
Unravel The World

Clickbait╰( ・ ・ )~>> Come take a look #WSA2022 #Itsmyfirstevernovelsopleaselikeandsubscribetowinaheart If you liked the legendary Mechanic's power System they you'll love what I'm doing here. It's a mix of Norse mythology world building, but reimagined and Futuristic-cky... There will be Romance....one day. Synopsis Come into a world of Swords and Magic, A world of Energy weapons and Futuristic Technology. Eze jumped through a portal he dreamt about and found himself in another world, that he also, dreamt about Come follow his adventure as he awakens to the WORST class. A space Mage. He also wondered how the legendary Space Mage class that others from his old world were dreaming of could be labeled as trash. Turns out this world- a humongous wonder of Energy-Organic life fusion (dubbed the Cosmic Tree), apart from releasing a steady cloud of Cosmic Energy for Users to train also poses restrictions on only one specific sub-class, guess which? Space Mage. But that's Okay because when you come from another world where there's no Energy to train your expectations were already low, at least you have something, right? Except this world also has more to it than that. The almighty tree God(non-sentient, they said) also does the miraculous job of connecting worlds from one end of the Cosmos, to the other and has amassed a total of 39 races, with humans, not being one of them. And he's being told to hide the fact that he's human with no explanation except it could cause his world to fall Sigh. "I've learned a lot this week, bit why does it feel like I've only scratched the surface." "Also I hate people so I don't mind if Earth blows u-" "WHAT? You mean that it would affect me by association to Earth?" "****!" **** If you decide not to add to library. Then; Add to library at least! Add to library ;kneeling emoji I basically cover 'borrowed' from online so if it's yours, just alert me in the comment section... #WSA 2022 I won't tell you what to put in your reviews, but it's my first work, EVER Edit It appears I may have chosen a less mainstream genre thereby hindering my chances so how's this? I will put....[drumroll~] WEREWOLVES!!!

Chuzi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
27 Chs



When I turned around I came face to face with a close up of a pink face with green pupils and silver hair bearing a perfect resemblance to Zayn who just stormed off, but that was impossible.

"I'm your guide, Zeina. Nice to meet you!" she spoke while maintaining eye contact at a close distance.

'Oh, it's just someone who bears a resemblance to her and a similar name. Are they twins? Is this how Zayn would look if her hair was less boyishly short' I wondered.

"Nice to meet you Zeina, I'm Eze, the new student" I said, not stepping back an inch even though It was weird the way she was acting overly familiar.

"You didn't step back, impressive." she said in a bright and cheery tone that was anything like Zayn's own. So she's not Zayn then

Once she stepped back I could finally get a good look at her body and be 'convinced' that she wasn't Zayn. 'Dayum!!' she was hot, she was wearing a loose white robe but it still couldn't hide the- wait! A 'white' robe-

"Teehee, thank you" she giggled while smiling widely.

I think I just died a little, she was a Psychic, huh? Do all Psychics read minds

"Haha, you're a Psychic, I didn't know all Psychics could read minds so easily" I lied, experiencing Zayn do it on more than one occasion

"Not all, just about 10 Psychics in the world" she said while smiling brightly

'Then what sort of luck do I have to have met two!'

"Let's talk somewhere with less ears" she said motioning to follow her to the largest building

It turned out to be a hall of some sorts on the ground floor with another floor with classrooms in a circular formation and a balcony overlooking the first floor. Both floors were littered with chairs and just happened to be empty.

"So you've met with Zayn, then." She broke the silence we had while walking

"Yeah, we've been adopted siblings for about one day now, how are the two of you related" I asked curiously. The two of them looked seriously alike, like identical twins. Well not in body but in face at least

"You can think of us as having the same mother" she said in a lazy tone while still maintaining eye contact

'They have to be twins, right?'

"But anyways, due to personal reasons, I and she are forbidden from intersecting in our daily lives directly, but we have a sort of sibling rivalry you see…" she spoke taking her words slowly

'Is this how siblings work? Only-child life was actually great'

"So when I heard you and Zayn talking about a competition in one month's time, I decided to come see what the person who made Zayn angry looked like." She said empathetically

"And considering the fact that I'm getting an irritating reaction by standing close to you, you're probably a Space Mage, right? A weak one." She said after sniffing in my direction a few times

"Yeah?" how could she tell? And where was this going

"Well, there you have it. On the day of your fight you will lose badly, and you will end up being molested, and it will be many times worse if you are watched by people in school.

Listen to the tale of Joshua Lancaster, a Space Mage with 90% E.A.R


So the way the story went down was this:

Once upon a time Some talented Space Mage and wealthy-ish second generation young master was chasing after her(understandable), because he was confident in his; looks(cool), family's corporation(I'm jealous), and some fact that said female Zarabs had a weird fetish for strong dominant male Light Elves("…"). I reacted very nonchalantly because I'd seen the story before

She was dramatically acting it out like a campfire story. That I've seen in movies.

When she acted out the Joshua-guy's face she made him look extra hideous by twisting her face and altering her voice.

Anyways I rejected him but on second thought I thought it would be funny if I hit two birds with one stone."

