

Do you believe in the theory of love at first sight? If so start reading the book "the unrequited love of the crown prince" starring prince and princess from the various kingdom with the mighty suspense in a triangle love.

Niloy_16 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Knock!! knock!!" I heard my handmaid Kaey knocks on the door frenzied.

"What took you so long to collect the news from the butler??" the other maid Kyle frantically scolded Kaey for taking time to return to the princess chamber.

"Take a breath, Kaey!" I said seeing her panting hard from running.

Ignoring my words, I heard her say, "My lady!! He is here!!"

'At last, the nightmare is going to come true!!' My face got sullen on hearing the words Kaey uttered.

"Be more specific Kaey!! Who is here?" Kyle scolded Kaey noticing the change in my facial expressions.

"What needed to be specific Kyle? Of course, Prince Javid Luc from the Luc Kingdom is here to marry our princess, Lara!!"

"Stop bluffing Kaey!!" the other maid Kyle exploded in anger rolling her eyes on my behalf.

'Yes, I'm disappointed, angered with the fact that I'm getting married to a person whom I never knew before. The protest I did was of no use rather it ignited the anger of the royal Queen. Is it my fault to be born into the royal FAMILY? I wish I could fly far away. Far away from the reign of kings and queens. Far away from the people who are blinded by the thought that being born into the royal family is a stroke of luck. Far away to the land where I can find my happiness to live with the ones I love without royal curfews, where there is no competition or jealousy to be on the throne.'

There is nothing called luck from being born into the family of the royals. The more they are into the fact, the more they are bound to get hurt. Princess Lara was being born to the 3rd wife of the king of the Shan kingdom is no exception. She was the 3rd princess to the royal king Zhao Shan.

"My lady, I'm not still suitable for the palace life. I've got over-excited for no good." Kaey bowed down to apologize as Kyle rolled her eyes signaling her.

"I'm happy to have you both by my side," I said masking the commotion inside my head with a bashful smile. The more I think about it, the more my thoughts are getting entangled. It wasn't what I want.

Shan kingdom is one of the most powerful kingdoms in power in the eastern empire. However, it is reaching its end due to the internal politics between the royal families. To strengthen the kingdom the king has decided to establish a nuptial relationship with the Luc kingdom in the western empire.

"My lady, you need to get ready soon. There will be an announcement in the main hall!" I turned towards the direction of the sound; it was the court lady who spoke behind the curtains.

"I understood, you may leave now," I replied with frustration, only a few hours left for me to leave the palace, nothing going to change much. It will be another palace, with more or less the same curfews accordingly. However, I'm not willing to be one of the wives of the prince in the palace. I'm cannot portion out the love which should reasonably be mine. Yes, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I can not be the only loving wife to the prince.

Luc kingdom is not as powerful as the Shan kingdom, nonetheless Zhao Shan is in the need to get more alliance to maintain his reign strengthened.

"My lady! The bath is ready." Once again, I got disturbed from my thoughts. "I will come" I replied plainly without showing emotions.

"My lady, you are asked to take bath in the royal pool. You will be guided by the therapist and beautician from there on." Kyle said bowing down.

I was startled hearing that before I could ask why my handmaid Kyle spoke again. "It is the order from his majesty as part of the ritual for marriage"

'Again, there comes the play. To this day, the king didn't pay much attention to my presence. All of a sudden, I'm getting to feel royal. Anyways, it feels good.'

Kyle and Kaey helped me change my dress to the bathrobe before moving to the royal pool for the bridal bath. "My lady!! Try to hold back your ignorance for a little while, the Queen herself was asked to monitor you by his highness…" Kyle whispered in my ears knowing my temper.

"I understood!" I replied with a reassuring smile gripping her hands signaling that I'll be okay in their absence.

'I hope you will do it great my lady. I'm sorry that I couldn't be of any help to you. I'll make sure that you will be happy for the decision you have made' Kyle muffled in her mind knowing the fact that her lady Lara is displeased and unhappy with the idea of getting married to a prince of their rival kingdom.

Kyle and Kaey moved away from the place leaving the princess alone. Not so later, the bath therapist walked inside the pool room along with her maids. The maids helped her to untie the classic-length blonde hair. The maids quickly helped her settle in the hot water pool scented with various aroma oils to nourish the skin of the bride. The therapist started massaging the acupoints to relieve the stress in the body, while the maids helped her to wash the hair massaging the scalp.

"My lady spread out your hands and legs" the therapist requested.

'This feels so good, perhaps the Queen enjoys this daily' thinking about the Queen's greediness makes me work up.

"My Lady! Don't tighten your muscles." The therapist spoke again, as my muscles tensed in thinking of the queen.

"Her Highness, The Queen of Shan kingdom is entering the pool house!!" the court lady shouted out loud to announce the presence of Queen.

Queen raised her hands signaling the court maid to stop announcing her presence.

"Ahem- Ahem!!" the queen cleared her throat to bring the attention of the princess who is caught enjoying the bath in the royal pool.

'Eww! I need to put up my act in front of this bi***' I stood up from the massage cushion to greet the Queen.

"You may continue bathing. I'm here to check on you on behalf of his highness." The queen spoke with her usual pride.


What is waiting for Princess Lara at the end of the day? Will be sold out to guard the kingdom by her father?


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