
Unrivaled Sword Master

Allow the novel to unfold gradually, Atleast go through the first 45 chapters, as it takes a progressive approach. The Story refrains from unnecessary violence and bloodshed. Centered around Alan, reborn in a different universe and guided solely by his grandmother in a forest for 10 years. As Alan matures, his sharp mind and robust physique lead him to acquire diverse skills, accumulating life experiences. The tale revolves around his growth, the friendship he forges, people he meets, his quest for self-discovery, and the fulfillment of missed wishes from his past life. ( Life of a middle aged man missing action and adventure in his life ) This narrative strives to provide it's readers a consistent emotional and enjoyable experience. Spoiler : The story is all about friends and their growth in the inital stage of the Novel. Later our protagonist Alan will take the center stage as he starts his Journey alone. ................... Disclaimer: All characters in this tale are fictional, crafted for reader entertainment. ................................................................. In my debut attempt at novel writing, I hope this story captivates you enough to become a part of your library and favorites. Thank you in advance for your support. Likes & constructive comments are alway appreciated.....

Arun_Nadig · Fantasy
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243 Chs

Leave an Inch to Gain a Feet

It's sooooo beuuutiiifuuullll..... Rose exclaimed !!!

After resting for a day, everyone started to visit famous places of the Swan Lake town for 2 days. Their final stop was the Lake itself.

In the middle of the town, there was a calm lake where swans gracefully swam. The water reflects the lively surroundings, and the swans add an elegant touch to the scene. It's like a peaceful hub for everyone, where the gentle sounds of water and the swans create a soothing atmosphere. These beautiful birds bring a sense of grace to the heart of the town. The town's center revolves around this aquatic gem, offering a picturesque setting where residents and visitors alike find peace in the rhythmic dance of the swans.

Everyone stood captivated by the picturesque view. They lingered there for over half an hour, reveling in the tranquility and grace. As they strolled around the lake, they discovered numerous food stalls offering a variety of delights.

"Al, treat us to these delicious snacks today," Williams suggested. Alan, surprised, questioned, "Why me?" Williams reminded him, "You won a gold coin yesterday... Rose, do you know how many candies and sweets you can get?" Rose, entranced, began to drool, casting an expectant gaze towards Alan.

"Fine, I'll buy you the candies, Rose," Alan conceded with a defeated tone. Taking her hand, he led the way to a candy shop. "Don't forget us," Williams chimed in with a wicked smile, following with Lilly giggling. Alan smacked Williams' head. "Ouch, it hurts, Al," he acted innocently making both Rose and Lilly laugh. Elena and Andrew, amused by the kids' antics, followed them to the shop.

They overheard Williams saying, "And that, my brother, is called making profits out of a loss," patting Alan's shoulder. Alan grinned widely at his brother's comments. This surprised both Elena and Andrew. "So, it's true that these two are well-versed in trading, negotiating, and securing deals," Andrew mused aloud. Elena, puzzled, asked, "What do you mean, dear?"

"Remember the honorary medal those two had? It's not just for show. I heard from master Kirin from the Wilden City merchant's guild yesterday that, the guild master of the Winden city bestowed it upon them himself for their talents in trade and economics," Andrew whispered to Elena, leaving her astonished. "I was wondering... should I ask them to join me for the negotiation of rare merchandisers tomorrow?" he pondered. After a moment of thought, Elena nodded in agreement. "We will ask them first; they want to keep their identity and skills low for now. If they are okay with it, take them with you," she suggested, and they both concurred on this plan.

As Williams predicted earlier, they bought variety of snacks, candies, sweets and even bought small trinkets and colorful ribbons for the girls. Both were jumping with joy when they reach their guest house.

The bandit encounter seemed to fade from everyone's minds, bringing relief to both Andrew and Elena. Andrew seized an opportunity and proposed to Alan and Williams, "Would you both be interested in accompanying me for tomorrow's negotiation? You can observe the meeting. What do you say?" The boys readily agreed, delighting Andrew and Elena.

The next day, the trio attended the negotiation, which lasted almost four hours. The wealthy merchant sought a higher price, while Andrew aimed to keep costs low to maintain profit. The boys provided a crucial input that, reluctantly, both parties accepted. After signing a three-year contract, they planned to head to Winden city in two days with their first consignment, a plan initiated by the boys.

"Alan, Williams, why did you propose to pay 5% extra for providing your transportation?" Andrew inquired, prompting Alan to explain. "Uncle Andrew, what is the cost of total transportation if you have to arrange it?" Alan asked.

"It would be around 3% of the agreement cost," Andrew truthfully responded. Alan nodded and continued, "Let's assume, if there's a loss of life during transportation, how much do you have to compensate?"

"There's no set amount, but we generally pay 30 gold coins for C-Class, 50 for B-Class, and 100 for A-Class Adventurers," Andrew explained, receiving a nod from Alan.

"Now, the contract is for 3 years. What would you say is the best possible outcome for a loss of life?" Alan inquired.

"At least 15 losses in the best situation and more than 50 in the worst situation," Andrew provided a count.

"What about damages during transportation?" Alan pressed further.

"We have to assume 5 to 10%," Andrew replied.

"And we added a clause that payment will only be made for items delivered safely, without any damages," Alan concluded with a broad smile. Andrew, understanding the implications, shouted happily and even lifted Elena, swinging her around in joy.

After calming down, Andrew expressed doubt, "Didn't Mr. Marshal think about these things?"

Alan scratched his head and explained, "Actually, he is aware of these considerations. His advantage lies in his manpower and connections, allowing him to reduce labor and transportation costs significantly. If I'm not mistaken, he already has warehouses in various towns, positioning himself well to supply without incurring excessive losses."

Uncle Andrew, he even approached us and conveyed the same. However, he admitted that he is sacrificing an additional 2% margin from his profit by agreeing to this. But... here Alan hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Andrew asked curiously.

"He is only agreeing with our thought process to secure profits over a long period," Alan revealed.

Andrew was stunned. "He knew about your thought process but agreed to your ingenuity?"

"This is the best deal I have made. As the saying goes, 'Leave an Inch to Gain a Foot,'" Andrew mused.