
Unrisen: The Strongest Auxiliary Type Risen

"You're an Auxiliary Type Risen? You'll play a supporting role then." "Hah, what a lame ass power. Don't die on your first expedition!" "Son, we can't let you join BEACON." The Unrisen overruns Earth in 2097. What the previous generations used to call zombies, often seen in video games and movies, has now become a reality! Conventional weapons deal little to no damage against the more advanced Unrisen! Fortunately, a counterpart rises to the occasion! Take part in the struggles of Arryn and his growing powers as a Risen Auxiliary, in a quest to eradicate every single Unrisen, and to uncover the mysteries that lead to the apocalyptic events! ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOVEL CONTESTANT IN WPC#298 – SUPERPOWERS At least 2 chapters daily throughout the contest! Chapter length: 1000-1300 words. Contribute with Power Stones to help me win and popularize the series! Deuces

RainGear · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Power Types

"Line up there." Patel pointed, signifying that the three recruits should stand on top of each designated mark on the ground.

Arryn stole a better glance at the two other participants.

To his left was a tall and brawny youth that looked like he had been well-fed his whole life. Arryn looked like a scrawny kid in comparison. And that was taking his own robust coal mining physique and middling height into consideration.

Arryn couldn't get a precise view of the girl to his far left because of the hulk of a man standing between him and her. He had only been able to notice her blond hair and that she was around his age.

"This device is called a Pointer and will confirm that you are indeed a Risen." Patel continued once the three recruits had positioned themselves accordingly. "However, on the off-chance that you've been Tainted in any way, Sergeant Wu, here, and the guards will put you into quarantine for further, let's say, study. Understood?"

The trio gulped. The sound of being potential lab rats didn't sit well.

"The Pointer, as its name suggests, will point out what type of Risen you've become. Now, recruit 656, step forward." Patel peered at the young girl.

The girl did as told.

"Now, before we start. Have you already used your power, whether deliberately or accidentally?"

"Accidentally." The girl hesitantly answered. "I think I'm an Elementalist. My room is covered in sand every time I wake up."

Patel frowned. "How many days has it been?"

"Three days."

"You should have come in earlier! You're putting your family at great risk when you can't control your power! In a worst-case scenario, your powers can be overspent, putting you at risk of turning. Do you understand?!"

The girl's eyes became glassy, ready to tear up unless she kept her head raised.

Patel became speechless for the first time as he received a couple of scornful looks from Sergeant Wu and a few other personnel.

Although, they all understood what he said wasn't out of order either. It was not uncommon for newly Risen to stay hidden from BEACON. Not everyone wanted to take part in expeditions or other dangerous operations that risked one's life on a weekly basis.

Patel faked a cough and finally let the Pointer do the work.

A projection shot out of the Pointer, scanning the young girl from top to bottom.

Within several intervals of going up and down, the projections stopped scanning after about 10 seconds, and a green color code was displayed on the side of the Pointer.

Green was good, right?

"Good. Congratulations. You're officially a Risen Elementalist. Wait over there on standby for the next test." Patel pointed towards a nearby tent.

As the girl went into the tent, the brawny youth was asked to step forward next.

"Recruit 657, step forward."

He was asked the same set of questions.

"Deliberate." The youth answered.

Patel gave him a watchful gaze.

"Well, deliberate at first." The youth corrected himself. "Then I destroyed the living room by accident." He awkwardly laughed.

Arryn couldn't help but chuckle.

"Congratulations. You're officially a Risen Augmenter." Patel spoke once again after the Pointer turned green for the second time today.

It wasn't uncommon to become an Augmenter. In fact, most Risen became Augmenters, able to embody strength beyond normal human capacity. In addition, Augmenters often developed unique bodily quirks, such as shooting organic but hardened projectiles or turning parts of their bodies into stone.

Thus Augmenters were mainly separated into two categories: Dealer and Defender. Although, it was possible to become both if the Risen in question possessed both offensive and defensive quirks.

Elementalists were the second most common Risen type. Unlike Augmenters that empower their own bodies, Elementalists invoke nature and their surroundings.

Recruit number 656 that woke up with sand covering her bedroom already presented this fact. And similar to Augmenters, an Elementalist could on rare occasions also possess more than one element or quirk.

In total, BEACON classified Risen into 5 categorical classes. Other than the Augmenter and Elementalist types, Risen could become an Insighter, a Spiritualist, a Psion.

Insighters usually possessed heightened senses, accelerated learning capabilities, or other quirks that raised their intelligence or reflexes, turning them into agile and speedy fighters. According to BEACON, only 15% of Risen became Insighters.

Spiritualists were closely related to Elementalists but possessed more abstract and incorporeal powers that transcended science even further. Arryn only ever heard of a few Spiritualists residing within Falling Star City, which made sense since only 2% of Risen turned into one.

Even more uncommon was the Psion. Just as reality-defying as the Spiritualists, Psions were the benders of reality, both mentally and physically. That's all Arryn knew and he'd only heard rumors that one of the city's high-ranking Risen was a Psion.

Last and also least was the Auxiliary type. Risen that were classified into this category usually possessed lackluster powers or powers that were difficult to categorize, which typically meant trash powers of no significance.

In tandem with the low usefulness in battle against the Unrisen, Risen Auxiliaries therefore became the least wanted in any expedition team.

"As long as I'm not an Auxiliary, I'm satisfied." Arryn mumbled to himself once it became recruit 658's turn.

To Arryn's satisfaction, the Pointer turned green. To his dissatisfaction, the Pointer stated that he wasn't among the five Risen types!

"The Pointer didn't associate you with any of the 5 primary Risen types." Patel said, showing empathy for the first time ever. "Congratulations. Or should I say condolences? You're officially a Risen Auxiliary."

Arryn's mouth dropped.

Was the test flawed?

Was fate pulling his strings?

Why the fuck did it have to be him?

Less than 1% became Auxiliaries! He finally thought that his days at the coal mines had come to an end! Now, he wasn't so sure about that!

Arryn had entered into a state of denial. Maybe he shouldn't have come today and listened to his parents? Would he become the new laughingstock in their neighborhood?

Moments later, as all three newly Risen settled into the large tent, Patel and his assistants, Sergeant Wu, and the guards on testing area duty continued on with the next phase.

This testing phase was crucial as it would determine their starting rank and job duties within BEACON.

"Alright, any questions before we start?" Patel impatiently asked.

The girl that had become an Elementalist raised her hand.


"Can you tell us more about the different ranks within BEACON?"

"Ah, I'll let Sergeant Wu answer that. He's the closest thing to an Officer rank after all."

Sergeant Wu tapped on his comlink watch that only Sergeants or higher ranked military officers were granted.

A cerulean sky-blue projection aligned itself on one of the tent outfitters Sergeant Wu and his watch were facing.

"Damn, that's a lot of ranks." The brawny recruit number 657 looked exasperated.