
Unparalleled Medieval Ascension

Leo is a cold-blooded killer, wasting his life away, working as a farmer. That is until the threat of a war looms closer and closer, gifting him the one-in-a-lifetime chance to become a noble and live a comfortable life.

DaZhuang · Action
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

On a deeply cloudy and humid day, there wander 4 scavengers, bandits, scum whatever they may be, their only option is to steal if they don't want to starve.

Though others may judge them, anyone would do exactly the same in their place. That's simply how a place like this works, be born in a rich family and enjoy praise and respect, while those born in the dumps are treated like human-trash.

„Boss, I think I see something on the plateau over there!"

„Does it look abandoned? Do you see people?"

„No people but I see sheep, so it's definetely lived in."

„This was a stupid gamble, you're lucky we found this, boss."

„Don't be stupid, ever since the king elected the 14 emperors to efficiently rule over the land, we've been in constant danger anyways."

Among the thiefs, there was a woman named Adelheid. She was never the type to steal, but what option was left for someone like her? Especially the hilly terrain was harsh on a woman like her but regardless, she pushed through just like her 3 honorable comrades.

{Adelheid}: „How has it come to this, crawling around this wet, hilly terrain scavenging for even the slightest crumbs. What did I do wrong for god to be judging me like this. These people we're about to rob, Rufus, they're just as desperate as us, aren't they?"

{Rufus}: „Ade, Especially you deserve better than this. Maybe there is a world where we can live in peace under an emperor, who spreads his wealth fairly among his subjects. That's what I hope for."

They approach the lodge carefully and hesitantly ready their weapons. They split up and go search around the house.

*suddenly a loud bang can be heard coming from the back of the house, where a few of the thiefs went.*

{Rufus}: „Grimbert, any idea what that was? Let's go check."

{Grimbert}: „Rufus, it sounded superficial. Don't expect them to still be alive, Maybe we should leave."

{Rufus}: „No… If we leave now we're dead anyway. Stay behind me if you're scared."

Just then, a thought rushed through Rufus' head as he turned to look at the scene unfolding before him: Dear god, if only I could go back in time and try again, just one shot is all he would need, another chance at living.

Red. It was like an explosion of crimson colored dye. Behind the brutal image, stood a man with a blood-drenched boulder in hand, one much heavier than what one would imagine someone like him be able to carry. Before Either of the thieves could react, the man dashes toward them in a brutal rage. Everything becomes a big fog in Rufus' mind.

As he awakens again he wittnesses something he will never, ever forget, even in death.

„ This is what happens to people who dare steal from me, when this damned emperor of mine is already robbing all my hard work in broad daylight. I swear I'm about to go mad."

There he was, the man, that killed his only friends and comrades, talking to himself like some madman. He was about to stand up when he noticed, that he couldn't.

„ Though, this might be a blessing in disguise. Someone as bulky and strong as this should sell for a big sum."

This man, he is gonna sell him. Rufus, he was about to be sold off as a slave. He started sweating profusely, he must've been drugged by this man. That was when he finally managed to utter a sentence.

{Rufus}: „Y- You… What did you do. To my comrades."

„ Don't look at me like that, it makes me want to puke. If you intend to kill someone, you should be ready to die yourself. What seems to be the problem? You were the weaker ones after all, so you deserved to die."

{Rufus}: „You're a monster. Do you not believe in god? He will never forgive this."

„ Says the thief. Look at yourself before you judge others. Did you ever consider the lifes of the people you robbed? The souls of the people you killed?"

{Rufus}: „You're wrong, I didn't want to do this..-„

„ Oh if only I had been born into a rich family… You sound stupid. You were born in the dumps and not as the prince of a kingdom. You're stupid enough to not realise that. If you wanted to succeed, you should have spent the time you wasted robbing and wallowing in self-pity thinking of how to escape your miserable state."

{Rufus}: „… It's not as easy as you make it seem."

„ Just you wait. Watch as I ascend to royalty. Even a scrawny farmer like me."