
Unlucky Reborn

Kazuki was an ordinary young man until a freak accident involving a piano falling from the sky abruptly ended his life. Instead of passing on to the afterlife, Kazuki finds himself reincarnated as a baby in a fantastical world filled with magic, dragons, and futuristic technology.lets see if you cry or laugh..? mystery

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13 Chs

chapter 13: the trouble.

Here's the updated scene with a bit more thriller and the added details:


In the dimly lit village hut, the tension was palpable. Ferod, the village's vice elder and a notorious figure among the villagers, was seething with rage. His mind was consumed by the recent decision of the village to allow the child, Kazuki, to stay despite his vehement opposition. Ferod had been one of the chief supporters of keeping the child away, convinced that the newcomer would bring nothing but trouble. 

The cold evening wind howled outside, rattling the wooden walls and sending shivers down the spines of those who dared venture close to the hut. Inside, Ferod's anger was barely contained. His face was a storm of fury, his features twisted into a mask of pure rage. 

His thoughts were dark and calculating. *If only the child had been sent away as I had suggested... I would have profited handsomely from selling him. The chaos surrounding this boy could be turned into a lucrative opportunity for me. Now, with the villagers siding with the outsiders, my plans are thwarted. How dare they disregard my expertise and experience!*

The night before, as the villagers had gathered to discuss the child's fate, Ferod had watched from a shadowy corner, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. He had been certain that the child's arrival would be the perfect opportunity to expand his business. The promise of profit had been enticing, but now it was slipping through his fingers like sand.

When the child was finally brought into the village, Ferod's heart had leapt with the thought of the potential profit. He had envisioned himself orchestrating a deal, selling the child to the highest bidder, or perhaps even using him to manipulate the village's fortunes to his advantage. The sight of the child being carried through the village gates had filled him with a twisted sense of anticipation. 

But as the villagers rallied against him and voiced their support for the child, Ferod's plans began to unravel. The realization that his schemes might be thwarted by the collective will of the villagers ignited a blaze of fury within him.

Kneeling before Ferod now was a butler, trembling with fear. He had served Ferod for years, but the vice elder's rage was something he had never witnessed before. The butler's eyes darted nervously around the room, searching for a means of escape, but there was none.

"Umm... sir, the dinner is ready..." the butler stammered, his voice barely audible. Every word felt like it could be his last.

**BAM!** Ferod's foot shot out, catching the butler square in the chest. The force of the blow sent the butler crashing into a nearby table, scattering plates and cutlery across the floor. The butler gasped for breath, pain radiating from his ribs, but he dared not show any weakness.

"Know your place, worm!" Ferod spat, his eyes blazing with unrestrained anger. "You're nothing but a servant—a wretched, insignificant creature I tolerate. Don't ever forget that!"

The butler, humiliated but resigned, bowed his head in submission. He knew the mark of his servitude was a constant reminder of the absolute control Ferod had over him. One wrong move, one word of dissent, and he would be condemned to a fate worse than death.

"Yes, my lord... this servant overstepped his bounds," the butler replied, his voice trembling as he struggled to hide his bitterness.

Satisfied with the butler's groveling, Ferod sneered and stormed off to the dining hall, where a feast awaited him. The butler, still nursing the pain from the kick, followed at a respectful distance, his pride shattered.

As Ferod entered the grand hall, the smell of roasted meats and spiced vegetables filled the air. The table was laden with an array of dishes fit for royalty. Ferod took his place at the head of the table, his earlier rage giving way to a greedy hunger.

Meanwhile, in a small adjacent room, Kazuki had long since woken up. The newborn lay in his crib, wide-eyed and alert, his tiny fists clenched in frustration. Beside him, a man slept soundly, his snores so loud they rattled the very walls of the hut. Kazuki, despite being just a baby, was filled with thoughts far too mature for his tiny body.

*Seriously?* Kazuki thought, rolling his eyes—or at least, trying to. *How can anyone snore this loudly? It's like sleeping next to a dragon with a sinus problem. If I had hands big enough, I'd shove those nasty, unwashed socks right into his mouth to shut him up. Or maybe I'd use a spell... If only I knew how to cast one.*

Kazuki's thoughts wandered to magic, something he had seen only in brief moments since his reincarnation. *Magic,* he mused, *now that's something I could really get behind. Imagine the possibilities! I could cast a silence spell and have some peace and quiet for once, or better yet, a spell that turns this guy into a pillow so I can finally get some decent sleep.*

But before Kazuki could delve deeper into his vengeful fantasies, the door creaked open, and a village nurse entered. She was an older woman, her face lined with years of hard work. As she approached the crib, her eyes fell on the snoring man, and she paused, stunned by the sheer volume of the noise.

"What in the name of the gods..." she muttered, her voice laced with a mix of awe and horror. "How can anyone snore so loudly? It's a wonder the roof hasn't caved in!"

Kazuki watched with growing interest as the nurse called for a local mage. Within moments, the mage arrived, a wiry man with a crooked nose and a calm demeanor. He took one look at the snoring man and, with a flick of his wrist, cast a silence spell.

*Finally!* Kazuki thought, his relief palpable as the room fell into blessed silence. *If only I could do that whenever I wanted. No more snoring, no more loudmouths... just peace. Maybe I could even figure out how to get out of this crib and explore a bit. Who knows what kind of trouble I could get into?*

But as exciting as the idea was, Kazuki's tiny brain was starting to get overwhelmed. The more he thought about it, the more exhausted he became. He could feel sleep creeping in, pulling him back into the comforting darkness.

*One day,* Kazuki promised himself, his thoughts slowing as sleep took over, *I'll be a mighty magician. I'll cast spells left and right, and no one will be able to stop me... not even God. But for now... I think I'll just... take a... quick nap...*

With that, Kazuki drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of magical exploits and grand adventures. The snoring man, now mercifully silent, remained blissfully unaware of the chaos he had caused. The village hut, once a place of tension and noise, now rested in a peaceful, enchanted quiet.