
Unparalleled After Ten Consecutive Draws ca

Chu Kuangren has teleported to the cultivation world. With him was a game plug-in that gave him ten consecutive lucky draws right as he began. Congratulations! The host has pulled the Legendary-tier Banished Immortal Aura, the Legendary-tier constitution, Exquisite Nine Orifices Sword Heart, the God-tier constitution, Immortal Body, and one Legendary Winged Soldier… Join Chu Kuangren as he becomes a legend of cosmic proportions, and triumphs over every being in the worl

bukola_3003 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Xander's P.O.V.}

"That's right, suck my c**k,"I tell my next victim. She giggles and moans as she sucks me off. This one knows what she is doing. Her skillful hands and seasoned mouth is serving me just well. Just then, there is a knock on my door, "Who is it?"

I call out without even thinking.

" It's Amaya , " I hear her voice right out the door and my thoughts are clouded when I hear that name. Just then,I catch her scent from beyond the door and It is wonderful. She smells like roses. I never thought the smell of roses could be this sweet. Her scent is making my d**k hard, and I'm sure this Omega thinks it is because of her mouth.

"Ugh! Go away b***h!" the Omega shouts at Amaya.

"Shut the hell up and just suck my c*** bi**h!"I tell her and shove her head back down. Why can't they ever listen when I tell them to never speak.I compose myself as well as I can in my nudity and lay back letting the Omega do her thing. "Come in, Amaya."

After a moment, the door opens, and her scent hits me like a ton of bricks. I can smell her feminine wolf and boy is it driving me crazy! Her face,when she sees what is happening , is one of disgust and irritation . " What do you want ? " I ask trying not to be turned on by her presence.

"You know why I'm here," she says without emotion . I smirk , so she feels that I am her mate as well..hah..I'll see how she likes my rejection then!

Azael is stirring in my mind , telling me to claim her and mark her , but I will do no such thing. I will go through with my plan , and I will reject Amaya. As much as I want to do it first thing today at breakfast , I know that if I push it off , I will change my mind .

"You,whatever your name is, get the f**k out," I tell the Omega. She lifts her head in shock.


"You heard me, get out,"

"Ugh!" she grunted and turns to leave, remembering to slam the door behind her .

Amaya looks at the door and then back at me . Damn , she is so pretty. No, I can't think like this. I need to reject her and as quickly as possible. We can't have a future Alpha going mad for a slave now, can we?

"So, I guess you feel it too, huh?" I ask her while standing up, fully nude and fully erected, referring to the mate bond . She doesn't even flinch at the fact I am butt naked in front of her or at the fact that my erect d*** is there to look at.


"Well,I hate to burst your bubble, but if you came here thinking I am going to accept you as my mate, you're dead wrong",

She just looks at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. But something is off, there is no hurt in her eyes. There are no feelings, at all. This shouldn't be bothering me, but it does. I discard the thought before saying aloud.

"I, Alexander Mais, future Alpha of the Luman Silver Pack, hereby reject you, Amaya Caesar , as my mate , " I say while trying to hide the Azael's hurt in my voice.

She looks up at me and smiles. Why is she smiling so sweetly? I ask myself..

"Thank you," she replies


"Thank you," she repeats

"You have no idea how glad I am that you're actually rejecting me right now . You're saving me the pain of being tied to you at the hip because of this dumb mate bond, and the agony of having to be the Luna of this pack of misfits, and murderers," she says with venom in her voice. Why is she not hurting? Why are her words hurting me instead?

"Amaya, what are you..."

"I, Amaya Caesar, daughter of the late Alpha John Salman Caesar of the Canis Moon Pack , hereby accept your rejection " her acceptance hit me like a ton of bricks but h***, what did I expect? That she would whine and cry over my rejection and beg me to rescind my words?

The pain of our bond-breaking knocks the air of out of me, and I fall back onto the bed still naked.. But she isn't hurting, she is fine . She is the daughter of an Alpha , she's an Alpha by blood .

I feel tears in my eyes, my heart is breaking , and hers isn't. Why am I the one who is hurting?

Azael whimpers in sorrow in my head. He is whimpering . My wolf , my Alpha wolf is whimpering like a little cub at the loss of his mate . Amaya shakes her head unemotionally and leaves my room. She is gone . That was it , my mate is gone . I wanted to hurt her , and break her , but she broke me instead.

"I told you not to reject her!" Azael ferociously growled.

"You never said she was an Alpha!"

"That shouldn't matter! Her blood and her rank shouldn't matter! We were her mate ! We were supposed to love her, cherish her, and protect her!"

Before I can say anything to him , he cuts me off . He put up his own block. I didn't even know wolf counterparts are able to do that. I try to reach him but I can't. My own wolf is giving me the silent treatment.

