
unOrdinary Hero: Crossworld [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: unOrdinary is Manhua originally created by Uru-chan. (Webtoon). while My Hero Academia is Manga/Anime originally created by Kōhei Horikoshi. This fanfic, I didn't own any of the characters than O.C's... If you are interested, please Support unOrdinary and My Hero Academia or Boku No Hero Academia and search them through: GoOgle-know-it-all-chan. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Two Exchange Student came from Japan to Korea, at Wellston High School to be exact. Ember, the organization that threats to Hero society if bychance they spread worldwide. Japanese Heroes dispatched at Korea, --A country who reject Hero System-- to extinguished the root of this growing organization. Unknowingly, some distinguished person of Wellston become associates of this Heroes. The Fact is.. In Korea, wanna-be Superheroes or related to them are to be rehabilitated before they spread and affect others. In Japan, you can be a Hero with your Quirk, strong or weak. In Korea, your Ability is your responsibility. In a School where Power describes you, and your Ability speaks for you and is your only Ally. Will you fight and dethrone the current King for the sake of others? or you fight for your own good? If you've been giving a chance to be a Hero, will you choose to be one? or still playing 'Cripple' until the end? And this is where the 'TWO LADLE', Heroes of Japan entered, who violently stir the current of Korean elite's Heirarchy.

Aoi_Omoshiroi · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Episode 1: School for Kacchan

Inside the Headmaster Room

As the two entered, they welcomed by the stare from a man sitting at Headmasters chair, after sipping his tea and put it on the table, he interwined his fingers and lean his chin unto them.

This man who has distinctive gentleman with wavy teal-coloured hair and a thick teal-coloured goatee, has green eyes and wears brown-rimmed spectacles.

His dominance aura made Katsuki and Izuku soffocated as he looked at them in silent.

After one gulp, they introduced themselves "Goodnoon, sir Headmaster of Wellston, I am Izuku Midorya"

"I am Katsuki Bakugou"

And the two bowed their head consecutively

"Uhm, I am Voughn and as you can see the Headmaster of Wellston, fancy meeting you, young Heroes from Japan. Although, our country isn't a fan of Hero system, I heard your chivalry and admire your bravery" Vaughn introduced nonchalanty.

"I assumed you two already brief of what do's and dont's before coming in here, but please behave as a student and not a Hero inside my campus"

The two nodded in unison.

"Also, I acquired an information about you two. Did Hero Association told you about the Heirarchy of our country, precisely at this school?"

The two didn't answer

"I take that as a no then"

"Now, as you are an exchange students, I don't want you two to be passive. Run wild but don't be too excessive. We can repair their broken bone but not their missing limbs and lives.."

And continued.

"As this is your TOP SECRET mission, we don't want any authorities know I have students roaming here from that country, though not common, exchange students are always monitored, especially if they, the Authority felt threatened, with that, they immediately made a move onto you. Imprisoned or secretly eliminate you, whats the use of investigation if the body didn't found?"

The atmosphere changed after a second pause. Izuku gulp while Katsuki sneer as if he didn't feel the threat.

"I have two rules to add and one favor to add, is that okay?" Just like usual, two young Hero nodded but not the usual approval, after hearing the word favor.

"Fist" raising Vaughn index finger after the nod. "You have Hero Costume equipped whenever you're going out the of school doing your work, also, avoid unnecessary witness or trouble everytime you going in and out, took different paths if possible because the consequences are severe, so always take a note of that."

"Also, I already arranged your dorm to be at the very corner of the school so thats not a problem for you to sneak in and out"

"Second" he stick out his middle finger along with index finger, "avoid talking about them inside the school, for your information, there are invisible ability users here... Oh I forgot. You called them Quirks there".

He sigh after his last words 'If only, this country has that system implimented too', he thought.

"Wait sir, We want an information about u-"

"Thats it for now. And as for my favor..."

Izuku is about to ask something but was cut by Headmaster.

