
Unrivaled Sword Master

Allow the novel to unfold gradually, Atleast go through the first 45 chapters, as it takes a progressive approach. The Story refrains from unnecessary violence and bloodshed. Centered around Alan, reborn in a different universe and guided solely by his grandmother in a forest for 10 years. As Alan matures, his sharp mind and robust physique lead him to acquire diverse skills, accumulating life experiences. The tale revolves around his growth, the friendship he forges, people he meets, his quest for self-discovery, and the fulfillment of missed wishes from his past life. ( Life of a middle aged man missing action and adventure in his life ) This narrative strives to provide it's readers a consistent emotional and enjoyable experience. Spoiler : The story is all about friends and their growth in the inital stage of the Novel. Later our protagonist Alan will take the center stage as he starts his Journey alone. ................... Disclaimer: All characters in this tale are fictional, crafted for reader entertainment. ................................................................. In my debut attempt at novel writing, I hope this story captivates you enough to become a part of your library and favorites. Thank you in advance for your support. Likes & constructive comments are alway appreciated.....

Arun_Nadig · Fantasy
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244 Chs

I will be happy even in a hut with her.

After dinner, Daniel called all his friends to his room and closed it when they entered.

What Happened Dan? Why are you looking so tensed and nervous? And why didn't you invite the ladies? Is there something wrong?" Dave asked patting his back in a comforting way.

Daniel took a deep breth, steeled himself, turned arround towards everyone and spoke." Everyone, I don't want this matter to be gossiped around, so I didn't called the ladies. I..... I think, I have fallen in love with Rose."

The room fell into a dead silence. "The matter was already out. Now there is no use holding anything back." Thinking about this, Daniel continued. " I know she is still young and the princess to all of you guys. The moment I saw her, I was unable to think about anything else. My gaze always look for her. My ears alway want to hear her voice, my heart always wants to see her smile."

Being your friend I didn't wanted to keep such feelings inside my heart secretly and make you feel betrayed once you all come to know about it at a later stage."

I haven't told anyone about this. If you guys feel I am not a good match for Rose, please let me know and I will distance myself from her as I don't want to loose the friendship of such an amazing people ove suach a matter. If you feel I am worthy, I promise to keep her happy and treat her like a queen figuratively and literally even." Daniel smiled for a moment and then became solemn.

All the six guys looked at each other. Then,Alan stood up and went to Daniel.

Daniel was feeling nervous and was looking down. He was expecting a punch or a kick from his friends for harboring such a feeling towards their sister.

Alan placed his hand on Daniel's shoulder. When Daniel looked up, he saw a warm smile on Alan's face. When he looked around, he saw similar expressions on everyone's face. He visibly relaxed thanking the creator for not getting the beating of his life from his own friends.

"Dan, You are the most worthy man that we know of, for our sister. But, as You told, Rose is still young and even you are still young for that matter. We even have to consider other matters also before persuing the matter of love further."

First, You will be the future King. Would your father accept Rose a commoner, even though a wealthy one, to be the Queen of this kingdom, sitting besides you on the throne?

Secondly, we don't know what Rose thinks about this matter. And frankly speaking, in our eyes, she is still the 7 year old child whome we dote on."

"Even if the King agrees and she didn't, then there will be nothing we can help you with, Dan."

Daniel noded his head with a troubled look and was deep in thought about what Alan told him, when the door of the room suddenly opened and everyone of their family members walked in, with a serious expression on their face.

Daniel gulped, and the others stood their, expressionless.

"We knew something was cooking up when you called the others to talk personally. How could you leave us out of this matter Dan?" Bella glare at Daniel, other girls nodding in agreement.

The King looked around and then at Daniel with a serious gaze and then glanced at Rose, who stood behind Bella, head bowed and a slight blush on her face.

"Daniel, my son. Have you understood the consequences of this? What if I disown you in the future for persuing a commoner as a contender for the queen when the time came?"

Father, I am sorry I made you sad but, I am not sorry that I liked Rose. I still don't know about her feeling and even about mine for that matter as it's too early to say anything. I her hardly for a few weeks now."

"But when she was around me, I felt happy, calm and contented . My heart was at peace. She is such a kind lady, who cares for others, not bothering about getting her hands and cloths dirty. She is such a clever girl who can handles her parents and grandparents buisness with ease. Such a brave girl who can wield a sowrd and practice with her brothers with a smile even when she know their strength."

"Father if I feel my love is real and even if Rose accepts my love, then I think I can live happily even in a hut with her. For that matter, I know that, she will be the one to keep me happy. And I will do my best to look after her and make her feel as a queen. The queen of my heart and my hut."

The room fell into silence. Shock was written clearly in almost everyones face. Including Alan and his brothers. Daniel, the Prince of the Kingdom ready to leave his throne and his lineage to be with their sister.

Rose had tears in her eyes and was looking at Daniel in shock and wonder. She was totally floored by his words. The way he explained about her. The way he expressed his feelings made her accept him immediately. But knew she was still young and naive when it comes to these matters.