

Despite having a face envied by his gender and loved by plenty females Alec Fletcher's life was not that bright.Always taking the fall for his stepbrother mistakes and repeatedly scorned by his family due to his mother's low status in society.His life seemingly turned for the worst after being knocked down by a supposedly drunk driver while returning from the medicine store. After losing consciousness he opened his eyes to a whole different world where the impossible happened magic and mythical creatures of great power.He strived to reach the top and gain the power to return back for his mother.After 3000 years of blood,sweat and tears he stood at the top so powerful that it took the supreme creator's army and various powers of the world to battle him and after many days of carnage, destruction and extreme losses on the opposing team he finally fell.As he closed his eyes smiling clutching the genesis orb in his hand he wished to go back and protect his mother so she shall not suffer,and with that he exploded. "HUH...where am I"He said waking up in a hospital on his world after a 3 years comma and finding out the world have changed in an entirely different way.

Udochukwu_Osigwe · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Blue Ocean city

Blue Ocean high school

"Okay everyone settle down just a minute"Mr Gibson called out to the class as he stood Infront looking at the students through framed glasses.After creaking of chairs and desks the class became quiet and with that he gave a brief nod and continued.

"I know you all are eager to leave seeing as this is almost summer break-he briefly did a quick adjustment of his glasses-and I for one really need this break."He said with a quick smile while earning a few laughs from his students.

"But.."He said with a stern face.

"I do not want you guys slacking of and forgetting that you go to school"He said looking at a few people who shrugged while facing elsewhere.

"Then again,those of you that need extra tutoring can always come for the summer program"He said while looking directly at a group of students especially a boy who gave him a quick smile which made him shake his head.

"Okay then, that is all I have to say on school matters.Enjoy your break kids as I hope to enjoy mine."He said with a smile and wink before leaving the class.


"Finally...it is all over here I come ladies..."

"My dad said he would get for me that latest..."

"Hey man we can finally go for that shooting game stuff you always talked..."

"Hey girl you and Josh can finally hangout..."

Many students chatted happily as they walked.All except one who walked alone with a hoodie over his head.

His name is Alec Fletcher third son of Maxwell Fletcher of the Fletcher Group,a well known group with many branches all over the world which focuses on technology and medicine with various others.A true elite amongst elites.

Over all things Alec was unbelievably handsome with a well sculptured face,thick lashes,a well porportioned nose,deep blue eyes that could trap any one and smooth flawless skin.There was a time he was the talk of school, always receiving gifts from various girls because not only was he handsome but smart and well mannered as well.All that happened until that faithful incident...

Alec shaked his head under the hoodie and sighed softly while he walked.Ever since that day he withdrew into himself and faded into the background,never socializing and ever alone.


Alec shook out of his thoughts as he felt the vibration of his phone.He took it out and answered with a smile on his face.

"Hey mom,how are you feeling..."

"That is good..."

"I am doing good..."

"Yeah, school was good as usual..."

"Come on mom-he rolled his eyes a bit while smiling widely-it was good as usual ok."

"How did you-nevermind that,sorry for rolling my eyes."he said sighing while slumping his shoulders a bit in defeat.

"I will go get your medication today ok,so I am gonna be a little late."

"Yeah,am gonna be safe.Bye mom."

"Hey Alec,how are you?"Said a guy amongst a group of students whom Mr Gibson looked at in the class, smiling as he walked towards Alec.

"You can drop the pretences Jake."Alec said coldly as he tensed his body and clenched his fists preparing for what to come as Jake came a bit closer to him.

"Come on now whatever do you mean?"Jake asked smiling rather evilly at Alec with his back turned to his friends.

"You seem-he moved closer to Alec pretending to brush his clothes-a bit stiff...brother."He said changing his expression to that of a humble smile.He turned around and walked towards his friends.

"The Blooms Cafe my treat."Jake said as he put his hand on the shoulder of a beautiful strawberry blonde hair girl who smiled at him in turn.


"You are the best man..."

"We best get going then."

"By the way..."Jake said with a pause before turning to Alec with a smile"...be careful while getting home ok."And with that he turned and left with his buddies.

"Who is that guy anyway?"One of his buddies asked while looking back a bit at Alec.

"Oh,he is my brother of course"Said Jake with a sigh.


"Bro that is so shocking"

"Yeah,like you guys are so different..."

"He is my stepbrother off course"Jake said matter-of-factly.

"Ooh..." His buddies said.

The strawberry blonde haired girl turned to look at Alec's retreating figure before turning again and looking at Jake's handsome face.

Sometime later...

"Damn... it's quite late"Said Alec looking at the dark sky as he came out of a pharmacy holding a bag in one hand and a paper he was currently looking at.

"I really hope mom would get better"He said and sighed softly.He took off his hoodie and face mask not knowing the effect it had on the females nearby and started walking unknown to him a black car followed behind.

Alec walked silently on the well lit street with a hand in his hoodie pocket and another holding the white bag while thinking about the things that happened earlier at school that day.

Jake Fletcher that pretencious bastard always putting him in trouble while acting as if it was a favor on his side.The second son of the Fletcher Group.If only things where different,just Alec and his mom together without all the Fletcher dramas and problems.

Alec sighed.

The light turned green as Alec crossed the deserted road lost in thought only to be brought back by the headlights of a black car as it rushed towards him at a unprecedented speed,no honks,no shouts as he neared Alec.

Alec froze as soon as he saw the driver and was tossed back to the past.



"HAHAHAHA...no one is coming boy..."


Alec felt no pain as he twisted and turned in the air only sorrow and anger.



And just as he closed his eyes to accept his fate.

Mom...am sorry.