

Lydia, an elegant and curvaceous CEO with a flirtatious nature, is pursued by numerous wealthy and influential men. However, it is Jerry, a charming employee in her company with an infectious smile, who eventually captures her heart. Set in the bustling city of New York, "Unraveling Hearts" explores their journey of love, filled with obstacles, unexpected encounters, and passionate emotions.

Alexeliaski12 · Urban
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79 Chs


Their eyes met, a subtle spark igniting between them. The intensity of their connection was undeniable, a silent understanding passing between their gazes. Without a word, Jerry closed the distance between them, his towel dropping to the floor in a swift motion. Sophie's towel soon followed, pooling at her feet.

Their bodies pressed together, warm and damp, as their lips met in a passionate kiss. The sensation of skin against skin sent shivers down their spines, igniting a fire that had been kindling throughout the day. Hands explored familiar terrain, tracing contours and eliciting soft gasps of pleasure.

Jerry's fingers trailed down Sophie's back, leaving a trail of tingling sensation in their wake. She responded with a shiver, her arms wrapping around his neck as they deepened their kiss. Their mouths moved with a fervent hunger, a merging of desire and emotions that transcended words.