
Unpaid Dues (BL)

Yejun sighed as he got bored in his office room. He turned his swiveling chair around so he could see Seoul in all its glory through his crystal-clear glass wall. He smirked to himself when he had thought that he has Seoul in the palm of his hands. His thoughts were soon interrupted by his right-hand man. "Sir.... The Kims have escaped..." he informed. Yejun clearly didn't like the thought of people running away with his father's money... or even his. "The good news?" he asked as he propped up his elbow on his armrest and had rested his chin on his hand while is free hand danced on his desk. "They left their son you see.... His name is Kim Eungoo..."

Aria_Black_00 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
231 Chs

Where's Eungoo?

Min Kwan rubbed the sides of his temples as he pulled his bag to his side and pulled out his pen and his notepad. It's been three days since the incident and he still has found where Kim Eungoo was. He got sick since that night and he's been searching for his best friend like a mad man that even when he went to the police to report his missing friend, he almost got sent to jail for accusing him of using drugs. He even went to meet up with Mr. Lee to ask if he saw Eungoo or not but all he received was an offer to help which he was grateful for.

Now that he's calmed down a bit he got home and ordered a Chinese takeout on the way. He lived in a studio-type apartment and has not enough furniture, but it was okay since he didn't need them anyway. He needed to calm down first so he seated himself on the floor beside his mattress and began to work.

He scratched his head as he began to investigate further. It's a good thing he has some connections too and began search on the said debts that Eungoo's parents failed to pay. He opened his laptop and emailed a thank you note to the private investigator he knew of and promised to pay the man for his services… nothing sexual since he is also a virgin.

His jaw fell on the floor and his eyes popped out of its sockets when he read that the couple had millions of debts from the Park International Banking Company. He face-palmed himself at how reckless they were and thanked the heavens that Eungoo didn't inherit any trait from them.

He then further studied the recent activities of the couple from the past few months. He then scribbled the places they've been to as well as the time. He then researched thoroughly and discovered that they were living a luxurious life when Eungoo was living like shit. They've been buying designer brand clothing, accessories, and more.

He couldn't take it anymore and slammed his hands on the floor. He was really angry so he pulled a huge punching bag from the side and began punching his sides out of frustration. He grunted and took off his shirt since it was getting in the way. A few minutes later the doorbell rang.

He panted and wiped off the sweat forming under his chin using his wrist. He got up grabbed his jacket pulling out his wallet as he was walking towards the door at the same time. He opened the door to see a girl holding out the food delivered.

"T-That would be 2,000 won, sir." The girl blushed but couldn't keep her eyes off Kwan's figure seeing that he was already dripping from the sweat that defined his four packed abs.

Kwan was used to the stares so he didn't pay much attention to it. He dug out the exact amount and handed it to the delivery girl with a smile, thanking her for a job well done before bowing politely and closed the door.

He shook his head and tossed his wallet on his jacket before flopping back on his seat and pulled out his favorite cooked rice with onions, meat, and flavorings. He hummed happily as he was now a little bit calm because of the food.

He ate a few spoonfuls before going back to work. It was stated that they turned to a mafia group for help and it also said that they were able to pay the installment inconsistently which then led to an increasingly large amount of interest that they were not able to keep up with. Eungoo's parents weren't also able to pay rent for the past three months which cause the eviction notice posted on their front door.

He then turned his attention to the ruined letter from Eungoo's parents. He wasn't sure if Eungoo got angry that he ripped the page by himself or he was struggling from his captor; he wasn't sure. He then wrote down the possible mafia groups where they could have meddled with and he narrowed it down to three. It was among the 'Kim Family', 'Golden Dragon Family' and 'The Ghost'. These three were the most popular mafia groups that match the amount of money that the Kim couple got, the fast resources and angry mafia bosses who don't like people running away with their money, and also these three are somehow connected to the Park Industry.

Kwan sighed as he eyed the mirror across the room. He always kept a full-body sized mirror because he somehow loved his cuts and bruises filled his body aside from his tattoos of course. And because he didn't want to scare Eungoo off he tried his best to cover them. He traced the marking tattoo of being alpha of a street gang from the base of his neck down to his shoulders and chest where he had tattooed strips of a tiger. He smiled as the stripes led down to his v are and disappearing down.

He considered himself a pervert, but nobody has to know that. He turned to the side and gazed upon the reflected words etched on his skin in hangul saying: "First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you… Then you win." This phrase was dear to his heart because he was always labeled as the problem child, the unwanted, the disgrace. He lost his parents to a fire that he was blamed for. He had no other siblings and no relative wanted to keep him. He got stuck in an orphanage and when he turned of legal age, he was practically kicked out.

He didn't give anyone a chance to push him around and brought himself up even when up against the other kids or adults. He accidentally formed a gang without knowing it and called it "The Black Tiger Gang". The phrase he had tattooed on was their mantra as they raced to the top of being the most feared street gang to the most dangerous there is in Seoul. They were almost there to rise as a family, a mafia.

He searched for his phone to dial the number of his right-hand man. He wasn't the kind of person to sit back and watch and take things one at a time. He wanted to look for Eungoo as fast as possible. One thing he knows for sure that his precious dongsaeng is somewhere alive because one, he's the only key to his parents, and two because that's what his guts kept telling him.

He brought his phone up to his ear and patiently waited for someone to pick up before saying…

"Hey, Jinhae… Prepare the gang… We're going hunting tonight!"