
Unmei Ko Kappuru Volume 1: 私は非常に知的な人として生まれ変わりました。

Gen_The_Man · Fantasy
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8 Chs

3 Saisho Ni Hitori De (Purorōgu Arc. #3)

Shopping with my Sister is surely tiring. We got back to our house, Okasan was busy as usual preparing our dinner.

Same as usual I helped my Little Sister to her homework.

After that I did my project and homework.

It was shinning bright outside when I woke up.

Again Okasan called me to get downstairs for asa gohan.

===========Change Scene==========

I got to school with Ayase and Kanade-chan.


Sugimoto-san shouted while running towards us.

[O-Oi!, what's the rush Sugimoto-san?]

[The Council President need something from you HAYAKU!!]

[Mou, hai, hai, bakkin.]

I said it with an annoyance and lazy tone. I followed Sugimoto-san to the Student Council Room. We arrived at the Student Council Room.

[Please go inside Nishikawa-san, Kaichō is waiting for you]

I opened the door and entered to the Student Council Room. As I entered, the President of The Council Miyazaki Tamako-senpai was waiting for me.

[Hello are you Nishikawa Miyuki?]

[H-Hai thats me. Naze watashi ni denwa shita nodesu ka?]

I was nervous, this is the 2nd time that I talked to Miyazaki-senpai. She is one that I looked up to.

[You see since I'm already on third year. This is my last year here in this school.

I just wanted to tell you that, can you be the Next Student Council President?]

 I was surprised from what I heard from Miyazaki-senpai. [NA-NA-NA-NA-NANNNIIIIIIII!!!!!!!?????]

I was shock to find that the President of The Student Council was asking me to be the Next President of the Next Year's Council.

[Nande boku wa?]

I asked the question while still panicking.

[Because I see you as an capable, responsible student. I know your also wanting this moment so can you?]

[O-Of course Miyazaki-senpai!]

I answered honestly.

[Well then, I can count on you to do your responsibilities as an Student Council President Miyuki-kun.]

Miyazaki-senpai smiled while looking at me.

[Any way I've already assemble your set of cabinets. Do you have some time later just a bit?]

[Yeah sure, I have sometime but only a few minutes. I have a friend to help later after class.]

[Oohhhh I see Miyuki-kun. Good luck to that]

Miyazaki-senpai said it to me.

[Hai arigato Miyazaki-senpai!]

[Your welcome, now hayaku your gonna be late now]


I dashed out of the Student Council Room towards to the Classroom. I got on time with my class almost 1 minute before our sensei arrives to our classroom.

[Min'na seki ni itte kudasai. Today we're gonna talk about our school festival. For our theme I want all of you to think what can we offer. Is our Class Representative here?]

As Sensei asked the question, oh yeah I forgot about the School Festival.

[Hai boku wa koko ni imasu Sensei.]

Wagashi replied to Sensei.

[Wagashi-san please start now to plan your class preparations now.]

[Hai Sensei.]

===========Change Scene==========

After sometime the lunch break bell rang.

Ayase, Kanade and I have gone to the rooftop to discuss what are we gonna do to the upcoming school festival.

[Hey Kanade-chan.]

I called her while she was eating her bento.

[Hai? Miyuki-kun?]

Kanade-chan asked while holding her chopsticks.

[I'm gonna be late later gomenasai.]

[Nande Miyuki-kun?]

Kanade asked while looking confused.

[Because I have an short meeting with the Student Council President. She wanted me to be the next Student Council President. B-But don't worry we can still go to your place later.]

[Sure Miyuki-kun I understand that.]

Kanade-chan said it with a smile on her face.

[Arigato watashi o rikai shite kurete.]

I smiled to Kanade-chan.


[Ehem-ehem Miyuki-kun!]

Ayase called my attention with an slight rise of voice.

[What are we gonna do to our School Festival next week?]

[Well I was thinking about something, let's do an Cafe?]

I suggested to everyone.

[Well I agree demo lets suggest it to our Class Rep shall we?]

Ayase said it while taking a bite at her bread.

[Y-Yeah thats a good idea Miyuki-kun since Coffee is cheap and its famous here.]

