
unOrdinary: The Bloody Knight

Wellston was supposed to be a school. A place for education, but Alexander was disappointed to find that it was just another letdown in life. Granted, he didn't really care about high school, but that was a different matter altogether. Coming from a somewhat organized country, he could just see the flaws by glancing at the Highrarchy. Well, he was here now, so might as well deal with it. ___ I don't own unOrdinary nor do I own the cover art.

LegitHuman · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter One

"You're Alexander, right?"

I looked up at the green-haired teen who held a paper with my name written on it with a black marker.

"Yup, you're an upperclassman, right?"

The teen nodded and extended a hand which I grabbed and shook.

"I'm Rei, nice to meet you."

He smiled and I nodded back.

"Alexander, but you already knew that."

He chuckled and folded the paper in his hand, putting it in his back pocket.

"Let me help you with that."

He grabbed the suitcase and I raised an eyebrow, shrugging as we started walking out of the airport.

"Gotta say, your English is very good for a foreigner."

I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck, and shrugging again.

"I don't know, it just spawned in my head."

Rei returned the chuckle as we passed the automatic doors.

"You'll be staying in the school dorms, I'm guessing? I'll show you to your room and then around the school."

I nodded again as Rei waved down a Taxi and both of us got inside with the suitcase in the trunk.

The drive there didn't last long, twenty minutes of somewhat pleasant small talk and we were at the gates of the school.

Wellston High, a school I had high hopes for. But being two weeks late didn't really help my case of making friends.

"The dorms are this way."

Rei pointed to the side, and I followed him to the dorms, a few flights of stairs later, I was in my room, an empty desolate space all for myself.

"I'll let you get settled in and let's meet in a few hours, I'll show you around the school."

I turned to Rei who was at the door and nodded, bidding goodbye to the upperclassman, I turned to the room and grabbed the suitcase, walking into my room.

Opening up the suitcase, I looked through the clothes, unwrapping two of the most important things that I brought from home. Two pictureframes. One with four people, a tall man with brown eyes and black hair, standing next to a shorter woman with brown hair and green eyes.

The man's hand was on a boy's shoulder with black hair and green eyes while the woman was holding a baby in her hands, all smiling at the camera.

Placing that on the nightstand, I grabbed the second picture frame.

Eight people, teenagers, standing in front of a school, all of them in goofy poses with me as one of them.

Smiling I placed that picture next to the one of my family and looked at the two for a moment.

I would miss them, I really would.

But I was here now...


I was looking at Rei, my face contorting to horror.

"Could you... Repeat that?"

Rei looked at me with a raised eyebrow, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"My level is 5.8..."

I took a deep breath, releasing it through my nose, and repeated that a few times and pressed my palms together.

"Can you... Can you explain how the power system works in this country?"

Rei blinked and seemingly realised something before nodding in understanding.

"The level is assigned to you by how powerful your ability is."

No fucking wonder this place was barbaric...

Massaging the bridge of my nose, I release a sigh. I paniced there for a second, with a kind as a level 5.8, I wondered what the ranking would be in the games.

"Why? Is that really high where you come from?"

I shook my head in the negative, that level was abysmal where I was from, but here, it must be pretty high since he was the king...

"What about the Queen?"

Rei shrugged before answering.

"She's a new queen, she's level 5.2."

I see...

I wasn't even gonna ask about the others.

"Hey no need to worry-"

He put a hand on my shoulder and I raised an eyebrow at him, what was there to worry about?

"We try to keep everything peaceful here, so if anyone causes you any trouble, don't be afraid to come to me or any high rankers, okay?"

I just nodded, not even wanting to argue at this point,