"You didn't give answer or hear a single of our question and now you want to ask a favor!?" Katsuki said so with clenched fist, grinding his teeth but didn't do anything unusual. He annoyed after cutted his friends word and his natural impulse overtook his present demeanor.

For the record, the current Katsuki Bakugou are more mature after a year. Adding the fact of their Current Record. He now more fitting Hero than the past him. He too aware of that.

"Hmmm" Headmaster narrowed his brow at Katsuki's remark.

"For clarification, You're here for your mission and not for interrogation, and not for me, am I right?" His follow up made Katsuki silent

"Now, is it time to proceed for my favor?" He pointed for the second time, With nonchalantly voice as if devoid of empathy.

10 seconds

30 seconds

The two didn't said a word, not that they didn't, but they couldn't.

As they almost out of breath after those 1 full minute.

"But sir, if you know something or a hint, atleast let us know, that made our mission-" Still, Izuku express his thought as sweat running through his face with just those few words, if All Might is here, he'll commenting how brave his successor was.

"For my Favor" unfortunately, all is for naught as Vaughn cut him a second time, sipped his tea to none. Then look at the two, this time he opened one folder with papers inside.

= = =

= = =

6 Month before the Japanese Exchange Student (Izuku and Katsuki) arrived at Wellston High School, the number one School for Strongest Ability user gathered throughout Korea

"....This is Top Secret Mission and only for Students of U.A to take" Aizawa Shota, A.k.a Eraserhead told to Izuku and Katsuki alone, as he took out his cellphone and open a projector, which consists of what mission they about to take.

"Its in the Korea...." He introduce




"....And that is all concluded about their Good deeds, you go there, Investigate, or much better if you can, blow them all to dust, but remember, prioritize survival above all! True Man knows when to fight and to retreat, so does Heroes. Understood?... Don't worry, your not alone there. I too will be dispatched" Eraserhead explained detailed by detailed for almost three hours, the mission he (Hero Association) gave to their 'Elite Hero Student'.

"It HAS to be a Student, for the current Heroes, entering there ain't easy, also, about your personal identification, the Association already take good care of them. Now... FIRST, you have to learn how to speak KOREAN language above all!"

And so, 6 months of hellish lesson begins....

= = =

= = =

"Grrrr!" Izuku while walking heard grumble from his side, coming from his childhood friend, Katsuki.

"You sh*thead! Why did you accept his favor!?"

"Ssshhh! Kacchan! Don't break the rules! Remember, don't talk about them in public!" Izuku gobble Katsuki's mouth unknowingly.

"Gumgjskegodke" Katsuki didn't stop.

"Puwahhhh! Fucker! I'll kick your ass if you did that again!" Izuku release his friend's mouth but Katsuki grumble nonstop instead.

"Haaaahh. This is harder than we thought, Kacchan" Izuki sigh again

"Of course it should be! Thats why they called it secr- gheiejfjtueidi" Izuku gobble him again. "Kaachan!?" Izuku whispered.

"Okay, okay! Damn you nerd! No third chance or I'll kill you!"

After descending towards the second floor, they've been blocked by a bunch of Students, four of them to be exact. one of them opened his mouth. For some reason, to Izuku and Katsuki, others are shaded gray other than the one infront. A fodder for short.

A pale skinned man with long bismark color hair and has irritable face moved forward and smile, he asks. "You're transfer students, Right? The name is Zeke".

(A/N: The hell is Bismark!? Google-chan isn't useful this time)

"Huh!? Alright skinny-boy, You want a beating? I'm in a bad mood now, so I'll take you all on for appetizer!" Katsuki replied with sneer while tilting his head to the side and look at the man. Making small sparks out of his hand. He's taller than Zeke, as he tilt his head to the side so they are looked in face to face. Sadly to Zeke, he feel intimidated as he step back in return.

'No no no, don't snap Kacchan!' Izuku prayed, then tap his friend's shoulder, "Le..lets go, Kacchan, I'm so hungry" Izuku said in serious tone and made an excuse. Then they walked away.

