

My heart was ramming against my ribs, as I ran threw the halls. The worst going threw my mind as worried as his mother was it only made it worse. I make it to his room to see him laying clutching his side groaning in pain. "Parker!" I yelled rushing to his side. He looked at me weakly. "Parker what happened? Show me where you are hurt." I said moving his hand. It was just as I feared. His side had a gash that needed to be stiching right away. I grabbed thread and fish bone. "Winston go get the Ape king. Shu I need warm water and clean cloth, Curtis Hold him down. Parker what I am about to do is going to hurt. I need you to be strong for our cubs and me." I said kissing him tenderly. Once I got the materials we got started. It took an hour to finish stiching him up. The Ape king came in and examined him giving him something to calm and relieve his pain. "We should let him rest Iris you should go sit down think of the cubs." The Ape king said looking over Parker. Shu gave me some water while Winston massaged my shoulders. Curtis brought over some rabbit stew. "You should eat Iris." Curtis said helping feed me. it was nice having them all back. I felt safe but I am worried about Parker. What wound was had traces of venom that I was about to extract. The wound looked like a foot ball but thankfully nothing major was affected. He just needs to make it threw the night. Please my love don't leave me or our sons. I thought as a ate knowing the cubs inside me need it.

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"So you failed what a shocker. Then again your sister is smart and her males even more so. She is going to decide what to do with you. Let us pray Parker makes it threw the night. If he dies I bet she would want your head. " The Ape king laughed knowing my goose was cooked. "Why she puts up with a spoiled brat like you is beyond me. I guess family means a lot to her. " He said smirking at me. "You got to help me she is dangerous." I pleaded "How is a female blessed by the beast deity dangerous. That female preformed a healing stich on her hurt male. She is not Dangerous you are and I hope your blood paints the streets."