
Unrequited (Jimin x reader)

Some love stories have no end..they are just half written, disappearing before they even start....will their unrequited love ever be requited?

Borafiqs · Celebrities
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8 Chs

Friends Forever

"Luna is awake!" You grin ear to ear, Jimin reflecting the same joy "That girl won't wake up when I come but the moment you decide to come she wakes up, now I feel like I'm third wheeling between you two" Jimin joked making you laugh "I'll steal her right in front of you, she loves me more" you joke back as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Are you going to confess?" You ask him out of the blue, you see him gulp and drum his fingers nervously on the steering wheel "I don't know...what if it's not the right time y/n?" "There is no 'right time' tell her, you shouldn't regret it later. Tell her when you still can because if you don't you'll be stuck thinking what if you did things differently" you ruffle his hair smiling "Thank y/n, you are the best sis" and again you feel that dull pain in your heart, "Now move your hand or we'll end up next to Luna" Jimin said as you chuckle "Elly will kill us if we do".

When you reached the hospital you could see the sun rising, you follow Jimin to the room Luna was in and stop right outside the door "Go in Jimin, confess to her first...I'll meet her later" tell him to go confess to her was hard, you felt like you couldn't breath but you knew you had lost him way before all this started, you wished you had taken your own advice and confessed to him instead of denying your feelings.

Jimin mouths a thank you and goes in as Elly steps out hugging you then going to get some coffee, you stand near the door seeing through the glass with a sad smile as your two best friends confess to each other, you see Jimin kiss her gently. You feel something wet drip down your cheeks and realize that you were crying, wiping your tears harshly, you push down your emotions and put on a big smile before sneaking in.

"Say cheese!" You click their picture before they could even react "You b*tch come here! Finally I can meet you, who knew all it would take is a tiny car hitting me" Luna slightly pushed Jimin away and opened her arms towards you. You hug he lightly not wanting to hurt her and let a few tears slip "See I told you she loves me more" you stick your tongue out at Jimin, Luna doing the same while Jimin just rolled his eyes "Think whatever you want but she is my girlfriend y/n"

"Wait we got to tell the others too that she is fine!" You call Taehyung, Nayeon, Sana and Rose as each took a turn to talk to Luna. You send them the picture you took as Sana and Rose cheer saying how their ship was sailing, "About damn time, it was annoying to see them being so dumb" Taehyung said making everyone laugh "Ok guys time up, both of you out now, Luna needs to rest" Elly said walking in a shooing you out.

Everyone said their bye and left the call, now it was only Nayeon left "y/n can I talk to you?" She said as you reply with a "sure" "You love Jimin, don't you?" She said shocking you, you thought you had hidden it well from them "No, eww why would I love that pig" you try to cover up but Nayeon gave out a humorless laugh "I don't know y/n why do you love him? No matter how much you deny it you can't lie to me" her voice softens as you finally let your tears fall "It's just a crush I'll get over it..." You said to convince yourself more than her.

*𝟭𝟴 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧*

Your plane lands in Korea as you take quick steps to the exit. It had been nearly 2 years since you left Korea and went to New York, you were now a best selling author like you always wanted. Your book was the story of your life, with some twists so no one figures it out that it was indeed your story.

Jimin had taken over his father's business and returned back to Korea just a month back from London, he grabbed his phone and messaged you smiling at the thought of you finally being able to meet you again after a long time.

You get a message from your boyfriend that he sent his driver to pick you up, you find his driver and tell him to drop you off at Jimin's home "hey there Miss. y/n, care to give this biggest fan of yours an autograph?" Jimin pecks your cheek as he hugs you tightly, taking in your scent, books and chocolate, same as before. He wondered if you spent the whole day in books to smell like them.

"Why of course Mr. Park" you smile at him, mischief flickers in your eyes. You stamp your muddy boots on Jimin's white shoe as he glares at you and runs into his home to get it cleaned before the mud dries "Why would you do that? Same evil piggy as always" Jimin glared at your laughing figure, his eyes soften seeing you happy as his heart feels warm.

"Tomorrow is the day right..." You said just above a whisper after sobering up, Jimin nods his head, his eyes turning sad as the images from an year back flash by. He remembered how he held Luna as she took her last breath, how she told him to be happy and smiled her last smile, he remembered how everything was fine that day when they were out on a date, Luna seemed off but he thought nothing was wrong. The wound had opened again causing internal bleeding, doctors told that even if she came earlier there was not much they could do since it was her lung. Jimin remembers how devastated he was, he left Korea and went to London to escape from her memories. None of you knew about this until 3 months later, you knew Jimin needed time so you gave him that and you checked on him everyday.

Your phone pinged, your boyfriend messaged you asking you where you were. You sent him a simple text that you were breaking up with him, you knew he cheated on you but you felt no anger because you never really loved him, you thought you could but you failed.

Jimin let out a sigh calling you inside his home, you see Luna's dog run out jumping at you. Walking in further you see a small frame with pictures of her, Jimin stood next to you looking at it too '𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦, 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳' Jimin thought how fitting the words you wrote in your book were, he had read it enough to remember each line. He wondered whose story was it or if you just came up with it.

You glance at him seeing the way he looked at Luna. Even now you knew Jimin still loved her just as much as the day he confessed to her, somewhere in the sadness there was love too. Luna came into his life and imprinted herself in his heart like writing on a stone, even after ages he would still love her and you would probably just be his friend, his 'sister' forever but you were ok with that.

You both saw the way each other looked at the person they loved but never at how you looked at each other...


(𝙮/𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑)

I loved Jimin, I still do and could never stop loving him. Will we ever be with each other in future? I don't know but I will always stay by him till he needs me, some stories have no end..they are just half written, disappearing before they even start.

Even though I got closer to him the distance between our hearts never reduced...I would wait for him even after eons, in hopes that one the sky would bend to meet the sea, that one day our incomplete story will be complete, that one day my unrequited love will be requited...

This was the story of the guy I love...Park Jimin.