
UNMEI: The Path To Survival

In a world that’s about to collapse, four individuals with different goals are brought together to save humanity. They try to deal with their own problems, but they’re also forced to work together to fight against bigger danger. Dune, a boy with striking white hair and eyes, possessing exceptional intelligence. He was born in a continent called Sanatria, place where power is everything, but he lacked it himself. Despite this he refused to be limited by his circumstances. When Dune eventually gains power from the gods, he faces inner struggles about his purpose. Dune explores his newfound power, and amidst the chaos he’s trying to find his place and goals in a world where he is used by those who are more powerful than him. But One thing that never changes is Dune's desire to live and break free from the restrictions surrounding him.

G_Kik1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Dune walked in the lively city streets, filled with people enjoying themselves. It was his twin sisters' birthday today and his own tomorrow.

He was determined to find perfect gift for her sisters, he headed towards a shop where an old man stood behind the counter.

"How can I assist you, sir?" the man asked warmly.

Dune placed two silver coins on the counter and pointed to the energetic orange cat. "I'll take this one," he said with a grin.

The old man chuckled. "Ah, this one's quite lively, just so you know."

Dune laughed. "Perfect. And what about that?" He pointed to a necklace adorned with green shards.

The old man inspected it. "Ah, this is a magical necklace. It wards off the evil eye. I'll let it go for two silver coins."

Dune raised an eyebrow.. he thinks im an outsider huh? ... "Old man, magical artifacts require Neba crystals. I'll give you one silver coin for trying to deceive me."

The old man coughed and relented. "Alright, alright, a deal then."

And like that he bought cat and Necklace for 3 silver coins. Dune continued down the street. Along the way, he noticed a narrow alley where a little girl sat alone, crying.

Dune decided to ignore her, but his cat dashed towards the girl

"Hey, come back!" Dune called, chasing after the cat that stopped beside the sobbing girl.

"So this is what the old man meant by 'lively'?" Dune chuckled, looking at the girl with a green hair who seemed ignored by everyone else.

He hesitantly picked up the cat, ready to leave, but then crouched down to her level.

"Hello there. What's your name?" Dune asked with a gentle smile, though the girl only cried harder.

"Damn it, am I that scary?" Dune muttered, but when the girl noticed the cat, her eyes lit up. She took it and cuddled it close.

"Hey, that's mine," Dune protested, trying to take it back, but the girl kicked his hand away defiantly.

"Huh? Kid, give me my pet back," Dune insisted, only to be met with a sad pout.

"No," she said stubbornly.

Dune sighed, this is why i don't like kids, he murmured. "What are you doing here alone? If you answer my questions, you can keep the cat a little longer, deal?"

"Okay," she nodded. "My parents want to leave the city... they said there are big problems coming and noone can escape.

They wanted to take me away, but I ran off because I didn't want to leave my friends.

But i got lost and now I want to go back.. I don't know where my house is..."

Dune was puzzled. Big problems in Fein? Enough to make your family leave the city? What's going on?

"Alright, stop crying. I'll help you find your mom and dad, and you'll give me my cat back, okay?" Dune proposed, and the girl agreed.

"Okay, mister," she said softly.

"Mister? Yeah, that works better," Dune chuckled proudly as they walked together.

"Can I ask you something?" the girl piped up.

"Sure, I guess?" Dune replied.

"Why are your eyes different colors?" she asked curiously.

Dune hesitated. "Oh, well, once my brother and I were playing a game, and I accidentally fell and damaged my eye..."

Dune smiled. "It looks uni"

" 'ugly'" the girl interrupted.

"What? I'm not ugly... Kid, didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?"

"My mom said we shouldn't let people look down on us, we're upper class compared to others in the city," the girl defended.

"Your mom is stupid,"

The girl's eyes flashed with anger.

"No, she's not. She's the smartest and most beautiful ever!" she declared fiercely.

Dune chuckled softly. "Well, if she's so smart, how did she manage to lose you?"

"Because of my ab... because of nothing," the girl stopped herself abruptly.

"What?" Dune pressed gently.

"Nothing," she repeated sadly.

Dune sighed, am i really fighting with a kid? .. what is wrong with me.

He looked down and noticed a small badge on her hand. Red rose with wings. "Wait, what's your name?"

"Melissa Neville," she answered quietly.

"You're from the Neville family.. The founders of Bloodrose academy?" Dune realized, surprised. "Why didn't you say this before ?"

"Forget everything I said. Your mother is the best and smartest, okay?" Dune insisted.

"Okay," the girl agreed, confused.

"I know where the Neville house is. I'll take you there," Dune offered kindly with a wide smile.

"Really? Thank you, mister. You're the best. And I'm sorry for calling you ugly," she added sheepishly.

Dune chuckled. "It's alright. I suppose I am 'ugly'. Just don't tell anyone."

They chuckled and walked towards the Neville mansion, Dune couldn't help but think, Neville? One of the richest families in the whole continent? Maybe I should really mind my own business.

After a few minutes of carrying Melissa, Dune arrived at the imposing gate of the Neville family mansion.

Guards stopped him from entering, one of them hurried inside.

Dune gently set Melissa down.

"Here's your home," Dune said warmly. "And now, can I have my cat back?"

Melissa looked at the cat sadly before handing it back to Dune. "Thank you," she whispered.

A tall woman rushed out from the gate and enveloped Melissa in a tight hug. "Mom!" Melissa cried out tearfully, returning the embrace. "I'm sorry."

A man with black hair and a thin beard, likely her father, followed. "Time is short," he said urgently.

"We must leave as quickly as possible." Then he turned to Dune. "Young man, thank you for your kindness. I don't know how I can repay you..."

"Maybe some money?" Dune half-jokingly suggested.

The man chuckled. "I can offer you something far more valuable that is information. Leave this city if you want to live. I can give you money too, but how can you spend it if you're dead? You have time until tomorrow."

Dune was taken aback. "What?"

"Now excuse us," the man continued. "We must leave."

Melissa stepped forward, looking up at her father. "Dad, can't we take him with us? He helped me..."

"No, dear," her father replied firmly. "We have to think of ourselves, and he needs to think of his family."

"But..." Melissa began to protest.

"I said no,".

Melissa ran back to Dune and hugged him tightly, barely reaching his stomach. Dune was surprised but gently pried her arms away.

Dune smiled and bowed down, placing green necklace in Melisa's hands .

"Take this instead," he offered. "It's beautiful. Thank you, mister," Melissa said gratefully, taking the necklace.

Her mother took Melissa up into her arms, and they disappeared into the mansion.

"Good luck, young man? ," "Dune" ..

"Richard Neville," Richard bowed to Dune,

" If you survive and trust me, you can find us in the Capital Rendely. And maybe even visit our academy and try your luck there. The Neville family will help you if you ever need it."

Dune bowed, confused and uncertain about his next move as he walked away. "What should I do?" he pondered aloud. "I don't know...ah i'm late, i should see Atlas"