(Amaya's P.O.V.}

After accepting his rejection, I feel liberated . I make my way back to the kitchen and get myself busy making breakfast.I am running about ten minutes behind, but that isn't a big deal. As I am making breakfast, I feel Kira whimpering in the back of my mind.

"Kira, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, he rejected us first."

'But I accepted his rejection without a fight , and I know that it caused you pain."

"Not as much as you think though. Honestly, it hurts, but something tells me it was meant to be"

"Why would the moon goddess pair me with an pig like him though?"

"i don't know, but the mother has her ways and her reasons. Let's just see what will happen now, may the Moon Goddess grant us another."

"You do know that after this weekend , we're on our own right ? I can't , no , I won't live here anymore"

"I know and I support you, you've suffered long enough and I'm with you now".

I smile again at her response. Kira is super cool and laid back, like me, well, it's expected, after all she's my wolf.

After I make breakfast and set it out on the island buffet style with eggs, ham, sausage, toast, and hash browns, and all sort of heavenly varieties, I return to my room to work on the invitations for Xander's Alpha ceremony this coming Saturday. Luckily, the invitations have already been made, I just have to write out all of the names of the packs being invited and send them out via werewolf inter-postal mail.

As soon as I finished with those, I walk to the kitchen, and soon as I did, everyone turned around and stared at me. I saw Xander and his eyes were filled with hurt. Good, I thought to myself. He thought that I would be hurt by his rejection, but it ended up backfiring, and I am more than certain that my declaration as an Alpha's daughter is the biggest b***h slap to the face. Boo bi**h as* d***head! I boo in my head while maintaining a look of total calm.

"Amaya," Richard called. I let out a big sigh, I grumble for miliseconds in my head before walking over to him.


"Did you send out the invites?"

"I just finished, they should be received by all the packs in the next one day" I reply as genuinely as I actually can, maybe I'll get in his good graces then. Huff

"Good, since it's your birthday, and you haven't messed up anything yet, feel free to have one serving size of everything,"

"Thank you,"I reply sincerely. Huulala, my silent mind prayers are working, this must be some birthday specialty, because good things don't randomly happen to me. At least I won't starve on my birthday. I move to the island and grab my plate. It is as tiny as a small child's plate , but it works . I carry one scoop of eggs, one sausage patty, one slice of ham, and once scoop of hash browns, and one bottled water.I return to my room and devour my breakfast in peace . I already know that this will be my only meal today so I should try and savor it as best as I can .

I take small bits of everything and chew at least hundred times per bite to make it last . This somehow makes it seem like I had more than I actually did. As I am eating, I can't help the tears that form in my eyes . Here I am, eight hours into my eighteenth birthday, and I have already been rejected by my mate . The thought of having a mate to love, cherish, and protect me is out the window now . I have no choice but to accept my fate, that after Saturday night, I would officially be a rogue, a lone wolf.

Three days later

"Get out of my way!" Xander's sister Deluxe screams shoving me to the ground. She is 21 years old and unmated , so she is being even a bigger b***h than normal. She actually doesn't even live in the packhouse anymore, she lives on her own in one of the small houses within the territory. She is only here for the ceremony, and not even because she wants to congratulate Xander, her brother, she is hoping to meet her mate during the ceremony. The rumor had quickly spread that a few of the Alphas and Betas that were going to be in attendance were also unmated, so it was all I could do to stop myself from seeing the unmated she-wolves in this pack plan their future weddings and Luna ceremonies. I just gagged mentally at their ridiculous imaginations.

In addition to the unmated Alphas and Betas, those that are mated and are older are apparently bringing some of their unmated daughters with them to see if they would be the mates to Xander. Unbeknownst them, Xander already had a mate , whom he rejected . Me, Amaya Caesar. It is going to be pretty funny to see all of them leave completely empty-handed and disappointed, I can't wait to see the looks on their ugly faces.

Although, who knows, maybe the moon goddess will give him a second chance, and she will just as big a pain in the ass as Xander, let's hope not, that would be hell for whichever new slave they find to cater to their needs. Now that would be something I would pay to see.

I get up from the floor, and just walk away from Deluxe. I don't want to hear her shrill voice and high pitched screams all night, my ear drums are precious and since all the slaps from all these years haven't managed to make me deaf, I'm trying my best to protect what's let of it. I return to the kitchen and finalize the food preparations for the ceremony . I am getting a f*****g migraine from the constant 'go away' high pitched screams from the other Omegas in the house , and the 'get to work' high pitched screams coming from Gia. I secretly hope that I would be able to sit in my room during the ceremony, but I already know that isn't going to happen . I am going to be forced to serve a crowd of close to 600. And alone too

Just one more night of this bullshit. I think to myself. Yeah, just one more night .