
Unplanned Love For The Alpha

Brandon Rolex didn't think he would ever love anyone else ever since his mate died, so he dealt with the grief he had in silence until he decided to do what his family wants and get a woman to give him an heir as the alpha. He didn't expect the charming woman he had met some days ago to turn up for the ad he put out. Nora Sullivan was on the verge of collapsing after her roommate got away with her belongings and she lost her job. Going back to her parents wasn't an option, not when she left because her father wanted her to marry a mafia to clear up his gambling debt, a man she was not in love with. Things were turning almost ugly when she saw an ad and when she responded to it, she didn't think she would be seeing the handsome man she had met just days ago. Would they be able to help each other get out of their pain? Find out in this exciting story.

Serena_Harry · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Meeting Her

He got home late in the evening, and after throwing his car keys to the valet, he walked into his building, two women dressed in red and black dresses grilling as they saw him.

He gave them a nod and walked on without stopping. His six-story building had fourteen apartments on each floor but the entire space on the last floor was his home. It was designed like a bachelor pad, but with no women allowed in it.

His place was built with concrete, glass, and steel, with a high ceiling. On the floor level were his kitchen, living room, and office, while on the second floor was his bedroom and a visitor's room that his best friend used when he was in town.

Brandon had never cooked in his house before, he didn't even know how to, but his kitchen was packed with the basic and shiny appliances any woman would kill for. It was an open space that merge with his living room where he had a gym at one corner.

He was proud of his space, but it didn't drown his grief, and the pain he was going through. As a werewolf, living in the countryside was what was best for him, because that would give him the chance to let out his wolf and allow it to run wild as much as he needed, but he just couldn't stay any more days in that house, so here he was.

"Good evening, Mr. Rolex." The security man that was on duty tonight greeted him with a bow when he was almost at the elevator and he nodded.

"Hello, Sam." He greeted as he saw his nametag. He wasn't good with names, and he hadn't even been the one that employed them personally. He had left that to the human resource of his company, Rolex Inc.

Rubbing his temple as he started to spot a headache, he pressed the button of the elevator and the door opened. He got in, swearing just as he entered into it. He pressed the floor he was going to and the door started to close.

It was almost closed when someone yelled for him to hold the door. By the sound of the voice, he could tell it was some woman.

He pressed a button and the door started to open up again, to reveal the woman who had stopped him. She was carrying two heavy looking grocery bags and running towards the elevator.

As she walked in, her scent flooded his sense of smell, and he squinted his eyes. It was a sweet lavender smell, mixes with rose and pine. It was a unique smell he had nerve smelled on anyone before. That smell didn't match the way she was dressed at all. She had a pair of baggy blue jeans on, with a sky blue shirt with long sleeves that she rolled to her elbow.

It wasn't until he looked up into her face that he saw she was beautiful. She was wearing a nerd looking pair of glasses but it made her look like a sexy librarian, her hair packed in a ponytail at the back of her head completing the look. Her face was bare of makeup, only maybe a brush of mascara because of how thick, dark, and long her lashes looked like.

Her lips were the color of raspberry; reddish pink but more pink than red, and her eyes were dark green. She was definitely looking interesting, but the clothes she had on would put any man off.

The woman smiled at him and said. "Thank you, mister." Then she turned to press a button without waiting for his response and the elevator door closed.

He wondered if she lived there because he had never seen her before. But, that didn't mean he knew all his tenants by face or names anyway. Blowing out a breath, he looked away and focused on the shining steel of the wall beside him. His mind drifted to the mental note he had made earlier in his office this evening before leaving. He had told himself that he had to contact the head of HR so that they could find him another secretary.

He was going to have to send a mail to them as soon as he got to his apartment. He was still thinking about that when the elevator stopped on the fifth floor. With a frown, he watched as the woman struggled to get out of the car of the elevator, and then he decided to help.

"May I help you?" he asked, but without waiting for her reply, he grabbed one of the grocery bags and stepped out of the elevator as well. As he started to walk down the hall, the woman began to say. "Oh, my God! Thank you so much for this."

He nodded his head. "It's not a problem at all, ma'am. My mom and grandma would probably knock something against my head if they knew I met a lady struggling with two grocery bags and I couldn't help her out." He said.

She smiled, and she got ahead of him. As she walked in front of him, his eyes lowered to her butt and he licked his lips as they wriggled, her hips swaying as well, even under her baggy trouser.

From the left to the right side of the corridor, the apartments were named with letters and numbers respectively, with the number of each floor, and their distinct identification. They were on the fifth floor, so the numbers started with the number five.

Soon, they stopped in front of an apartment, and Brandon looked up to see it was apartment number '5D', so behind him was apartment number '54'. The woman got the keys out of the bag she had slung across her body and opened the door, then she dropped the bag inside and turned to him still at the door.

"Thank you so much for helping me. I would invite you inside but…" she trailed off and Brandon shook his head.

"Oh, that's okay. I just did what I would do for my sister. It's no big deal." He said, and then he handed her the bag. He turned and walked back to the elevator, sure the woman wasn't interested in someone like him, not that he was in her, since she couldn't invite her into her apartment.

From what he could see of the apartment from the door, he realized she had a very good taste, not too expensive, but nice as well. Sighing, he got in the elevator when it arrived and it took him upstairs. He just needed to get himself into the shower, and have something to eat, if Mrs. Berlin; his cleaner that came in thrice a week, left him anything. She was his cleaner but sometimes, made him food.

He would have to go straight to his office to work if there wasn't anything left for him, but he could just grab a fruit and that would be fine. He was anticipating the feel of the warm water as it cascade down his body. He needed the warmth to keep him from having a hard time since his body needed the run, but he couldn't do that any time soon.

If he could, he would do some exercise to get out his frustration about his ruined day a little bit. Talking a bit with the woman downstairs had helped loosen the knot in his chest a little, so doing a bit of exercise would do the rest.

The ping sound of the elevator stopping was what jolted him out of his thoughts and he stepped out. He unlocked his door that was at the end of a small hall and walked into his house. The warm atmosphere molded around him, welcoming him.

"Home, sweet home!" he whispered.