
Unravel The World

Clickbait╰( ・ ・ )~>> Come take a look #WSA2022 #Itsmyfirstevernovelsopleaselikeandsubscribetowinaheart If you liked the legendary Mechanic's power System they you'll love what I'm doing here. It's a mix of Norse mythology world building, but reimagined and Futuristic-cky... There will be Romance....one day. Synopsis Come into a world of Swords and Magic, A world of Energy weapons and Futuristic Technology. Eze jumped through a portal he dreamt about and found himself in another world, that he also, dreamt about Come follow his adventure as he awakens to the WORST class. A space Mage. He also wondered how the legendary Space Mage class that others from his old world were dreaming of could be labeled as trash. Turns out this world- a humongous wonder of Energy-Organic life fusion (dubbed the Cosmic Tree), apart from releasing a steady cloud of Cosmic Energy for Users to train also poses restrictions on only one specific sub-class, guess which? Space Mage. But that's Okay because when you come from another world where there's no Energy to train your expectations were already low, at least you have something, right? Except this world also has more to it than that. The almighty tree God(non-sentient, they said) also does the miraculous job of connecting worlds from one end of the Cosmos, to the other and has amassed a total of 39 races, with humans, not being one of them. And he's being told to hide the fact that he's human with no explanation except it could cause his world to fall Sigh. "I've learned a lot this week, bit why does it feel like I've only scratched the surface." "Also I hate people so I don't mind if Earth blows u-" "WHAT? You mean that it would affect me by association to Earth?" "****!" **** If you decide not to add to library. Then; Add to library at least! Add to library ;kneeling emoji I basically cover 'borrowed' from online so if it's yours, just alert me in the comment section... #WSA 2022 I won't tell you what to put in your reviews, but it's my first work, EVER Edit It appears I may have chosen a less mainstream genre thereby hindering my chances so how's this? I will put....[drumroll~] WEREWOLVES!!!

Chuzi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

The B.M.E stomps the Pentagon

'People can use hot rods as rentals?'

The inside of the hot rod was sleek and the leather was something else.

We both sat at the back seat where I could easily observe everything going on without being observed as easily. I didn't enjoy being watched.

Meanwhile the Elf driver with piercings directly put his hands on the steering wheel and what happened next amazed me.

Some sort of purple miasma emanated from his hands and directly flowed into the steering wheel through the leather grip and disappeared.

Immediately after a path opened up from the steering wheel showing a purple color trail leading to different sections of the car.

"Woah" It looked like futuristic technology, but i knew it was 'magic'.


The car took off with a zoom as it climbed up to 50 in a few seconds and steadily cruised at that speed.

"Whoa" once i got used to the high speed i started feeling some thrill from the ride.

"Pretty cool, right?" he asked

"It is" it looked like a cartoon I used to watch with some cousins when I was younger. That was all before we stopped hanging for some reason. I'm over it though

"Hey, now that I look at it, you don't exactly look like you're a dark elf."

'A dark elf?' Is that like an elf with dark skin?

"He's part Dark elf" Amir answered in place of me. That's right… he still doesn't know that I'm from another world.

"Ah, he has your…face"

Okay that was a lie and everyone in the car knew it.

Finally I could observe the outside of the car in peace…

The outside was my first official glance of the world's community, the road had other cars, mostly a generic type but rare types like hot rods or trucks appeared every now and then but there was one weird thing I noticed.

'These cars don't seem to have emissions' we passed just close enough for me to see the bumper of another car and confirm my suspicions

'As expected of a magic world, there's probably almost no pollution. That means no global warming. Nope, don't care. '

About half of the cars, even though they were of different shapes all seemed to be electric, or rather Ferra cars. They didn't appear to release the Carbon monoxide their earth counterparts did, only casting an eerie purple shadow onto the road.

There was a second group of cars that cast a Gold shadow onto the road, they seemed more expensive that their purple counterparts and more standardized, like they were higher end machines.

