
Unparalleled Holy Doctor

Qi Shaojiang Yan, who possesses unparalleled medical skills, masters the art of Yin and Yang, and has achieved the name of "Dragon Lord", wanted to go down the mountain to fulfill his engagement, but his fiancée regretted the engagement. "Jiang Yan, I want to be on the beauty list to marry the world's most respected Dragon Lord. I would rather die if I commit myself to you!" Liu Qingwu threw the marriage certificate back and said coldly. Jiang Yan took the marriage certificate and slowly tore it into pieces: "I am Long Jun!"

zhan_zhan_6998 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 There must be a bloody disaster here

 "I'm finally getting a wife!"

 On the bridge, Jiang Yan, who was carrying a canvas bag and wearing a shabby Chinese tunic suit, looked around excitedly.

 Three days ago, the master left a letter in a hurry and left Gushan. The letter told him that he was going to do something outside the mountain. He also left an address for Jiang Yan to come to complete the engagement at this address.

 "I don't know if my future wife is pretty or not."

 "The Liu family seems to be on the other side of the bridge, in the river view villa area? Gee, he's so rich. I never thought Jiang would be able to make a living in the future."

 Jiang Yan looked at the letter . muttered the address above.

 After staying on Gutou Mountain for more than ten years, this was his first time to enter the city.

 He was dazzled by the bustling city with its luxuriant lights and glittering lights.

 Suddenly, Jiang Yan's eyes fell on the guardrail of the bridge.

 There was a girl sitting on the guardrail. Her long hair was dancing and her clothes were shaking. After a moment, she opened her arms and jumped towards the river.

 "Miss, no!"

 Jiang Yan quickly mobilized his energy and rushed forward. At the critical moment, he quickly grabbed the girl's hand and yanked her up.

 The girl was caught off guard and fell on Jiang Yan.

 The warm, soft and fragrant fragrance came together, making Jiang Yan intoxicated.

 "What did you save me for?"

 The girl turned over and sat with her back against the railing, her eyes dull and her face full of tears.

 She was born like a lotus flower, her skin was like frost and snow, her facial features were exquisite and flawless, especially her figure, which was simply explosive!

 Tsk tsk, giving birth to a baby can make the baby die!

 Jiang Yan couldn't help but look at it a few more times and said with a smile: "Miss, the world is so beautiful, why did you commit suicide?"

 "Beautiful?" Bai Shuangxue's eyes welled up with pain and anger: "I wish this world would be destroyed soon. Where can happiness come from?"

 "Miss, your career is not going well and your marriage is not going well. These are all small problems. Why not find a way to solve them? Seeking suicide is just an escape." Jiang Yan said.

 Bai Shuangxue looked surprised: "How did you know that I have problems with my career and marriage?"

 "It's embarrassing, I know how to read faces." Jiang Yan came closer and stared at Bai Shuangxue for a while: "And I found that your career and marriage are The problem is not your own problem! Someone is harming you intentionally!"

 "Someone is harming me?"

 "Yes! Have you received any gifts recently? For example, bracelets, rings, necklaces and other accessories?"

 Bai Shuangxue was doubtful. , suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly raised his wrist, revealing a jade bracelet.

 "My best friend asked for this from Thailand, saying it can bring good luck."

 Jiang Yan glanced at the bracelet. Although it was crystal clear and beautiful on the outside, it was filled with gray evil energy inside.

 "Miss, you really have a good best friend!"

 "Sir, what do you mean?" Bai Shuangxue Liu frowned.

 "This bracelet was made in a place of extreme decline, dripping with the blood of nine generations of bad guys! Whoever wears this bracelet will have constant bad luck, and even losing money is just a trivial matter! Maybe even his life will be lost."

 Jiang Yan sneered. road.


 Bai Shuangxue was startled.

 If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true.

 Since I picked up this jade bracelet, my high heels have broken when I walked on the road. When I went to the bathroom, the faucet burst. Even when I was dressing up, my hair could get stuck in the comb.

 The most unlucky thing is the company, where problems arise one after another.

 The project that was originally a sure thing was cut off.

 Yesterday, it was revealed that financial corruption involved embezzling 30 million of the company's funds and squandering it all.

 The money could no longer be recovered. The company lacked funds and several major projects could not proceed. The project team directly took Bai Shuangxue to court.

 Bai Shuangxue is not only going bankrupt now, but also has to bear huge debts.

 I wanted to borrow money for turnover, but no one around me was willing to lend.

 Only Zheng Jie, the eldest son of the Zheng Group, was willing to pay, but the condition was that Bai Shuangxue would marry him.

