
Unplanned Love For The Alpha

Brandon Rolex didn't think he would ever love anyone else ever since his mate died, so he dealt with the grief he had in silence until he decided to do what his family wants and get a woman to give him an heir as the alpha. He didn't expect the charming woman he had met some days ago to turn up for the ad he put out. Nora Sullivan was on the verge of collapsing after her roommate got away with her belongings and she lost her job. Going back to her parents wasn't an option, not when she left because her father wanted her to marry a mafia to clear up his gambling debt, a man she was not in love with. Things were turning almost ugly when she saw an ad and when she responded to it, she didn't think she would be seeing the handsome man she had met just days ago. Would they be able to help each other get out of their pain? Find out in this exciting story.

Serena_Harry · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Looking For Her

Brandon wondered whether what he was about to do made sense, but he just couldn't help himself. He was in a tight spot and the only way to get out was to do what his grandmother and mother wanted him to do, find someone to marry.

He had thought about all the women he had encountered in the past year, but no one conforms to his needs in them. He wanted someone who he would feel attracted to, someone he wouldn't feel committed to, someone who would be able to keep things strictly business between them, and the most important of all, someone who wouldn't want more.

It was rather true that he knew nothing about the woman on the fifth floor, but something in him could tell she wasn't a bad person, and she wasn't the kind of person that would give him trouble. He knew she wouldn't veer from a contract, the one he had had his lawyer draw up in the middle of the night, just so he could go downstairs to her and offer her what he had in mind.

Sighing, he got in the elevator with the file in his hand and he pressed the button for the fifth floor. Soon, the door closed and he closed his eyes. He knew he had thought about this enough, for a whole week. But, there was something he still doesn't get, or admit.

Why was he interested in making the woman his contracted wife in particular? She wasn't even his type, even though she was beautiful. Besides, she dressed like she was interested in creating a clothing line from rice sacs and all.

There was something about her that called out to him at their first encounter. He didn't know what it was, and couldn't even figure it out, so maybe he would if he got her to be his wife. He was, after all, a man that usually got what he wanted.

As the elevator pinged, it stopped and the doors opened. He got out and walked down the hall to the door they had stopped at the day he helped her with the groceries.

It's been a week since then, and he had kept hoping they ran into each other. There was another reason it had to be her he didn't want to admit it, because it didn't seem plausible, but deep down, he knew she was the reason.

For the past two years since his wife died, he had always been unable to sleep, because he got this weird dream every time. His battle with insomnia had been so terrible he started to get headaches, but he was able to rid that every time with a run in the wild.

He knew his wife's death was the cause and until he healed properly, there was no chance for him at all. He knew that. Only, that night, he was able to sleep more than three hours like he used to. In fact, he had slept for about ten hours, waking up late in the following morning.

Nothing had changed in his routine, and he definitely knew Chance being around wasn't the cause. It wasn't the first time the man would sleep at his place or cook for him. She was the only change in his routine, she was the only one he had spoken more than a sentence with even though she was a stranger.

He was only looking for her for his own selfish interest, not because he was falling for her or it was love at first sight or anything.

"I hope she agrees to do this with me, though!" he said to herself as he stood in front of her door.

It was Sunday, so she should be at home, he told himself before knocking twice and stepping back. He had thought of the fact that she might not be at home, but then it was a weekend so she should be indoors. He waited for about some minutes, but when he didn't hear anything, he knocked again.

Soon, he heard a shuffling sound and then the slam of a door before footsteps came to the door. Folding his hands behind him to hide the file, he waited with a small smile as the door ripped open, only, the person standing in front of him wasn't the person he was expecting.

A man stood there with a white towel wrapped around his waist, and water dripping down his body. Brandon could tell he was just in the shower and must have heard the knock when he got out. The man was about three inches shorter than he was, so he was staring up at him.

With a frown, he asked him who he was. "What do you want?"

"Huh…" Brandon started but he stopped. What the hell was he supposed to say? "I'm here to offer your girlfriend a contract to marry me?" that would be weird and insane if he said so himself. He was stupid to have thought that she didn't have a boyfriend. She was a beautiful woman, so it wasn't so surprising.

Maybe he just didn't think that far, and Brandon was something that did things only after thinking them through. He had thought about it for a whole week, but seeing the situation now, he could tell the time wasn't enough.

"Huh, I think I'm in the wrong apartment." He said and apologized. "Sorry for bothering you." He started to turn but the man's voice stopped him.

"Wait a minute, I think I know you." He said, and Brandon turned back to face him.

He probably knew him from the numerous article that was being written about him. He was sure he couldn't tell he own the building. He had never dealt with his tenants before, one on one, and even his tenant didn't, so it was impossible for her boyfriend too.

"I don't think so. I just came to the wrong apartment. I'll be out of your hair if you'll excuse me." He said and started to walk away again.

"If you came to the wrong apartment, then you should be turning towards the right one, not toward the elevator man." He said, and Brandon cursed.

Why the hell did humans get so smart again? He wanted to turn to him and give him a death stare, but he stopped himself. Without turning, he answered him. "I meant the wrong floor. I was supposed to go to the fourth floor, not the fifth floor. I just realized that." He said, and then he walked to the elevator.

What was he thinking coming to a woman he had met just once to offer her something like that? He should have known she would be in a relationship, and the boyfriend was acting like an ass for some reason. He probably know that he was there for his girlfriend, and that was why he was acting so annoying.

"Damn!" he whispered as the elevator door closed as he pressed the button to his floor.

The thought of seeing him in his towel told him that he had probably just finished having sex with her, and he could have sworn he heard her inside, but he couldn't be sure about that.

He needed to rethink the whole thing because he couldn't afford mistakes.