So maybe, the rented cars are cheaper than the luxury cars. That should be it-

Then I saw a luxury car from another lane attempt to pass ours, only for 'Pierce' to snort.

"Hmph" and with that the Energy he was putting into the car increased and we gained an increase in our speed.

A couple of gauges on the front started turning and a screen at the front started showing an increase in one of the readings from a light blue to a deep green causing his face to grimace and he finally slowed the car down after the car was just ahead enough that the other car didn't stand another chance of overtaking.


"Haha, speed up! Come on, burn that expensive Cosmic Energy!"

The other car was quiet this time, probably swearing internally. So it appears the fuel for those cars is different compared to Ferra. Cosmic Energy, isn't that the same stuff in the sky, the really important stuff that everybody needs to power up? It's also diesel? What a stuff.

After 5 minutes of road travel we finally reached our destination, the Bureau of Mana Energy(B.M.E).

The building was supposed to be a Mage tower reaching at least 10 floors or so.

"This, this, ah my eyes! "

The Bureau was a gigantic pentagon!

'What is this' it was as tall as a skyscraper but still as long as one- no, five stadiums. The building was about the same height as the Statue of Liberty! The people walking all around the football-pitch pavement looked like ants surrounding the periphery of an anthill but the 'anthill' was still like a mountain compared to the ants.

The large building could probably receive a meteor strike head on, no it could destroy the meteor itself!

Was there a need to make the building stupidly big? I could only tell it was a pentagon because our driver drove around four sides of it for some reason. And I could only approximate the height because when I reached a certain height the sun was shining directly in my eyes!

"It's humungous." I softly exclaimed. I knew of a Pentagon in my old world too. Rumor had it that one hid a 50 foot tall mechanical robot. If both of them were to be compared… this one could easily hold a dozen 50 foot mechas! And that's not counting hidden underground storage or whatever technological advances these people may have cooked up to make it more compact.

The side we were on had a dozen transparent 360 doors, and also the walls were tiled windows that reflected light so you couldn't see others inside but they could see you. I could feel my heart beating faster. It's the perfect device to use to get my daily dose of 'life' outside a phone.

"Ah calm down, you haven't even seen the inside yet, or watched the building float during a parade"

Getting back to my senses I discovered that I had been staring hungrily at the building for some time.

"Oops. –Wait, it can fly?" this solves a lot of 'loner issues'.

Okay, I've decided. I want something like this! A floating pentagon? Nah, I'll get a tower, s floating tower with stealth!

I snapped out again and found Amir directing a knowing smile towards me "You also want a floating building?" he sounded as if he knew where I was coming from, could we be kindred spirits…?

"Let's go inside" he steered me towards one moderately crowded entrance

The inside was coded a light blue color hue and had an attendant and a receptionist with a short queue.

Amir directly led me past the two of them and into a room that was plain except for a few unrecognizable gadgets and a man in a white labcoat.

'We just walk in?'

"He's here to see what he awakened to."

"Oh a Visualizer, those are rare. Come stand over here. And you're not allowed to be here during his testing"

"I'll be outside. It's just a few scans so don't dillydally."

"Wait-" but he had already left, leaving me with this stranger.

"Come stand by the scanner" he motioned to a device that looked like one of those extremely precise drills used in either brain surgery or certain horror movies

I directly did as he asked. Because, what could go wrong.

"Have you been added to the registry?" I responded no

"Then this scan will be for your Body Profile. Basically scanning for blood type, Bloodline Tracing, Health and Mental Disorders and any injuries"

"The next scan will be for your Energy profile. That scan includes your; Energy Type, Energy sub-class, Energy Acclimation Rate, Energy Expectancy.

That's all went over my head. I nodded to signify that I was ready.

"Alright I will proce-" At that moment the door burst open.

"He's mine. Leave." A woman wearing a dress suit walked in with smooth strides and made a big declaration.

But she was only about 4'9.

No i'm not addicted to short girls.

W.S.A 2022(Power stones+Golden tickets+ Good reviews) make someone else's day.

Chuzicreators' thoughts