
Vacation Plans

"Are you on a date?" she asked me, her smile fading when she saw Ms. McCrae's hand in my pocket.

"No. No we're not," Ms. McCrae answered.

She pulled her hand away.

"Oh. Miss Dionna. The manager."


"We are going home now because it's getting colder," I said to Sofia.

"Want to come in? I'm having a small party. Don't tell me you forgot that it's my birthday today."

Oh. Right. January 14.

"I guess I forgot. Happy Birthday. I wish you good health and long life."

"We have good food inside if you're hungry," she invited again.

"Thank you but we had a late lunch," I responded.

"How about wine? We can hire a driver later to take you home."

"Sofia it's fine. Thank you so much for the invitation."

Her jaws tightened.

"Okay. Alright then. Thank you for the greetings."

"Happy Birthday Sofia. Nice to see you again," Ms. McCrae said to her.