
Chapter 12 The Idiot?

Translator: 549690339

"Eh? Am I seeing things, or does that person standing there look like Chen Feng, that good-for-nothing?"

"How could that be possible! You're just seeing things! What kind of occasion is this? Chen Feng, that piece of garbage, isn't even qualified to carry plates here! Plus, he's locked up in the Xuntian Office, probably already starting to get a taste of severe punishment!"

"True that."

Hearing the familiar conversation behind him, Chen Feng turned around and sure enough saw two familiar figures standing not far away, unmistakably Wu Meng and Wang Shikai.

"Is that really him?!"

Wu Meng was stunned at the moment.

Wang Shikai also looked as if he had seen a ghost, and asked tremblingly, "No way, that jerk can't have died in Captain Liu's hands, turned into a vengeful ghost, and come to seek revenge on us, right?"

"No, he can't be a ghost, look he has a shadow," Wu Meng pointed at the ground and said.

The two mustered their courage and walked towards Chen Feng, and only after they were sure that he wasn't a vengeful ghost did they both breathe a sigh of relief.

'What's going on with Captain Liu? Didn't he get the message? How could he have let this guy go?'

Wang Shikai felt a surge of irritation in his heart.

However, this was a public place, and it wasn't appropriate to have Captain Liu come over to arrest someone right now.

So Wang Shikai narrowed his eyes and asked with a tone of disdain, "What are you doing here, Chen?"

"Brother Kai, isn't it obvious? What else could this loser be here for? He must have seen there was a banquet and come to scrounge some leftover food to eat! Such a filthy beggar, just like a fly, disgusts me to death!" Wu Meng said with a face full of loathing.

Wang Shikai laughed heartily, "Then you're early, the banquet hasn't even started, we, the main guests, haven't even eaten, how could it be your turn, you filthy beggar?"

Seeing the smug look on the faces of his two enemies, Chen Feng itched to obliterate them on the spot, but considering this was Jiang Yingxue's turf, and he didn't want bloodshed, he simply smiled faintly and said unhurriedly, "I was invited to attend the banquet."


Hearing this, both Wang Shikai and Wu Meng burst into uproarious laughter.

Wang Shikai, trying to hold back his laughter, said sarcastically, "Brother, you can lie to others, but don't lie to yourself! I can't believe there would be such an idiot in the world who would invite a stinky beggar like you to a banquet?"

Before Chen Feng could even open his mouth to reply, a cold voice came, "I invited him."

The two looked in the direction of the voice.

They saw a breathtakingly beautiful girl in a plain long dress walking swiftly towards them.

It was Jiang Yingxue.

Although Wang Shikai and Wu Meng often discussed Jiang Yingxue behind her back, planning to cozy up to her, in reality, neither of them had actually seen Jiang Yingxue in person, so they didn't recognize her.

Wu Meng simply felt that the girl in white's appearance, figure, and temperament crushed her own in every aspect, making her feel so inferior that she lowered her head, not daring to look straight into the other's eyes.

Wang Shikai was taken aback at first, then suddenly felt an inexplicable love at first sight for the girl in white, took a deep breath, and asked, "Miss, are you friends with this kid?"

Jiang Yingxue was aloof and did not respond.

Wang Shikai continued, "I'm Wang Shikai from the Wang Family Group of Jiangzhou. You've heard of it, right? I'm a junior director of the group. This Chen Feng has some issues with me. I advise Miss that you had better not meddle in others' business, or you'll be in big trouble."

He thought mentioning his identity would scare her or make her back off.

But when Jiang Yingxue remained completely unmoved, and didn't even want to glance at Wang Shikai, instead she actively took Chen Feng's wrist, "Chen Feng, let's go inside and talk."

Chen Feng nodded and didn't bother with them anymore, following Jiang Yingxue straight into the hotel.

"Damn it, such an ignorant woman, daring to ignore me, Mr. Wang. Once I find out your identity, you're going to regret it," Wang Shikai's face was extremely gloomy.

"Yeah, this woman is too arrogant! She must pay the price!" Wu Meng also said indignantly.

"Let's line up for entry first."

Wang Shikai led Wu Meng to queue up at the back of the crowd. When it was finally their turn, they were stopped by the hotel security.

"Mr. Wang, you are a guest of tonight's banquet, but your companion Miss Wu is not on the guest list, so you'll have to enter alone, Mr. Wang."

"Are you kidding me? I'm a main guest, and I can't even bring someone with me?" Wang Shikai said discontentedly.

But at Miss Jiang's banquet, he didn't have the nerve to make a fuss, so he said to Wu Meng, "Meng Meng, why don't you just go home first? I'll attend the banquet. Don't worry, I'll make sure to teach that dog couple a lesson for you and get revenge."

Wu Meng nodded, "Then I'll go to a nearby hotel, book a room, and wait for Brother Kai to come back."


Wang Shikai nodded.

Thus, Wang Shikai entered the venue alone. After entering the banquet hall, his gaze swept across the room, quickly finding Chen Feng and Jiang Yingxue standing on the other side, walking and talking.

However, his attention was mainly on Jiang Yingxue.

"Damn it, where did this wretched woman come from, daring to ignore me, Mr. Wang." Suddenly, Wang Shikai thought of something and smirked deviously, "Tonight I'm going to make you kneel before me and sing 'Conquest'!"

Then Wang Shikai immediately went to find the manager of the Hilton Hotel lobby.

The manager obviously recognized Wang Shikai and asked, "Mr. Wang, what can I do for you?"

Wang Shikai pulled him aside to a secluded area, took a vial out of his pocket, containing a potent imported drug he used to spice things up with Wu Meng.

"Do me a favor, drop this pill into a drink, then find a way to feed it to that girl in white, and make her drink it..."