
Unravel The World.

Clickbait╰( ・ ・ )~>> Come take a look #WSA2022 #Itsmyfirstevernovelsopleaselikeandsubscribetowinaheart If you liked the legendary Mechanic's power System they you'll love what I'm doing here. It's a mix of Norse mythology world building, but reimagined and Futuristic-cky... There will be Romance....one day. Synopsis Come into a world of Swords and Magic, A world of Energy weapons and Futuristic Technology. Eze jumped through a portal he dreamt about and found himself in another world, that he also, dreamt about Come follow his adventure as he awakens to the WORST class. A space Mage. He also wondered how the legendary Space Mage class that others from his old world were dreaming of could be labeled as trash. Turns out this world- a humongous wonder of Energy-Organic life fusion (dubbed the Cosmic Tree), apart from releasing a steady cloud of Cosmic Energy for Users to train also poses restrictions on only one specific sub-class, guess which? Space Mage. But that's Okay because when you come from another world where there's no Energy to train your expectations were already low, at least you have something, right? Except this world also has more to it than that. The almighty tree God(non-sentient, they said) also does the miraculous job of connecting worlds from one end of the Cosmos, to the other and has amassed a total of 39 races, with humans, not being one of them. And he's being told to hide the fact that he's human with no explanation except it could cause his world to fall Sigh. "I've learned a lot this week, bit why does it feel like I've only scratched the surface." "Also I hate people so I don't mind if Earth blows u-" "WHAT? You mean that it would affect me by association to Earth?" "****!" **** If you decide not to add to library. Then; Add to library at least! Add to library ;kneeling emoji I basically cover 'borrowed' from online so if it's yours, just alert me in the comment section... #WSA 2022 I won't tell you what to put in your reviews, but it's my first work, EVER Edit It appears I may have chosen a less mainstream genre thereby hindering my chances so how's this? I will put....[drumroll~] WEREWOLVES!!!

Chuzi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

We Don't Pick Up Strays... Anymore

"Hey old man, I think you should know that even if he hasn't been entirely forthcoming or his brainwaves fluctuated when he suggested doing housework, the boy hasn't spoken one lie till now, actually, you should already know all of this, why the scary face, huh." The girl spoke slowly as if just speaking was a chore, barely keeping her eyes opened.

"There's something familiar about this kid's presence. My glabella is tingling somehow" the man replied in deep thought.

"Tingling?" this got the girl's attention "As in danger?" she asked, not afraid of the boy who was staring at the sky would hear her tone.

She and the man were currently conversing but he was still focused on the clouds above, paying them no heed, almost as if their voices failed to reach him.

"Hmm, maybe. Anyways, yeah, I could tell the Dark Elf kid was an outsider, but even those from other worlds know about the Obsidian Empire and the Federation of Light's relationship, he doesn't, doesn't that fill you with questions?" he spoke, becoming more enthusiastic like a playful child towards the end.

"…What a weird old man" was the only reply he got before the conversation ended suddenly. Eze had woken up from his trance. His face went through various emotions in the span of a few seconds before he suddenly…smiled?

"YES!" he pumped his fist into the air wildly and shouted as loud as he could, startling the girl and casing her shoulders to jump.

"Dem papa! GE-GE~. LET'S GOOOO" He underwent a series of different celebratory dances, shouts and yells spanning minutes while the man and girl watched silently.

The man raised his hand to interrupt his strange rituals a few times but was shaken off by his rabid enthusiasm; he seemed to be celebrating as if he had just won the Ahga-10,000,000credits Yggdrasil lottery hosted annually.

Finally he started showing signs of fatigue and finally had to slow down, Amir tried again and found success in shaking him out of his dance, though he found the foreign dance moves very interesting and planned on asking about them later.


"Ah, I forgot you were there, it's just, compared to escaping to a first world country, escaping to another world really fills me joy instead."

"So that was it…we thought you were insane"

"I thought his brain had been infected by Brain eating worms" the girl replied

Upon hearing the strange, dangerous term instead of feeling scared like a normal person, he felt even more excited "Brain Eating worms? Is this a world of swords and magic? But it looks like a modern society. Why is the sky yellow"

At this moment the tables had turned. It was now the outsider who was questioning them!

The two of them gave each other a questioning glance, before the man turned and asked "Judging by the fact that you don't know where this is, you must not know about the different races and forms of Energy, right?"

Energy? Races? He didn't know what this man was talking about at all!

Or, maybe he did, but…maybe not.

He plainly told the alien man his honest feelings

"Mr… —" the man answered his enquiry with his name " Amir"

"—Amir, the thing is…I come from a primitive lower world," 'Why did it sound like he was quoting wuxia?' he continued while feeling conflicted about the nonsense he was spouting

"…so without knowing more about this world I'm can't be sure if we have the Energy that might interest you, and everybody I've seen in my entire life was the same race as me," but subtle variations in skin tones make it seem like they are aliens, if it were anyone else in my shoes I wonder what their reaction would be.

Anyways the first part was probably true, he looked at the houses around him with lights that seemed to float in the air, ignoring uncountable laws of science. Maybe they would show interest in plain electricity?

As for the second one, that was ignoring the aliens in the White House, steering the course of human history…

He seemed to go into thought "A lower world? You're probably right, I get it now."

'THAT ACTUALLY WORKED' Eze maintained a straight face but inside he was panicking, what else were the Chinese right about? Breathe, breathe, breathe

"Last question. The world you come from, is it under a rock?"

It took a while for the words to connect, then another while for it to be translated and understood. It made him feel like that was the meaning he got after throwing away a lot of useful stuff, but the meaning remained.

Were earthlings living under a rock all this time? "Yes, apparently" Eze performed a betrayal that wasn't really a betrayal, on his entre home planet without hesitation.

'If they were me they'd do the same'

"Hahaha" the man laughed while the boy to Eze's right watched with interest

'What is this chair made of?' the chair first looked like wood, then felt like rubber and finally held like iron. When will earth reach this level of technology?' It was amazing how he could have idle thoughts at this point in time

"Not much of a 'communal' sense, I see. There's no was your people would pool together resources to send someone like you to the Cosmic Plane in hopes of grooming a Mid to High level User"

'Wait, User? Is that some kind of cultivator?' subconsciously Eze began treating his transmigration as a novel.

Just as he was about to ask more questions about that, the man spoke first. "Okay, you can leave"

After saying that he dusted his labcoat and shooed him off like he was shooing off a pest

"…" Just like that???

"Yeah, we don't pick up strays here. Anymore..." The boy spoke in his high pitched tone of speaking.

'Is this what I, Ikedieze Moses Achebe have been reduced to!' but he didn't dare to voice his outrage.

He struggled between feelings of 'Who wanted to be a stray!' and 'When did the registration period end? Are there backdoors?'

No the kid isn't gender fluid or trans. Just keep reading~

Chuzicreators' thoughts