
UNMEI: The Path To Survival

In a world that’s about to collapse, four individuals with different goals are brought together to save humanity. They try to deal with their own problems, but they’re also forced to work together to fight against bigger danger. Dune, a boy with striking white hair and eyes, possessing exceptional intelligence. He was born in a continent called Sanatria, place where power is everything, but he lacked it himself. Despite this he refused to be limited by his circumstances. When Dune eventually gains power from the gods, he faces inner struggles about his purpose. Dune explores his newfound power, and amidst the chaos he’s trying to find his place and goals in a world where he is used by those who are more powerful than him. But One thing that never changes is Dune's desire to live and break free from the restrictions surrounding him.

G_Kik1 · Fantasy
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98 Chs


Dune woke up, his whole body aching. His vision was blurry, and he could barely make out the flickering message in front of him: [Mi...o...n Com...p..ate].

He finally managed to open his eyes fully. He was in a dark space, with only a small hole in the wall providing a faint source of light.

As he tried to stand, he realized he was ankle-deep in liquid. Stumbling forward a few meters, he suddenly saw a huge, blue, shining eye open in front of him.

It was Zephyros's eye, and Dune could see his own reflection in it. Fear gripped him, and he fell back. Is Zephyros still alive?

The dragon lay motionless, its eye slowly opening and closing, clearly in its last moments.

Dune looked down and realized it wasn't water he was standing in, it was blood. Zephyros was losing too much blood.

Gathering his courage, Dune approached the dragon and tentatively touched its skin. As Dune touched Zephyros's scales, vivid visions surged through him.