 Bai Shuangxue would rather die than marry a scumbag like Zheng Jie.

 But her family forced her to marry Zheng Jie to save the company.

 At this critical moment, these close relatives only want to sacrifice Bai Shuangxue, how can they not tell her to give up?

 Under all kinds of pressure, Bai Shuangxue couldn't think about it for a moment, so she climbed onto the bridge and planned to commit suicide by jumping into the river.

 "Sir, then...how should I transfer?" Bai Shuangxue came back to her senses and asked after hesitation.

 "It's not difficult."

 Jiang Yan showed his big white teeth, then pinched his fingers and quickly deduced the sixty-four hexagrams.

 "Qian three consecutive, Kun six broken, Zhen Yang Yu."

 "The ridge is full, the upper part is missing, and the lower part of the sun is broken."

 "Good luck and danger come from themselves

 ." "It is easy for a villain to conquer, but he needs a noble one."

 Jiang Yan murmured a few words , bit his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and dripped it on the jade bracelet.


 A hole immediately appeared on the surface of the jade bracelet, a faint smoke floated out, and then the entire jade bracelet broke into pieces and peeled off from the wrist.

 Bai Shuangxue's autumn eyes opened hugely, and she was extremely surprised.

 Jiang Yan took out a thin red rope from the canvas bag he was carrying and tied it around Bai Shuangxue's wrist.

 The red rope is braided into a butterfly shape, which is very beautiful.

 Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay now. When you go back, take a bath with fragrant leaves and have a good sleep! After seven days, take off the red rope and burn it, and the fortune will turn around!"

 "Really? Thank you, sir!" Bai

 Shuangxue said gratefully.

 "Why are you so polite? But don't commit suicide in the future."

 "No, no! I will work hard to live."

 Bai Shuangxue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

 In fact, she was impulsive just now, but now she is a little scared when she thinks about it.

 How could I have such terrifying thoughts?

 Bai Shuangxue patted her chest with lingering fear, exhaled and said, "By the way, my name is Bai Shuangxue, what about you, sir?" "

 My name is Jiang Yan."

 "Mr. Jiang, you saved me! In return, I'll treat you to a meal How about food?"

 "I have something to do, so I won't have to eat... By the way, Miss Bai, do you know how to get to this address?"

 Jiang Yan suddenly thought of something and handed the envelope to Bai Shuangxue.

 "Isn't this Qingwu's house?"

 Bai Shuangxue glanced at the address on the back of the envelope, her eyes widening.

 "Do you know my fiancée?"

 "What? When did Qingwu become your fiancée?"

 Bai Shuangxue looked surprised.

 "Turn the letter over."

 Jiang Yan pointed to the back of the envelope.

 Bai Shuangxue turned over the letter. After reading the content, she couldn't help but laugh: "What era are you in? Is this kind of baby kiss still popular?"

 "It's settled after all."

 Jiang Yan scratched his head.

 "Mr. Jiang, I look at your outfit, and I'm afraid your family background is not much better. Do you know who Liu Qingwu is? She is a business queen in charge of a company with a market value of billions, and is one of the top ten outstanding young people in this city. One, she has a double master's degree from ETH Zurich! She is so talented that even I am jealous of her. You...I'm afraid you are not worthy of her."

 Bai Shuangxue couldn't help but said.

 "It's quite impressive, but this matter was decided between Master and the Liu family. No matter what, I still have to go."

 Jiang Yan smiled calmly.

 "Okay, then I'll take you there. Come on, get in the car."

 Bai Shuangxue walked to a small red BMW on the side of the road and opened the door.

 Jiang Yan was not polite and sat down on him.

 Bai Shuangxue was familiar with the road, and since the journey was not far, the car soon stopped in front of a large luxurious villa by the river.

 "That's it. I'll go in with you, so that you don't have to tell me why you're here later. The Liu family is rude to you. Although I'm down and out, my love is still there. They have to give me some face."

 "Miss Bai." That's so polite." Jiang Yan was quite grateful.

 The two walked towards the door.

 But at this moment, Jiang Yan's expression suddenly changed and he immediately shouted, "Wait a minute!"

 "What's wrong?" Bai Shuangxue looked at him doubtfully.

 Jiang Yan stared at the door, studied it for a while, and said with a cold expression: "The ghosts are haunted by evil spirits, and the ghosts are seeking their lives! The Eight Yins are extremely dark, and this house is very dangerous!"

 "Is this a haunted house?" Bai Shuangxue's breath tightened.

 "Not now, but it will be in the future!"

 "Why do you say that?"

 "Because tonight, there will be a bloody disaster here!" Jiang Yan said solemnly.