Kanade-chan agreed.

[Y-Yeah sure. And oohh Ayase-chan.]

[What is it Miyuki-kun?]

Ayase asked while looking confused on her face.

[You can go ahead later when its dismissal later.]

Nande Miyuki-kun?]

[Because I have an meeting with Miyazaki-senpai]

 After I said that, Ayase froze of a second. A few seconds later she opened her lips again.


Ayase's face was so shocked while Kanade-chan had no idea about why Ayase is acting like that.

[Y-Yeah, she talked to me and begged me to be the next Student Council President. Since I am smart, caring, famous to the First years.]

I said what Miyazaki-senpai said to me to Ayase. While Kanade-chan's face was like "who is she?"

[W-Weell thats fine thats all. Good luck and do your best to be our Student Council President Miyuki-kun.]

Ayase said it while smiling but still in shock about the news.

[Y-Yeah do your best Miyuki-kun. You can do it.]

Kanade-chan said it while smiling.

[HAI! Arigato Ayase-chan soshite Kanade-chan for your support.]

I said it energeticly.


Both of them said it on the same time. ============Change Scene=========

After our homeroom Ayase already leaved the classroom while Kanade-chan was waiting for me outside. I got my bags and left the classroom. I got to the Student Council's Office. I saw Miyazaki-senpai was waiting for me with the rest of the Student Council Members.

[Miyuki-kun welcome back to the Student Council Office.]

[Miyazaki-senpai welcomed me again.


I said it with an shy tone of voice.

[I will introduce myself again. I am Miyazaki Tamako, The President of Student Council. This is Matsuda Goro, The Vice President. Next This Yoshioka Kameko, Secretary.

This is Ito Hiro, Treasurer.]

[Its nice to meet you Nishikawa-san.]

Matsuda-kun, Nakajima-chan and Ito-san said it at the same time.

[Now the Year Representatives.

This are Miura Akemi and Miura Chicharu, The Third Year Representatives.

Of course there your senpais.]

[Chotto mate kudasai. May I ask Akemi-san and Chicharu-chan twins?]

I asked the question lookimg curious.

[Hai, there are but its good that there on the different gender.]

Miyazaki-senpai said to me with a joking tone.

[Oohhhhhh, soka.]

I said with an plain face.

[Now I assume  that you already knew your Second Year Representatives right?]

[Hai I know them. That's Ueda Daichi and Iwasaki Hana.]

[Okay then Miyuki-kun thats nice to hear.

Any ways lastly the 1st Year Representatives,

Hori Kaori and Morita Kyoko.]

[Its our pleasure to meet you Nishikawa-senpai.]

[Yeah you too.]

[Now then Miyuki-kun I shall introduce you your own set of Officers.]

[Hai onegaishimasu.]

I didn't know why did I said please at the end.

[Hai you say so. But this group is not yet complete.]

[Sore wa dōiu imidesu ka?Miyazaki-senpai?]

I asked her with a little panic on my side.

[Well you don't have an Vice President yet and the other Third Year Representatives.

Only 1 more on 3rd year and 2 at 1st Year.

While the 2nd year hmmmmm Kyoko and Kaori joined at your set]

[Oohhh, soka so the vacant positions are Vice President, 1 in 3rd year and 2 1st years?]

[Hai thats all your vacant positions.]

[Alright Miyazaki-senpai Arigato ne.]


I smiled while I'm looking at Miyazaki-senpai.

[Your most welcome Mi-Yu-Ki-Kun~]

Miyazaki-senpai replied with an playful voice. I don't know why but I think Miyazaki-senpai likes to tease me, huh?

[Then I'll be going now]

 While I pick up my bag Miyazaki-senpai holds my hand.

[Matte Miyuki-kun.]

Miyazaki-senpai called me while still holding my hand.


Miyazaki-senpai now let go of my hand.

[Don't forget your excuse letter, here.]

Miyazaki handed me the excused letter for my Sensei to start the Student Council activities tomorrow.

