated well for a pet then. Hopefully when the new laws get harder there will be no broken bones anymore." She looked like she was struggling to stay positive for me. Sympathy swam in her eyes and she gave me a sad smile.<br/>"It's fine really, I don't mind."<br/>"I guess it's time to go then. I can't say this in front of your master but... good luck. I truly wish you the best." A tear rolled down her cheek.<br/>"Thank you, ma'am."<br/>She picked up my leash and took a deep breath. All of her emotions sealed over and she walked down the hall. The way her heels clacked on the floor was almost deafening on the floor.<br/>Her hair swished behind her rhythmically. And her eyes never strayed from straight ahead of her like she had no need to even bother with her surroundings.<br/>Derik's gruff exterior was perfect and I didn't think either of us could act so well. Not that nobilities aren't practically trained to act.<br/>"Thank you for fixing the bitch up. Come along now." Derik motioned me over and I scurried over obediently. He set his arm on top of my head and leaned on me until my neck felt uncomfortable.<br/>"She's quite well trained," she praised.<br/>"How did Doctor Mia do, Fall?" Adam asked and let how friendly he really is show.<br/>Derik moved his arm from my head and set it on my shoulders pulling me close.<br/>"God I hated every second of that," Derik whined and I chuckled.<br/>"She's perfect, cold and uncaring to the owners, kind and caring to the patients. She's exactly what we're looking for, how did you find someone so perfect the first time?" I asked.<br/>"Rumors, recommendations, everyone and their mother said they were happy with her. Vampires that hate pets but got them fixed up anyways for one reason or another said they loved her. Werewolves getting fixed up said she wasn't even upset about having to touch them.<br/>"Vampires that sympathize with pets said she treated them well and that they'd come back or recommend her to anyone. Her record was overwhelmingly positive and a mile long," he explained.<br/>"You broke her arm as a test to me?!" Mia raged storming up to Derik.<br/>Quickly stepping in front of him I made a show of unclipping my collar and dropping it on the floor.<br/>"I am no pet and it was my idea. Have you ever heard of powerful witches being able to change between their multiple natural forms? So they can change to any version of themselves, never have to get a haircut," I covered.<br/>"Works for injuries too, any scar of injury I might ever have I can replicate. And a simple potion to change your scent isn't that hard," I continued. Changing my scent into a witch's I looked at her confused face.<br/>"You did wonderfully though, I'd be honored if you consider our offer." I reached from her hands and smiled brightly at her.</p>