

Lydia, an elegant and curvaceous CEO with a flirtatious nature, is pursued by numerous wealthy and influential men. However, it is Jerry, a charming employee in her company with an infectious smile, who eventually captures her heart. Set in the bustling city of New York, "Unraveling Hearts" explores their journey of love, filled with obstacles, unexpected encounters, and passionate emotions.

Alexeliaski12 · Urban
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79 Chs

New Beginnings in the Sinclair Mansion

Jerry's grip on the newspaper tightened as his heart raced. He couldn't believe his eyes, and his mind struggled to process the information. Quickly, he rolled over the paper to show Sophie, whose reaction mirrored his own. The happiness that had surrounded them moments ago now felt like a distant memory, replaced by an overwhelming sense of concern and disbelief.

Their glasses of wine, once a source of joy, now seemed bitter as they placed them down on the table. Jerry and Sophie exchanged worried glances, the weight of the news sinking in. They knew they couldn't stay in the restaurant any longer; they needed to find out more, to know the extent of Lydia's condition and what had happened.