
Unprecedented Love Triangle

Yosiker, hybrid who finds out he has more than one mate.

Wykay · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Mating Journey

Mating Season, the term for the season, or period of time where both vampires and werewolves find their mate, and when both species produce the most offspring.

Yosiker, the third child of Man, the second in command of the Moonshine pack, and the Alpha, Julian's, best friend. He has come of age to find a mate, which is 15 and 16, same for vampires. When werewolves come of age to find a mate they begin to have dreams, flashes of their mate, what they look like. Yosiker has these dreams about two different people, how does he know it's different people? Well because they look different each time he has those dreams. Yosiker's never heard of anyone having two mates, but that doesn't necessarily mean no one has had multiple mates before.

Yosiker had finished packing a bag with clothes and some snacks. He was on his way to find his mate, or mates he doesn't know right now. Some people didn't want to leave their families behind to find their mate and stuff, but he honestly liked adventures and being in the quiet woods by himself with only the sound and smell of nature. It relaxes him.

For a while he has been trekking through the forest not knowing at all where he is supposed to be going, but for some reason he felt like it was right. Continuing his journey her finally came across the stream he was hearing for a while now, but what he found was a small waterfall with beautiful clean water. He stared at the waterfall for a couple seconds before putting his stuff down and taking off his clothes but staying in underwear. Jumping in the cool refreshing water he swam around for a while before coming back up to the surface. Staring at the waterfall again he decided to swim into it, and to his surprise there was a small cave-like spot behind it.

Yosiker sat behind the waterfall criss-crossed with his eyes closed. He likes to meditate, and the calming sound of a waterfall was definitely gonna help. As he sat there after a couple seconds he could soon hear everything that was going on outside on the other side of the water. With his wolf sense he could sense birds, other large animals quite far away, he could hear insects, and also a someone breathing, someone quite close to where he was.

Wait, what? Yosiker's eyes shot open as he jumped up, he jumped into the waterfall immediately being pushed under the water. He heard the person right outside of the water, he was about to jump out, but then he decided to see if they were dangerous or not, if they were he had the advantage because a werewolf or vampire can sense everything underwater, although it might not be as clear out of water, but they can't sense someone that's underwater, well if they know how to control their breathing.