
Unmotivated Deity

The God of Tomes is slain. There was no revenge for his loss, there was only his blood on the weapon of his opponent and the words of the Council to send him off. Then the unexpected. They hadn't outright destroyed him but had sent him off, down into the mortal realm with no hope to ever return. Follow the story or Jien Losler as he strives to become what he once was, what he was meant to be. Will he rise above it all? Will he claim his revenge, his place back in the plane of the Gods? ----------------------------------- For those interested. I have just recently put together a discord. You can find it at the below link, just remove the dash: https://dis-cord.gg/wY9HhfhS

ShadowRequiem · Fantasy
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161 Chs

Name and Understanding

Since the adults in the room could only understand half of the conversation they were at a bit of loss. This was more Jien's problem to solve but that didn't mean that they weren't both curious and protective. They were all looking to the boy sitting on the bed with questioning expressions after continuing to listen to the grating broken language the woman had spoken. Jien, however, ended up falling into contemplation without realizing that the observers were hoping to know what he was talking about. Though they couldn't change things drastically they felt that perhaps they could still help out in some manner.It was several long moments before Jien's head perked up once more at the feeling of several eyes trying to burn into his head. It was only now that he realized something was off before it clicked that only he could understand the woman's speech. He turned to Runa and with a calm smile explained what they had discussed so far. Of course, when the adults heard the confirmation that the crimson haired woman was attempting to kill him their eyes went red, and their jaws set with a murderous expression.Given that Aqa'krghrift could understand what Jien was saying she knew that he was explaining to them. Upon seeing their looks of fury, she nearly smirked and broke into a fit of laughter. She managed to hold in this inclination in the end, only allowing her lips to twitch slightly. She waited for Jien to finish explaining that he was looking for a name that held at least some of the same meaning so as not to have to bite off his own tongue to address her.After getting the gist of the conversation so far, all three of the adults were questioning why he had to find a name with similar meaning while the other children just seemed to provide one, they felt okay with. The demons in question didn't seem to dislike the names either so it left the three rather curious. The subsequent explanation which was a rough translation rather than verbatim left them both enlightened but just as puzzled as to why the other children's demons accepted names that may not match their original names. This was something that Jien was also curious about and intended to follow up on in the future when he had more time to talk with the gold eyed lady in private.For now, all four humans in the room focused on trying to find a name that would have some connection to the meaning of 'reservoir of knowledge'. Unfortunately, even after several long minutes of thinking they couldn't come up with anything with that level of specificity. Eventually Jien suggested that rather than looking for an exact translation that they look for something more general representing knowledge.The switch from literal translation to looser interpretation allowed for several ideas to be brought up in only a few minutes. The world had a large variety of languages provided by the varying gods, often with overlapping meanings. This is why there would be many spells that would achieve roughly the same result while being spoken in varying tongues, only having some slight differences to ensure a level of uniqueness.After compiling a list of names that he felt may be fitting enough he narrowed it down to five. His plan was to present Aqa'krghrift with all five and then have her choose the one she felt would be a decent enough conductor for the power held by her demontongue name. If none of them worked, then he would go back to the drawing board until they could find something that would. Though she had tried to harm him, she was now going to be a source of help and power, he didn't wish to cripple her potential just for the sake of his ease.Unfortunately for all parties included it wasn't as easy as listing off five names and letting her choose the one she liked. She spoke the first five names, testing if they would work only to shake her head. The transmission of power of a name could be said to be similar to passing lightning through metal. The purer and more conductive the metal the better the results, but they also understood that no matter what there would be some loss, no matter how good the match.At the end of a half hour back and forth with many names being thrown out by the four humans only to be rejected by the demon one finally rolled off her tongue in a way that sounded and felt as smooth as fine silk. The name was Anuva and she immediately knew that though the name was general in translation it allowed roughly seventy percent of the power of her name to transmit. Though she would still prefer that her true name be used she could understand that if her summoner couldn't speak it then it was a useless endeavor."Anuva…" she repeated once again with a slight glow of pleasure in her eyes and a slight smile on her lips. "I feel that this name is adequate for now, though I would urge you to learn demontongue so that you can speak my true name. Without it you will be missing out on roughly a third of the power that I have available." To this Jien could only sigh in relief. Though he didn't mind the brainstorming exercise he still had felt that this was no less draining than going through the round robin.Jien smiled lightly as he looked at Anuva with a brighter gleam in his eye. "Alright, now that you have a name that works for both of us, I think it is time we come to an understanding of how we wish to cooperate so as not to burden each other." He presented this as a two-sided discussion because unlike what the other children had described regarding their contract his with Anuva was seemingly a lot broader but also, she was more like a humanoid than that of a beast like many other demons.----------------------Congrats to Anubesetesh and thank you for the name Anuva!