
Unnatural origin

In a world where genetic engineering has become the ultimate power tool, one man must confront the dark secrets of his own creation. Kael, a brilliant but rebellious young scientist, discovers that his entire existence is a lie. His DNA is a product of a sinister experiment, designed to create the perfect soldier. As delves deeper into the truth, he realizes his future his uncertain and his past is a fabrication. With the help of a mysterious ally, Kael must navigate a treacherous landscape of conspiracy and deception to uncover the truth about his unnatural origin. But the more he learns, the more he realizes that his very existence threatens the future of humanity. Will Kael embrace his true nature and become the weapon he was designed to be, or will fight against his creators and forge a new path for him self? In a world where the line between humans and machine are blurring, Kael must make a choice that will determine the course of his existence-and the future of humanity. *COMPLETED*

T_abitha · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Infiltration :2

We stood outside Dr. Grey's towering headquarters, our hearts racing with anticipation. Phoenix handed us each a small device. "These will get us past security."

We nodded, and with a deep breath, we moved forward. The devices worked flawlessly, granting us access to the heavily guarded building.

Inside, we navigated through sleek corridors, avoiding detection. Phoenix led us to a server room, where Dr. Kim quickly set to work hacking into the mainframe.

Echo-1 and I stood watch, our eyes scanning the area for any signs of trouble. Suddenly, a team of guards appeared, their weapons drawn.

"Take care of them," Phoenix whispered, slipping away into the shadows.

Echo-1 and I sprang into action, our combat training kicking in. We disarmed and disoriented the guards, leaving them unconscious on the floor.

Dr. Kim's triumphant cry echoed through the room. "I've got it! The evidence we need to bring Dr. Grey down!"

We regrouped, our mission accomplished. But as we turned to leave, we faced an unexpected obstacle: Dr. Grey himself, flanked by his loyal agents.

"You fools," he sneered. "You think you can take me down?"

Phoenix reappeared, a sly smile spreading across his face. "I think we've got this, Dr. Grey."

With a flick of his wrist, Phoenix activated a device, and the room erupted into chao

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