
Unrivaled Sword Master

Allow the novel to unfold gradually, Atleast go through the first 45 chapters, as it takes a progressive approach. The Story refrains from unnecessary violence and bloodshed. Centered around Alan, reborn in a different universe and guided solely by his grandmother in a forest for 10 years. As Alan matures, his sharp mind and robust physique lead him to acquire diverse skills, accumulating life experiences. The tale revolves around his growth, the friendship he forges, people he meets, his quest for self-discovery, and the fulfillment of missed wishes from his past life. ( Life of a middle aged man missing action and adventure in his life ) This narrative strives to provide it's readers a consistent emotional and enjoyable experience. Spoiler : The story is all about friends and their growth in the inital stage of the Novel. Later our protagonist Alan will take the center stage as he starts his Journey alone. ................... Disclaimer: All characters in this tale are fictional, crafted for reader entertainment. ................................................................. In my debut attempt at novel writing, I hope this story captivates you enough to become a part of your library and favorites. Thank you in advance for your support. Likes & constructive comments are alway appreciated.....

Arun_Nadig · Fantasy
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249 Chs

The Deadly Duo

"Ready your bows, prevent them from spreading out!" Zain yelled as he drew his own bow, shooting arrows once the hyenas were within range. Alan and Williams took cover in their caravan. "Wil, shield your hands and face with cloth; getting bitten is dangerous," Alan cautioned, receiving a nod from Williams.

The adventurers efficiently dispatched more than 10 hyenas with their arrows before they approached too closely. Zain unsheathed his weapon, urging others to do the same. The adventurers formed a defensive circle around the caravans, preparing to confront the approaching hyenas. Alan and Williams emerged from their caravan, their faces and hands shielded, counting 14 hyenas.

"Everyone, watch out for bites; their bites are infectious!" Alan warned. Nods of acknowledgment circulated among the group.

"Wil, handle the ones at the back. I'll take care of the front ones."

"Not fair; the front ones seem stronger. You go to the back," Will protested.

"You dealt with the last beast, remember!" Alan playfully grinned. Williams sighed in agreement, "Alright, you take the front ones this time." He then sprinted toward the rear of the caravan, brandishing his dual battle axes.

Alan gripped his sword, slightly shorter due to his growth in the past couple of years but still familiar and comfortable. This marked the first time, since his encounter with the wolves, that he unsheathed his sword to confront a pack of beasts. Before this, he utilized various weapons and techniques to combat lone beast attacks.

"Hold on," the A-class Adventurer shouted, "cover the flanks! We're securing the front and back," William hollered as he ran.

Zain sighed, having witnessed the boys' strength throughout their journeys past year, he was confident in their abilities but a bit skeptical this time, facing multiple beasts. Alan leaped from the caravan and, in the blink of an eye, stood before the leading hyena.

Unsheathing his blade, Alan swung it three times—left, right, and center—bringing down three corpses. Zain, stood there flabbergasted, watched as Alan again effortlessly took down two more hyenas. Meanwhile, he saw on the other side, Williams swinging his axe, dispatching the third hyena and a fourth one after a few seconds. The ones attacking from the flank retreated, and the boys didn't give chase.

Alan, wearing a thoughtful expression, focused on the largest hyena. After careful examination, he returned to the group, soon joined by Williams.

"The lead hyena has injuries; there might be a territorial dispute that led them to this area," Alan explained.

Zain nodded thoughtfully. "That explains why they're here. Anyone injured?" he inquired.

Alan and Williams shook their heads, unwrapping the clothes they had used for protection. "How many did you take down?" Williams asked. "Five hyenas. What about you?" Alan countered. "Four hyenas." Alan grinned, extending his hand. "Fine, here you go," Williams said, handing a silver coin to Alan.

Zain was speechless at the display. He shook his head, reorganized the group, and resumed marching forward.

From that day onward, the boys earned the nickname "Deadly Duo" among the merchants, a title readily agreed upon by the adventurers who witnessed their skills.

Upon returning, Alan and Williams went to the Winden city to concluded their training with the guild. While the Guild Master of the Merchant's guild was initially hesitant, a deal brokered by Elizabeth, the daughter of a prominent merchant, sealed the boys' departure.

Before their departure, the Guild Master presented each of them with a token, stating, "This is an honorary token, a rarity in the entire Winden region. Its value extends beyond this region, as trade knows no bounds. Not even this region or even this Kingdom. Once you present this token at any guild station, you will receive the same respect as a senior guild member. Keep it safe, and I trust you both will use it responsibly?" The guild master questioned, receiving an affirmative nod from the boys.

At any juncture in your lives, if you choose to retire from the adventuring career, our Merchant's Guild will welcome you with open arms. Don't hesitate to reach out to us in the future. Both boys felt gratitude and bowed deeply to the guild master before taking their leave.

The Guild Master sighed, alas what a loss for the merchant's guild. Both have the potential to be the next guild master. Not only here but anywhere they wish to.