

A guard running in with a bad report. We are under an attack by wild creatures and the trooper are running for their life. many are injured due to the earthquake and most civilians are scared to death. "we must leave my Lord". explained a soldier. "Protect the Royal Family and my lady". said Cravter while running out of the tent of meeting with a look on his face like that of a warrior getting into battle. I will say the Royal grade'. meanwhile, Nick and few other people we're busy aiding the injured and help them find shelter. "Assemble all the soldiers, and prepare the military for battle". said Cravter. he also added. take the Royal household back to emrord city for the Castle will be more protected and safe for everyone else. " he did this while talking to Frank". while things are been heated up on the outside of the cave due to the earthquake, "causing panic and serious injuries". the unknown creatures were facing their way out of the cave. some are been rooted out from the ground, others are forcing themselves from the wall. All are creeping up towards the Outpost of the cave to get charged up the dynamic energy from the sun to help to boost their creativity. when prince Cravter gets to know of the massive amount of energy the sun gives to these creatures from the way they changed their body from, to twice the size they were. he charges his military forces to attack so they could kill a large number of their forces before they reach their full potential. "Attack... Attack. aim for the cave before these beast's gain more power". Aches' shoot. shoot, keep aiming at the cave... loss keeps shut-in at the cave. Cravter and his military commanders kept shutting at that same order. they kept marching towards the cave with no stop having no fear no their faces killing the unnatural creatures at their week starts and still resoling with the order creatures which have reached their full capacity. Prince Cravter and his men succeeded in putting them to the ground for a while and he ordered his soldier it retreats and head back home and to warn the other cities to be prepared for battle and for the entire kingdom to be unified in distressing times suchlike these. he ordered men to leave and to believe the message to all neighboring towns and city. Quickly we must leave for the capital. we must leave for Emrord city to plan what to do next my prince'. said commander Bar. you are right commander because we have no idea what we are up against and what might come next. replied Prince Cravter. He and few others left the grading to comfort the injured and to see if they are good to travel. Nick and some high ranking official meet up with Cravter and suggested that he should use the rest of the soldier's that are well and equipped to attack the unnatural and sizes the opportunity they have at hand. "In reply he said to them, now is not the time to attack because half our men are Dead and the other half are injured and weak. we have not many men to fight more battles. And we all should keep this in mind, we may have won a battle but make no mistake, we haven't won the war". they came to sit with the idea that they are to go back home and prepare for what is to come.

Emekaewovie03 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

19 The returns

They are coming!!! shouted one of the Guard on night watch named Bow. immediately he saw the forces coming from the East, he lighted the fire tower use in transmitting information and began running down from the mountain that he was standing watch. in less than an hour, the information was gutting to the entire camps and Prince Cravter. All left their tent to go welcome them on a triumphant victory they brought home. but Baron Brown was not happy at all, not because they came home victorious, but because baron Rebecca and John were among the survival and they may try another attempt on his life.

"Welcome back, good to see you says Baron Vain with a smile on his face while he was walking with one complete leg to was Baron Rebecca, embarrassing her and kissing her on the cheek and the fall head". "he also kissed Baron John, Cohen, and Nick on the fall head and he lays his hands on the shoulders of commander Macon and said well done a nice job and he moved closer by using his fall head to torch commander Macons.

When they get to the camp, every soldier raised his sword in respect to the Commander in charge of the Battle at the west and everyone who had a hand in bringing the victory home.

They were welcomed into the tent of meeting and were entertained with good wines and fresh fruits and meats. The night was following with wine and laughter together with an exchange for stories and ideas till the morning.

when it was morning, they were all summoned to a meeting that was all about sharing ideas and how-to strategies with the good information they have gathered.

The General started by welcome everyone, then began asking commander Macon, to share virtual information on the battle to the East Side.

"Commander Macon stood up and says, the battle at the East didn't work out to likened. The reason is that we went in at daylight and when we entered Midon City that morning, we found no one only human dead body's on the street and in every house. All of a sudden, we started hearing noise and vibrations from the ground together with great winds blowing from all directions, at that moment they started coming out from all directions. We do lose good men thanks to a young worrier in our camp named Enzo how turned the ties in our favor, he did most of the heavy lifting. indeed he is a great soldier and it's an honor fighting with him on the battlefield.

"Baron John moved in and beings to speak, he said, he yeans my respect the second he left the battle formation to come to save my life and to release the toxins dust that was at the top of a building in Midon city".

"Rebecca added to what Baron John had said, by saying, he also saved my life too when we were in Ur City. I was been corned by the unnatural creatures and he came to my rescuer Twins". " the first was when I and my worries we're surrounded, Enzo and his friends can to save my life. and the second was when I was at numbered by those beasts and was hiding in a room and they were trying to move in, he came to my rescue. indeed he is a good fighter and a great swordsman".

Immediately Prince Cravter sent for Enzo and his men, ( after Enzo and his friends get home, they cleaned up and left for a small party been hosted by the soldier) and they checked his tent and that of his friends, but couldn't find them. The guard sent to look for them received a piece of information from a soldier who knew them that they are at the party so he wants to believe the message he was sent.

When Enzo and his friends received the message they at once left the party to go see the Crown Prince. As soon as the Prince Cravter court site of Enzo he knows that he is a great warrior because he saw Enzo at the first encounter with the unnatural creatures when he was fighting and he knew that Enzo is a skillful swordsman. he didn't take him to heart because they are other pressing issues to attend to. for example, the injured soldiers, and the civilians that were in the range of the cave.

"Greetings, to you all, said Enzo and his friends. they were on their heels and with their faces, facing the ground as a sign of respect to them all".

"Prince Cravter ordered them to rise. and he spoke further by said', I have been hearing about your great works at the Battlefield and I find it surprising because for a soldier at your level it is nearly impossible to have such a good skill in swordsmanship. where did you grow up? Who is your father, and what is his name? and lastly, who is your teacher?"

Enzo answered by saying, "I grew up in the capital, and I was raised close to the market I and my friends. And my father was an alcoholic who left before I was born. at least that was what I was told. As for a teacher, I had noon, I and my friend trained together since we were little boys. And we joined the military at fifteen, that was when our story starts".

After they have carefully listed Enzo and his friends, Crown Prince Cravter asked them to heel down. and after he placed his sword on their shoulders one by one and he asked them to rise making the seven of Enzo's friends captains in the military, and the navy. As for Enzo, he was made a commander.