
Why are you running away?

These days Chen Lihua has been serious with her training and at last, she managed to complete her shooting training plus taekwondo beginner's class.

She has been feeling too exhausted these days, so Liu Longwei let her pause her taekwando classes for the mean time. It wasn't easy shuffling from the hospital to the shooting ground, and then the taekwondo classes, plus the games she has been learning how to play.

Chen Lihua promised to learn how to throw darts, play the pool, play bowling and some other games she didn't was interested in learning.

"You look tired and haggard these days, you need to take a long rest." Liu Longwei advised Chen Lihua as they engaged in their morning run exercise.

"I'm fine. The training made me discover how weak I was, and now I am set to make things right." Chen Lihua said in disagreement.