

Parker carries me carefully to the doctor of the village. His name was Harvey and he seemed nice. He looked me over and took gold root and rubbed my ankle with it. I asked for some spices or medicine as he puts it. I know Bai would like it. Parker carried me back to the cabin. I absent mindly mess with his hair. I didn't notice till he stopped. "I guess you like my hair." He said looking down at me. His face was warm and gentle. I just couldn't help myself from pulling him into a kiss. It took him a minute but he eventually kissed back. I place my hand over his heart. It was fluttering like the wings of a bird. He pulled away looking at me confused. "I'm sorry if you didn't like it. I couldn't help myself." I panic only to have him nuzzle my neck. "I don't mind when you do it. You are my female after all. If you want to play with my hair its ok. If you want to kiss me its definitely ok with me." He said before kissing my cheek. When we made it back Bai was nowhere to be seen. "I told her to stay here. Why didn't she listen?!" He growled frustrated least someone else gets it. "She is spoiled and pampered brat." I said as he sat me down on the straw. "Mother and father preferred her over me even though we are twins. The only difference is my yes are green while her's is purple." He holds me close to him nuzzling me. "You don't have to worry about that anymore. You are with me now. All my affection and attention is yours." I smile rolling over my face in his chest. He is warm doubt I need a blanket. I soon fall asleep in his arms.

Parker pov

I watch Iris sleep for a bit. She was adorable but I had to go find her sister. I kissed her head. "I'll be back soon honey. I have to go find your sister before she gets hurt." I said shifting into my Leppard form running off. It was about to rain soon anything could happen. On the outskirts of the village I spotted her coming back but she was holding something. I shifted forms snatching it from her. It was a Feral Snake skin. "Where did you find this?" I command to know. "By the lake why whats wrong?" She asked stupidly. "This is the skin of a Feral. I'm going to gather some people and go look for him." I said giving back the skin. "What will you do when you find?" She asked dumbass questions. "Kill him of course he is dangerous. Your sister will have my litter soon. I don't want a Feral around." I said only to find she ran off. "Wha not again!" I yell before following her sent. When I got to her the Feral had her in his arms. "Let her go!" I yelled engaging in a fight with him. He had me in his tail squeezing the life out of me. Bai screams for him to let me go. He does and leaves with Iris's sister. I wake a little while later my hand in Iris's lap. I try to sit up but she prevents me from doing so. "Parker you are hurt please stay down till Harvey gets here." She had tears in her eyes. "You please go get Harvey. Tell him he is awake to come quickly." The male she was talking to nod rushing off. Its irritating but I know now more than ever she loves me.