[Thats for tomorrow okay? Any way thats why I handed your excused letter because your not gonna participate in the School Festival next week. And also its time to find your officers. Your Secretary and Treasurer are absent for today due to there important family trip yesterday. They Should be here tomorrow.]

[Wakatta Arigato Miyazaki-senpai.]

[Your welcome Miyuki-kun.]

I already got out from the office.

Man I am tired I just want to take a rest. Demo I made an promise to Kanade-chan.

Okay then I shall do it. I saw Kanade-chan outside of the school waiting for me. She looked tired from standing because I made her wait for me.

[Heeyyy Kanade-chan!]

I called.

[Ha-Hai? Oohh its just you Miyuki-kun. Mou, what took you so long huh I taught you already forgot your promise hmp.]

Ara? Is she picking up Ayase's attitude?

[Gomenasai Kanade-chan its just Miyazaki-senpai handed me the excuse letter.]

[Ore? What is that letter about?]

Kanade-chan asked with an curious face.

[Well uhhhmmmm I can't attend the class starting tomorrow and the School Festival next week.]


Kanade-chan said it with a surprised and furious voice.

[N-No not yet, but I'm gonna tell her tomorrow. Any ways lets go to your place?]

I asked her to change the atmosphere between us.

[Y-Yeah sure.]

We started walking towards her home.



(AN: Miyuki said it in english that's why it's in Japanese. Meaning of it is What should I do now?)

Calm down self its just her just treat her

like your childhood friend too.

[He-hey Miyuki-kun?]

Kanade-chan called me.


[Geezzz are you nervous?]


[Hontouni? Hehehe daijōbudesu ga, naze furuete iru nodesu ka?]


[Hai-hai-hai yokatta *giggles* thats your house right? Woah sugoi Miyuki-kun we are really neighbors *giggles*.]

[Y-Yeah it is but please don't tease me huhuhuhuhu.]

[Nante nakimushi Miyuki-kun. This is our home, please make your self at home okay?]


Mou, now Kanade-chan is teasing me.

We arrived at Kanade-chan's house.

[Okasan I'm home, I am with my classmate today.]

Kanade-chan said.

[Daijōbu watashi wa rikai shite iru. Demo say Kanade? Who is he?]

[Oohhh that's Nishikawa Miyuki my classmate that I talked you about yesterday.]

[Oohhhh I see he is the one who is your-]


[Hai hai musume.]

He is the one who is your what Hoshino-san? Oh never mind I think she is just teasing her daughter. Like mother like daughter.

[Tonikaku, etto... lets go to my room to study?]

[Uuhhhhhh hai]

The two of us are studying in her room, I'm teaching her Sicence, Math, English and Japanese Literature. Few hours had past we're finally done to study. It was dark outside I think its already gogo 9-ji at night, all of a sudden.

[Ne, Miyuki-kun.]

Kanade-chan called me.

[Hai, sorehanandesuka?]

[Cc-can you turn around for a bit?]


I asked nervously.

[Because I'm gonna change my clothes. Oh yeah hentai ni naranaide.]

[Ha-hai I won't look.]

I already turned my back and faced the wall while she was changing her clothes. I can hear her zipper from her skirt. I didn't anything much but I was still shy and I feel gikochinai while she was changing her clothes. Mou, Kanade-chan why didn't just let me outside of your room if you're gonna change your clothes.

After a few seconds later.

[Miyuki-kun you can look now.]


When I turned to her I saw her in her casual clothes.  Kanojo wa totemo kawaīdesu. Like she was really an Sakura.

This is bad, am I having an nosebleed right now?

[He-hey Miyuki-kun, Watashi wa nani o mimasu ka?]

Kanade-chan asked me. Good thing I didn't had a nosebleed.

[Anata wa totemo utsukushiku miemashita okiniiri kawaiidesu.]

[Hontōni? Watashi wa kawaiidesu?]


[Kanade Yūshoku no junbi ga dekimashita.]

Her Okasan said right near to her door.

[Hai we're coming. Lets' go Miyuki-kun?]

Kanade-chan asked me.

[E-e tashikani.]

[Dewa, ikimashou?]

[Yeah let's eat.]

We headed downstairs towards the Dinning Room.

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