'No! I speak with all guys when I say I could tell things would not go well'

"A week after I gently let him down I told him to come to a date with 'me' convinced him that I was 'definitely' into him, then I sent Zayn a message convincing her I was an official and telling her to come pick up a prize to a PEKO competition I know she won at the same location, ahaha.

'Poor, guy, this is the exact reason why I choose to be single.'

"I have the video right here, come look" she said while holding her stomach from laughing.'

She removed a phone from the chest pocket of her robe. 'That reminds me I haven't used my phone since I got it. I thought feeling in the pocket of my jeans for the rectangular bulge.

Meanwhile, she deftly used her fingerprint to unlock it. The phone seemed to be just like the ones on earth. I just barely saw a screen wallpaper with one woman with her back turned and four others all in old timey cloths sitting on brooms with the silver moon behind them at night before she hurriedly clicked on her photo album.

After clicking there she navigated to the start of the year January 20 and in the midst of some selfies there was a video, she played it.

It showed a video of a short girl standing in an alley waiting for something.

Then a blonde elf male came with a bouquet of flowers running to meet her

Then as if he noticed something he slowed down and started circling around her.

[Zayn?] The guy asked [I was supposed to meet Zeina, the better sister here]

'Ouch.' I thought but apparently it didn't seem to faze Zayn at all.

[She used you as a fool then, because she's clearly not here] she plainly replied not forgetting to sound as harsh as possible.

[No! Zeina would never do that, I've heard rumors about the rivalry between you two, you must be doing this to get back at her love life after she made your hair fall off a week ago. Apparently stealing her Psychic Crystals wasn't enough.]

I turned to look at her face.

She looked like a child eagerly waiting for her favorite cartoon to come on but I wasn't having any of it. What did I just hear?

She turned to me and said "The best part is coming on"

[You clearly know nothing about her, my advice is to drop any silly fantasies you might have gotten from her smiling face and look somewhere else before it's too late]

[I see now] the guy (Joshua?) spoke with an enlightened smile.

[I won't date you!]

It was at this point Zeina started wiggling excitedly, I assumed something was about to happen.

[You must have concocted this whole scheme right? Planting false evidence to make me believe that Zeina had zero feelings for me, then swooping in on the rebound? Such a stupid plan is something that would only work on a kid!] he said righteously, patting himself on the back for escaping the scheme meanwhile he was falling deeper.

[I have no interest in you, little girl, so scram before I-]

[…fifteen] we heard from the girl, also it was weird how her head was bent low with her short hair naturally forming eye-bangs so her eyes couldn't be seen

[What?] apparently he hadn't heard her well

[I SAID I'M FIFTEEN] following that she unleashed her energy on him, I saw Joshua's figure flash briefly as he shouted 'Gate' repeatedly apparently trying to use his space magic but to no avail.

And in the end he was enveloped by the energy.

'This is my best part' I heard her say happily from next to me but I was too shocked to respond

The video continued on for about one more minutes, but the contents were too horrible to describe.

He was the best Space Mage in school, albeit his irritating nature. And he was rushed to ICU and put on life support for a whole 2 months. And he hasn't been seen since then

"Do you think you can fare better than the strongest Space Mage in school in one month's time?" she spoke playfully, still laughing over the video.

"How do I escape this fate" I spoke seriously, only realizing how serious my situation was.

"All this because he acted presumptuously?" I asked eyes staring into blank space

"Yes, it's one of the things we share in common. At least according to my observations of her."

"We hate people that act 'all that' when they're not

I flinched. 'Wasn't I acting presumptuously when I told her I might not need to train to become great?'

"We share an inexplicable irritation for Space Mages"

I flinched again! They both had it?

"But the last one! Do not ever do the last one, or you just might leave in a stretcher and be put on life preservation 'for life' in your fight.

"What?" I asked. 'Could it already be worse?'

"For this one we both had it until I broke through last year, so now she's alone in it. She doesn't always react to it in public to give people the intention that she doesn't care, but she always gets her revenge when you least expect it.

"What?" I asked nervously

"I made fun of her height, and only barely got away with my life"

It's what stated the feud between us. We've done many things between us; putting one of the most talented Space Mages in the hospital, blew up the school's Testing room"

"What?" I asked shocked

"We wanted to see who was stronger and things got out of hand." She spoke offhandedly

"If I'm keeping scores correctly, and I probably am, I should have sent her to the hospital 10 times in the three years we've been in school. And it all started on that hot afternoon when I asked…

I listened to the entire narrative with a gaping mouth

"Don't we look like an older and younger sister pair, even though you're older and I'm younger 'Ha-Ha'"

Me who said outright that she looked like a child; L

"But wait! We didn't fight right away, she gave me about two days before she jumped me when I was in the middle of Training, almost as if she didn't care if the Energy in my brain spontaneously reacted and exploded!

She was like a crazy person at that time.

But before that she sent me a text;

It just said "The Imp is coming"


A sound rang out and my legs could feel a vibration.

I traced the vibration to the new phone I hadn't even unlocked.

Opening the phone I was met with a text message from an unknown number.

"How?" I hadn't given this number to anyone.

The text read "The Imp is coming"