
Unparalleled Comprehension Begins With Using My Lifespan

Caleb, a former US Marine sniper, found himself betrayed by his squad and was murdered. He believed that was the end, but he awoke in the body of a boy known as Caleb Li on Blue Earth. Caleb Li had also been betrayed, this time by his girlfriend who sought his family heirloom, a jade pendant with the ability to harness mysterious energy and grant its wearer immense power. Naive in love, Caleb Li had shared his secret with his girlfriend, ultimately leading to his demise. Now, it was the new Caleb's turn to take charge. With his military experience, he would ensure he wouldn't make the same mistake that led to his death. With this new life, he vowed to take a new path that solely belong to him. But first, he must complete the most horrifying trial in the Ancient realm if he wanted to forge a path that solely belong to him. As he entered the Ancient World and awakened his innate talent, his life took another dramatic turn. [Ding!] [You've awakened the Lifespan System.] [Ding!] [Host is advised to accumulate more lifespan to reach full potential.] [Insufficient lifespan. Host will die in 1 hour.] Thus began Caleb's race for more lifespan. Along his journey, he gradually discovered that his transmigration was not a mere coincidence. A hidden secret, inextricably linked to his stolen jade pendant, awaited him.

_EverSmile · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Dark Forest

Caleb Li materialized in a dark, dense forest. The heavy air tasted stale and carried the faint scent of damp earth and decaying leaves.

His head pounded, his stomach churned, and his limbs felt like lead.

He gritted his teeth, the metallic tang of blood filling his mouth.

The Soul-Enhancing Pill had helped, but the space travel had taken its toll.

Gasping for air, he tried to steady his breathing when the disembodied voice of the ancient system boomed in his mind.

"Jun Caleb Li, your trial has begun."

The words echoed in the stillness, raising goosebumps on his skin.

"Your mission is to escape the Dark Forest within three hours or slay a Dark Beast. Good luck."

Caleb's eyes narrowed.

This was absurd. Escape from the Dark Forest? Without a map, any sense of direction, or knowledge of its size?

Rumours painted it as the largest forest in the ancient world.

How could anyone hope to navigate its labyrinthine paths without succumbing to despair?

He remembered the previous Caleb, his own alternate self.

His first trial, six hours of survival, ended with failure after a mere hour, his heart crumbling under the insidious influence of the Dark Mist.

The second attempt, twelve hours, lasted just two hours before the mist eroded his mind, spitting him back to his reality.

The Dark Forest was notorious for two things. First, the Dark Beasts, monstrous creatures of immense power and unmatched ferocity.

Second, the Dark Mist, a sinister entity that gnawed at both body and mind. It weakened the body, slowed movement, and clouded thought.

Slowly, it painted terrifying hallucinations onto the canvas of the victim's mind, pushing them to the brink of madness.

Though death was impossible within the Dark Forest, the memories of the horrors witnessed within remained, a constant reminder of the trial's cruelty.

Only those with exceptional fortitude could withstand the mist's potent effects.

The Ancient Realm's trials were not for the faint of heart. Unlike the previous Caleb, however, fear was a stranger to his steely resolve.

Recognizing the stacked odds, Caleb Li remained calm.

His gaze swept across the landscape, taking in the towering ancient trees that clawed at the sky, their gnarled branches stretching like grasping fingers.

The thick undergrowth, choked by the darkness, emanated wisps of an unsettling smoke.

An unsettling silence blanketed the forest, making the air thick with palpable tension.

Time was a precious commodity, and Caleb Li couldn't afford to waste it.

He sprang into action, picking a random direction and pushing forward with silent, swift steps.

He controlled his breathing, his eyes darting around, scanning for any sign of movement.


He froze, his heart leaping into his throat. A dry twig snapped under his foot, the sound echoing through the unnatural stillness.

For a moment, he held his breath, motionless, waiting for any further sound.

Hearing none, he cautiously lowered his gaze to his feet, only to see the broken twig.

"Huh," he breathed, wiping the cold sweat beading on his forehead. "I need to be more careful."

He continued his journey, this time meticulously avoiding any dry wood.

The forest seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment blurring into the next.

He knew it was an illusion, a trick of the Dark Forest to warp his sense of time.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours, but he still hadn't encountered any Dark Mist or heard any other sound.

The silence, though initially welcome, began to gnaw at him, its stillness unsettlingly akin to a graveyard.

Suddenly, a cold breeze washed over him, sending shivers down his spine. His heart pounded against his ribs, every instinct screaming at him to flee.

But the soldier in him remained, his resolve firm as he continued his steady pace.

He knew the forest was waking up, and the real challenge was about to begin.

As he pushed deeper, the ancient trees seemed to stir, their leaves rustling in the growing wind.

The air turned colder, but he pressed on, driven by his singular goal: escape.

Then, a cry pierced through the silence. His steps faltered, his breath catching in his throat.

It was a woman's cry, filled with pain and despair.

The once quiet forest erupted in a cacophony of sound, the woman's wail echoing off the ancient trees.

And in that instant, he felt his emotions spiral out of control.

Tears streamed down his face, a torrent of undeserved guilt and remorse flooding his being.

He felt as though he had wronged someone deeply, his heart filled with an inexplicable sorrow.

"What the hell is this?" Caleb muttered, struggling to control the torrent of emotions coursing through him.

He wiped his tears furiously, his heart pounding against his ribs.

Suddenly, a whistling sound cut through the air, sharp and menacing. It was a sound that split the air itself.


Caleb leaped to his left in a desperate lunge, narrowly avoiding a fatal attack.

He scrambled to his feet and retreated several meters, his eyes wide with shock and fear. Had he hesitated for even a moment, he would have been cut in two.

He stared at the weapon that had nearly claimed his life. It was a chilling sight, a scythe-like blade that emanated an aura of death.

From the swirling mist emerged the source of the attack, a terrifying Dark Beast.

The creature resembled a spider, but with eight eyes, a gaping maw, four legs, and a long, serpentine tail.

This tail, tipped with the deadly scythe, was unlike any spider he had ever seen.

It belonged to another breed of beast, one far more dangerous.

Caleb and the Dark Beast locked eyes for a fleeting moment before they both sprang into action.


Caleb, fueled by pure survival instinct, turned on his heel and ran. He pushed his body to the limit, sprinting with a speed he never knew he possessed.

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