
Meeting Rosalie

Rosalie had been very busy day in day out. She felt like she had experienced a lot of dimensions of hardship in life. This particular one was the most burdensome, but she dared not complain. After the reform of the Fence government, she was made a minister of technology, she also won Nobel Peace Prize alongside her team. Mrs. Clementina had declined the offer, saying that she had to continue leading the team.

Rosalie wasn't young anymore; she was soon clocking 24, but this didn't bother her. There were way more things that she had to focus on, she had to do well.

At the end of yet another meeting, she checked the time on her phone. She was planning to go to a party that night. She was unwilling to go, but she had skipped so many of them, the relationship between her and her party-animal colleagues was turning sour.

"You don't need to accompany me tonight," Rosalie said as Clara entered the car with her.