
Unnoticed Darkness In Them

When she thinks that she didn't need anyone and he comes and she realizes that there is nothing more important than having someone you can lean on.

Ryanna_Jasmine · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"What am I doing here? Funny question, I am sure you were expecting me, no?" he said with that same sarcastic voice that got her irritated in seconds. She took in a sharp breath and walked past him. His hand stretched out to hers, and she jerked back violently at his sudden action.

"Excuse me, you can't do that to the madam president. Where are your manners?" I heard Holy say.

"We aren't done talking. And why is she having her secretary do all her work? I guess lack of independence runs in the family." He said but at the same time, his grip on her hand tightened.

"You're hurting me. Let go. I have work to do." November said quietly. The softness of her voice made him frown. She looks different, which is what he first thought. She still had those piercing violet eyes and her beautiful brown hair. Still the same feisty and bull-headed woman he remembered.

"Thank you for having me, Miss White." He said and walked away, while Holy scoffed and straightened November's clothes. This was going to be the start of a fight she had lost once.


"Mr Griffin is by far my ideal man," Alexxa said, which made the co-workers cringe and laugh at her sudden ridiculous statement.

"What exactly does he have that you want?" Michie asked as they went on with their lunch break.

"Well for one he looks like a character straight from a K-drama. He's tall and elegant and he has a terrible attitude, which makes me want him even more. Come on Holy, you agree with me, don't you?" Alexa said and all eyes were on Holy, who was peacefully munching on her food. Her indifferent look made her the centre of attention in such situations.

"I will have to disagree with you, Alex."

"Oh. And why is that? You rarely even talk when we ask you to."

"Because he might as well be the most arrogant office worker I have ever met. Especially to Miss White. But that's not important maybe he'll be different when he becomes your manager." She said and continued to casually eat her lunch. The others stayed silent the rest of the time until the clock struck two o'clock.

By the end of the day, all the talk in the office about the new chief had spread through even to the international branches. Which November didn't bother herself with. She said goodbye to Holy by nine o'clock and sighed as she walked to her car, and heard the driver opening the door for her. The silence in the car was irritating as she faced forward and then shut her eyes.

"Mr Griffin, you're getting on my nerves," she said and waited patiently for a reply and got none. "I'm not talking to myself am I now?"

"You just left. Without a word, without writing a letter, or leaving anything behind," His soft voice said. His words stiffened her, if he brought up the past she wouldn't be able to hold up the walls she had taken so long to build up.

"We are at a workplace so please refrain from speaking about unnecessary matters."

"Unnecessary? I looked for you for years. I heard about your accident and I am sorry. I'm happy to have found you. How have you been?" He asked.

"Building an empire, so busy. I won't ask the same for you. I don't care. Get out of my car I am exhausted and I want to go home."

"I can take you home. You're in my car anyway."

"This is exactly why I broke up with you, you always argue for something. You never listen." She grumbled and reached for her bag on the seat.

"When did you ever want to end it?"

"For a while, I couldn't deal with you anymore. You were selfish and clingy-"

"I was worried about you. I wanted to keep you safe, I liked you so much that I would do anything." He said and she scoffed under her breath hearing his impregnated lies.

"Would you have done anything?"

"Yes, November, I would have, you didn't have to leave me and what we had behind." He almost shouted and she yanked her door open.

"That was what you had! If you will do anything for me, do this one thing, leave me the hell alone. Stay away from me and my life." And she got up and took her cane heading back to the building as he watched her. After much thought on her words, he started his ignition and left for the road. The smile that had formed on his face was priceless, he had found her after eight years. The girl who had shown him a different light on his life, and the one girl who ever made his heart waver.

He decided he wouldn't listen this time if he wanted her back.