"Whew, Safe! we're here not even an hour and now you want to beat someone first and foremost?" Izuku glance at his side where Katsuki was, he face palmed. Of course, he was afraid that skinny students won't return to school for months if his friend beat them.

"Huh!? You want to take my prey then!? Huh!?" Katsuki said aloud

"Uhm, no? We're here not to create trouble, alright? A..and why would I!?" Izuku then walked forward unenergetically. Its always energy consuming everytime he is with this childhood friend of his.

And so they entered at the cafeteria to eat their lunch, but rumbling and cursing is what they heard.

"Huh!?" Witnessing horrendous cafeteria where students are stacked pile at each other, bruised and wounded, Izuku energy emptied out drastically again. 'Haaa!? What's wrong with this school!' With heavily sigh.

But the effect is opposite to Katsuki.

"This is what I live for! F*ck Yeah!" Katsuki shouted excitedly and energetically lined up to an empty counter.

Sadly none attack him, they only look at him and Izuku with curiousity and warry, and nothing at all.

Oh! theres a bitter silent.

"Cheh! Boring! Master, Gimme your Best food that can fill my stomach!"

While Katsuki is ordering, Izuku slowly walked towards the counter and looked from here to there and search for any distinguished person. Of course, to not look a trouble with them the next time he bump into one. Afterall, he don't want the second Kaachan that stir his life and delayed their mission, not at this time, nor at this place. But thats only his thought. He didn't know the future at all

"Same for me master, Kacchan, the table there is empty" Izuku pointed an empty table where the nearest dead(?) body stocked pile. He also ordered a piece of cinnamon roll covered by plastic and pocketed them on both sides.

"Are they dead?"

"Then, I have to roast their corpse to avoid stinking smell, heh.."

They jest, but enough to be heard by others as:

Low teir flinched

Mid teir triggered

while elite teir smiled and some were triggered

When, Katsuki is about to sit.

"Oi... didn't you see, I'm going get this table?!" Izuku who finished ordering heard Katsuki's annoying remarks again, and a single student sat and shared tables with him.

"Kaachan!? Let him will sit you? this is the only empty table afterall, by the way, Izuku and this is my friend, Kaac-" Izuku introduced himself and sitted down.

"Katsuki! Bakero Deku!" Katsuki cursed at him.

"Hehe my fault" Izuku smiled scratching the back of his head, afterall, this is not Japan or U.A.

"Uhm, Arlo" nodded by a man with Golden hue colored scruffy hair and has blue pupil. As he sit prettily, his arm crossed while silently lean his back on his chair.

"King, here's your order!" One of the students called him king and reached out one slice of three layered chocolate cake.

"Dwayet? I schwee, sho tjhat ish why, mashority owf peofol hew awe ishkinny"("Diet? I see, so that is why, majority of people here are skinny") Katsuki mumbled while munching his full course meal.

"Why didn't you swallow that first!?" Izuku preached him with dark color cloud above his head.

Arlo at the same time, smiled from the sideline while playing his slice of three layered chocolate cake, eating them steadily.

'Damn! This two are nuts!'

'They're dead for sure!'

'10 bucks here! And their dead!'

'50 bucks!'

'Hundred bucks for me then!'

'If King snaps, they're screwed!

Hearing others mumbling by activating One for All unto his ear, Izuku has now super hearing sense.

Although, he cannot fully control One for all for hundreds of percent until this point, Izuku can now strengthen not just his power and speed output but also his five senses temporarily, thanks to his hellish training since then.

'I see' he thought and didn't look at Arlo the King at all, and only talked to Katsuki like an ol' days. As if he heard nothing.

"Damn it! Isn't you who said to finished the food first!? Why are you starting conversation now Huh! You damn nerd!"

"Swallow and Finish them first are different, Kacchan!"

The two didn't stop arguing while eating. Katsuki didn't stop his cursing though, and thats one of many things that didn't change from him