
Unnerving Tales: A Collection of Short Horror Stories

Unnerving Tales is a gripping collection of spine-chilling short horror stories that will leave the readers wide-eyed and breathless. This anthology has something for everyone, including tales of haunting apparitions, bloodcurdling monsters, and hair-raising spins on classic folklore. Brace yourself for a journey into the darkest crevices of your mind as Unnerving Tales brings your deepest fears to life.

Laiba_Ihsan2001 · Horror
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6 Chs

Office Terror 1

I have a job that I hate. It's the night shift and every day, I go to work in the same place – a dilapidated office building in the middle of nowhere. But today, something is different. Today, I feel like someone – or something – is following me everywhere I go. As I walk the halls of the building, I feel a presence behind me; a menace that won't go away.

I'm filled with dread as I try to unlock the door to my office, knowing that whatever is stalking me will soon be upon me. It's a feeling of terror, unlike anything I've ever felt before...

The door creaks open, and I turn around, expecting the worst. But instead, all I see is an empty hallway. I take a deep breath, relieved – until I feel something cold and clammy grab my wrist. The terror that washes over me at that moment is like nothing I've ever felt before...

And then everything goes black.

Wow, the beginning of my short horror tale has me feeling incredibly anxious! I'm excited to see where the story goes next. If you enjoyed reading it, please consider adding it to your library!

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