
Unparalleled versatile entity

Magic is all around you if only you'd open your eyes to see...... Elias founds himself in a new world of swords and magic overwhelmed with fantasy, he was given a second chance to relive his life without regrets. Elias chooses Neither to be the hero or the villain, he chooses to follow the regular pattern where the strong prey on the weak, the rich controls the poor and the blessed dominates the wretched.

prynex · Fantasy
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29 Chs

begining of a new life

"What a joke..." Elias sighed at the shitty paycheck he was given by his boss as he calculated all his expenses and bills.

Elias was a 20 year old adult male, who lived a life full of regrets, with no one left in the world to call family, he lives alone in a rented apartment that he could barely pay for.

He had a surprisingly tall height of five feet eight, and a little on the skinny side, he had this pale dark shaded black eyes with a wrinkled face making him look a bit more than thirty.

Just as he was walking home thinking of how to solve his problems, one of his old almost forgetting problem came to hunt him down. A red flashy Lamborghini pulled over at his front causing him to stop, he was only confused till after seeing the face of the person driving it.

"You think you can run away from the wind, no bro.... I lend you an helping hand in return for the information, but it turns out the information you gave me was scam...Get in the car would you." The man driving it said to Elias with an intimidating voice forcing the hesitating man to count his steps to the back door of the car.

"I'm sorry I swear, I had no idea that I was tricked, it wasn't my fault." Elias begged with a sorrowful look on his eyes fearing for the worst that could happen. "Alright, I pity you....The only thing I want now Is my money with interest, I need my one million."

"I'm sorry, I don't have that much, I barely have two hundred." Elias pleases but it fell on no avail as the car came to a stop in front of an isolated lake.

"Alright, we're all human being so I forgive you. Infact here is a reward." The owner of the car said giving Elias the car keys and then asking him to sit in front.

"I don't understand, but why are you giving me this car?" Elias asked with a dumbfounded look on his face as he just looked at the other man through the side mirrors. "Because I'm a good guy!" He said shooting one of the tires as the car slowly moved towards the lake. "Stop, what are you doing?...STOP IT!!!!" Elias screamed beyond his limits as tears rolled freely from his eyes as he couldn't get the car to stop and the doors were not opening.

"You deserve this, maybe in your next life you'll be blessed with the sense of knowing the right thing to do, doing business with me wrongly was your worst mistake."

Elias gave up his pitiful attempt of struggling as he just sat still while the car slowly sank down to the lake. The air around became cold as the look on his face was one that couldn't be described by words.

This was life for Elias with every turn he faced continuos hardship with each greater than the last...There was never a moment of smile on his face as his whole life was like a hook written by a sad child with most of the pages soaked in tears. Life was indeed an dirty lyric with a messed up melody for Elias.

"So this is how it all ends, I never imagined it'd be this quiet. That's what I get for being born with bad luck right from the first second of my life... Nevertheless...it was fun at some point" Slowly but surely the car was filled to the brim with water as Elias slowly gasped for air with no hope of survival his eyes shut tightly as he wanted it to end as fast as it could. despite the pain he couldn't cry in the last minute of life, this was what life had to offer.


<Somewhere far away>

"What the fuck! were am I?" A kid still in his early asked as he tried to sit up right on the huge soft bed only to find his body overwhelmed with serious pain. He gathered strength to stand up as he stared at the mirror at the far Conner of the strangely designed room.

What was staring back at him in the mirror was far from what he remember, instead of the tall, skinny man. There was a little kid, probably five years old, with short silver hair, a cute round face, with a little nose, complemented with a small sized pink lips and a striking silver emerald like pupils which no ray of light could escape it's surface as it reflected all seven colours.

He wore a black soft silky pant, while several layers of bandage was wrapped around his lower abdomen, chest and his fore head with a little on his right hand.

"What the hell is this? why am I different? where is this place?" The kid seemed to rain unanswerable questions to himself as he digged through his memories but it was blank... he couldn't remember anything apart from a feeling of hate and a little scene of a last moment.

All he could remember was the fact that he was being drowned in a lake inside his dream card as he had last moment thought of hate and resentment.

<Memory initialization process is starting:1%.

A tingling sensation was heard as the kid felt a sharp pain all over is body, but the pain was mostly centered around his head. He fell on the bed as he screamed in agony.

<few hours ago....

After his death Elias found himself as a hire translucent figure who couldn't even touch himself, in that for he floated in an empty void of infinite darkness.

It was silent for more than one hour until a loud, domineering voice was heard which snapped Elias from his immobile state.

"Mortal of a normal world, your life has touched the heart of us creators, we have decided to give you a second chance."

...."Who's there? who said that? where am i?" Elias asked simultaneously as a wild laughter was heard. "My name is Darwin, one of the three creators. you are in the bottom of the Abyssal pit, a place for condemned souls, in this place time doesn't pass, nothing becomes real, it's just you and your self in this infinite void of pitch black darkness, it is almost impossible to get out. Now as for the purpose I'm here, I have come to give you a second chance to relive your life any how you want it with only few limitation."

The voice resounded as a big screen appeared front of the translucent Elias, it had the picture of eight different beings, each with their own details. Then there was a number line which displayed the figure(0/3).

Elias was left in a puzzled state not grasping the complete situation at hand. "what you're seeing in front of you are the eight major species of lifeform in the new world you'll be reincarnated into, they have the privilege to choose as much as three species to become a Trybrid. Don't worry just follow your heart.. you've earned it.

[Humans, vampires, fairies, spirits, monsters, demons, dragons and elves]

"If this is real, then I swear I'll relive my life without regrets, demon, dragon as for the last could I think of that later?" Elias asked as The voice replied again saying yes.

"I have gifted you with a unique skill known as voice of the world, as well as three other level 5 unique skills combined with the natural unique skills of the race you have chosen. Once you wake up you will be in the body of a five year old noble known as Neil, you'll have to depend on the voice of the world for a while to get used to this world."


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