

The Ape king could not shake what he saw in Meadow's future. The male looked young had a white streak of hair on the right side of his face. Chocolate eyes tan skin buff. They felt happy but in his eyes he saw sadness. Wait didn't Curtis want to take Bai to the sea? The black chrystal shattered. The dust on the floor this means she has..... The Ape king realizes just what happened. "We are to late she gave birth." He said grimly before giving the order to kill Bai and the cubs.

In Fox village word spread the Chief's son female had given him sons. The village started to celebrate congratulating the two parents. The kits were small but full of energy. They play with their father and mother learning to pounce and hunt. All was happy till the App king's men swept threw and was killing everyone female's,Children,Males. Castile got Bai and the kits out of the village only to be stopped by Curtis. He and Castile share a long stare before Cas pushes Bai and his Kits to Curtis. "Take care of her and raised our son's well. Arrow,Phoenix,Casper be good listen to your mother. Know that I love you and will always be here to guide you." He said taking in the sight of his sons and female before being a distraction. Bai screams and cried for him to come back but Curtis picked her up racing off to safety. The fox mark disappeared from her left arm. That night she looks at the fox kits tears flowing. "My love I will raise them as you wanted. They will never forget you I will always tell them of you and your final act of love. One day the City of beasts will burn for this." she swor it to a man that could no longer be with her.

Iris pov

I felt an uneasy feeling from the west. Then I received word of the fox village being burned and everyone but my sister and her kits were killed.I hold my mouth because she will think it was me that ordered this. For once I had no part in it. The Appe king did this but why?